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i:. ..,. !*.a*,-. .--. L-. Jounralof Arrinral arrcl. Vctcri'ary Acir.a'ccs l() (iO): l,99-l3eS,2e1l. ISSN: l66L)--s-59-l. .01. ie'.Iedrve Joumals. ll. I. Cornp:rrison of Ilesponsc to Selectionin Thrce. flotrunercial Pure Lincs ol'Sillnvorrn in Spring. and Aututm. Sc:rsons. ,Fihsan.
i: .., !*.a*,-.. .-- L- Jounralof Arrinral arrcl Vctcri'ary Acir.a'ccs l() (iO): l,99-l3eS,2e1l ISSN: l66L)--s-59-l .01 ie'\.Iedrve Joumals. ll I Cornp:rrison of Ilesponsc to Selectionin Thrce flotrunercial Pure Lincs ol'Sillnvorrn in Spring and Aututm Sc:rsons ,Fihsan Hajian, :Alireza Scrclavi ancl rAbolghasemLaw,af 'l)eltartrnentof Antmal Science.Islamic Azad Unirrersitl,, Karaj Branch, Karaj, Iran 'Dcpartmcnt of Animal Scicnce. Islanic Azacl {Jnir,.ersity. Rashi Bra'ch. rtasht. Iran A b s t r a c t:Atle xp e r llr r e n tu ,a sclo n e itr o r < Je .rto"on' .:n*''i soasio,,ri p.pr-rtar.roneaculi,e c.,,sists I3ase. in c,f hi.o selecri'carrrt ll:;::],:'li:::l::"J],:]]j,|lu .111 rardor'11'grollps selecti'e group to each of the stuched li.es. supe'or -1[)cocoor*rale ad,u based oti slnglc c.rcootr u'eight after "."*rlti-.tr,',lil sirgle recordurg of the t]u'." coco.rr] rverglrt fu.trrts. cocoon shell rvcrghl a'rcl cocoort shell percentage of the populaiorr selected 3p arrcr a'other .a'clom nrirti'g u,ere sir.e' Rarclorn "'u* gt oup (colltrol ) relatccl t. each of the st.dic'd l,rcs, zlo rnale oocoorr a'd ,10 fer.trle cLrcoons ra'domly selectecl rvttltout an1' recorcL.e of the menhotted t.aits ano's 3P populatio' had bee' gathered a'cl crossecl. Lr the first gcncrattott of dre zlt-lprodu.ced^larvae eggs categories i'each g.ou1: of each liuc, g categorres u,it6 iratched p e r c e n t ag e a n d su ita l' r lcfe r tr lityfo r b r e e d i' g w ereh.atchecl thri si acl i groupco'si stecl o1'B ternrrl i esi neacsl rre of brot'crs arrd srsters (r'vrtha parent). All tiie fintge'e'aliorL clata files corxist of 24(10 records t l a i t s ( 8 ' ,' - )r e co r c' sp e r ' n e ) F ' r a lly:u n o q g tr regt'i ni l i cspergroup'reacrrrr'c4frntrl c:cocool 'sa'cl for each of il,rr.ce 4r)i .crnal e coctlolls u'eie ctosseci ra'doinly to procluoe 4(-)larvae eggs catego'ies .f next ge'eratlor. r3r.eedurg1-rr..cess and producing ror' dntir'r seconcl ge'eratror or 2p z'rd tili-icl geri.atio' o. f .u. dorre as thc same as the g e r l e r a t lo n Alld a ta file su r a lllitr e sco n ta u t7 6 8(trecordsfi orneachofthetl l -eetmrtsw erestudred(2560recorcl s fir.st in each lire) It should be notecl tirat only selecteclpopulatio' i' all lines *r, ;;;,,;;;, ,,""r""n.ur,i,o,, .,-1 all crosslrrg in tlest getreiatiolrs u'ere carnccl our ranclomll,. AccorchrLg to urfonriatiorr a'arilable tLl sel)arate spritrg alrd l-all seasolrs. the efreclq of clata u'ere sepa'atecl a'd tie ."iorrr* to sglgolio,, separatel' fcrr g,1.1, seasoll' 't't'cterecorcletl arrclsar"ed irl the cornputcr. Separatiorr of efl'ecls in s1.,rurg arrd rall seraso's o,ri i c s p o l l s L ls t. it clltlice o ltl,- e c lllle s tlf tlte abo'e acfu,rs scrasr).-l l cctsl rorn,ecl "ur'p.r." tJratspri re efrects o, tl uee trarl s o 1 ' l l L a it a lld ;ltltr xllll e l- le ct o tt tir u h a its of these tual Ls\\,as srgni fi czrLrr stati sti cal l v. hrcl i |rdtul sel ectron pertbnitirtlce cotrlparisorts i'base popultrtion of a[nve tl*ee cor"re.ciar lires btrsecl o, coc()ol.l r.r,crg5t and tespoltse to selectecl d'ee' lilres for ?7 traits exanrr'ecl in thrs srurl, shou,ecl drat sprure effecl o, th.ee tr.arts .i l7 studiccl traits is sig'rifica't a.rd the autumn o. the four traits har.e sig'ific.urt euects. sprirlq eifect .rr tirrc:e tl'aits in 1hc:llupae vitaliry percelllage in rnicldle cocoo.lls. lanrae durat-iol1ar-rcl ruriatc]recl thc eggs nunrbc,r.,1.hc- allturrln orl lour lrails v'as sigllficant effects. Sprurg eflect orr tlrrec r.uit, uip..rpr" vrtalitl,percertage i. nrrc1cll. cooooll' la^'ae duratiorl at-rd,n-hatchecl eggs ,r,unb",. *,as sigr'fica.t. AutLnrn effect o' th.ee traits of lrui,a.r cocoou, best c'ocoo'perce.tasc, nidcltecocoo' perce'rase and .urtrarctred eqes ;i,:];:" il::lllTJ],best 6rugrdg.4qt4{@ pe,rrornr anqe.s1;rirg IN'I'ITODITCTION orqanic l'er1ilizer.. ]t anrl K vitrrrnirrs alrrl also to ieccl Itt'cstock atd aquacul tue (A i rsal al cl R ai l na1. .)rX )l; Silk. a substrutcu- that is procltrcecl li-onr silku,onrr S ercl aviand B i ;4tarl i a. 2{,x)E ). Tl re ol r_l ecti l c ol a:ri rrra l sahva rvhich is appliecl ur srll.: textile ruchstrl,. 1-ul;b.-1 brccdrng is not ituplovi-tre art rurfnirl but improvtrrlcnt mal:utg,milrttur',plrannaceLrtioal, soup nra,king u,r,l o1' uui rtal eoi l )ntrrul tes l (, unl r(,\ c l ul rur. l i etrerattot]. r ",r.1r". rnarkurq t--.)f cor-rrse nretlioure_ in a;tificial bloocl vessels (.Plraslnrri et ul.. 2(t(11 ancl Lhc ) trltrnrale guol ol Lrrcedur!{ iurtl thc surgrcal th.crtcl prel;are of silk is usecl u,lrrch actrt'i ti es i s access l cr gerreti o i rnJ:t.cx,erl Lel t rrot i rnprovuru havc gooti rluitlrtt' iuril oLltconlo.It shoultl b,: nc.tccl ettvtromtretrti tlcorrcl i ti ons( S erdar.i i l rrl B i ,,_l l rxul i t.1,,,,S , tlrat urilikel-reolllLrs'tcica. silkrr,onnrs rrotorlv unpoitarnl i 3rc..di rri :sl -reoi al rst o.rr rarrl cral l l c l rrer,i l urgL;;rseior tl rerr l irr prochrctrcrrr also its stoitl is usccl i,, trut 1r,."1_,n,,,,nl ,,r c,ccl i rtgr.al ucs arrcl ratnc)\.f l ttu. ri tnl .rrrg i l l ri nl i tl s i l trl C o r r e q l o ' d i n g .\u th o r .: .,U e za Se id .,vi.De p iL d n tc' l ir .i ..furutralS ci encl Islirutic r\zircl L Itl l,et-si1)'. RirslrtBr iLncrh. Rrslrt. Ii.ir rr I 29t)