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E-CULTURE & E-TOURISM. Murat GÜMÜŞ Naim ŞENOL Mesut YILMAZ Armağan KORKUSUZ Ece Ceren ÇİÇEK. TABLE OF CONTENTS. 1.CULTURE & E-CULTURE 1.1 What are The Culture and E-Culture? 1.2 Parts of E-Culture 1.2.1 e-newspaper, e-magazine 1.2.2 e-book and it’s advantages 1.2.3 e-library
TABLE OF CONTENTS • 1.CULTURE & E-CULTURE • 1.1 What are The Culture and E-Culture? • 1.2 Parts of E-Culture • 1.2.1 e-newspaper, e-magazine • 1.2.2 e-book and it’s advantages • 1.2.3 e-library • 1.2.4 e-museum, e-ticket • 1.2.5 Virtual tour & Panaroma • 1.3 Affects of E-Culture on All of The World Countries and Social Life • 1.3.1 Journalism • 1.4 Future of E-Culture
2.TOURISM & E-TOURISM • 2.1 What is Tourism? • 2.2 What is E-Tourism? • 2.2.1 Tools Used in E-Tourism • 2.2.2 Web services • 2.3 Why E-Tourism? • 2.4 Advantages of E-Tourism • 2.5 Design Strategies of E-Tourism • 2.6 Applicationsof E-Tourism • 2.6.1 GIS(Geographic Information Systems in Tourism Industry) • 2.6.2 Blue Flag Project • 2.6.3 Navigation • 2.7 World Tourism Organization Tourism Report and Turkey • 2.8 Turkey’s Advantages in Tourism • 2.9 Turkey’s Disadvantages in Tourism • 2.10 The Advantages of E-Tourism to Turkey’sTourism • 2.11 ApplicationsRelatedto E-Tourism • 3.REFERENCES
1.1 What are Culture and E-Culture? • Culture is defined as the shared patterns of behaviors and interactions, cognitive constructs, and affective understanding that are learned through a process of socialization. These shared patterns identify the members of a culture group while also distinguishing those of another group. • “Culture is a way of life of a society.” C. WIESLER • E-culture is a policy term used to describe the ever shifting relationship between new information and communication technology and the production and consumption of culture and the arts.
E-culture is both technological and a social development.There seems to be a widespread consensus that new digital and networking technologies like the World Wide Web (WWW) and the Internet have the capacity to reorder the domains of everyday social and personal life by transforming work and knowledge forms, gender and body politics, health and science, domestic life and entertainment as well as transforming national economics and international relations, democracy and the distribution of power (Dona Kolar-Panov, 2003). • Culture spreads in digital media mostly as tv, radio and Net.
1.2 Parts of E-Culture • E-book , e-newspaper, e-magazine Nowadays all books, newspapers and magazines of different cultures are available in the Net. • E-mail,Social network, media People can communicate people all over the world. • E-museum, e-ticket • Virtualtour, Panaroma
1.2.1 E-Newspaper E-Newspapers are newspapers which are published electronically. They can take the form of normal print publications published on the Internet; additional or complimentary content to print publications published on-line; or original publications published exclusively on the World Wide Web. Many news organizations require subscription to e-newspapers, just like regular print newspapers. E-newspapers are often associated with an existing newspaper in print. Most e- newspapers do not have enumeration, though they do have chronology, and many maintain archives of back issues online.
1. 2. 2 E-Book E-Book is a bookthat is published in electronic form, forexample on the Internet or on a disk, and not printed. Whyaren’t e-booksmore Popular? • Tactileloss : I likethefeelandsmell of paper / I can’tread on a screen • Lendingloss : I wanttolendmybookstowho I want. • Library loss : I want a librarythatwilllastforever.
Advantages of E-Books • Mobility: • Carryyourentirelibrary in yourpocket: With disk spacequicklybecoming a commodity, andthe size of portabledevice hard drivesgettingbiggerandbigger, it’sconceivabletothinkthatyoucouldhaveyourentirelibrarywithyouandhave it accessibletoyourfingertips. • SavingPhysical Space: • Your Library is as Big as your Disk Drive: Yourlibrary can grow as big as the disk spaceyouhaveavailableandwill be relativelysmallcomparedtowallsandwalls of bookshelves. And, dueto disk spacebecoming a commodity, it’ssafeto say you’llprobablyneverrunout of spacetostoreyourlibrary in yourlifetime.
Saving Time & Money: • No ShippingCostsorWait Time: This is a mucheasierargumentfor me toproveliving as an expatwithbookpricesbeingastronomical in a non-English speakingcountry. But, rememberthatwhenyoueliminatetheneedforshippingthatbooktowhereyouphysicallyare, therewill be somecostbenefits. • Ease-of-Use • Adjust Font Size foranyEyes: Adjustthe font size, typeand background color of yourelectronicbookperyourpreferences.
1. 2. 3 E-Library Largescaledigitizationprojectsareunderway at Google, theMillionBook Project, and Internet Archive. Withcontinuedimprovements in bookhandlingandpresentationtechnologiessuch as opticalcharacterrecognitionandebooks, anddevelopment of alternativedepositoriesandbusinessmodels, digitallibrariesarerapidlygrowing in popularity. Just as librarieshaveventuredintoaudioand video collections, sohavedigitallibrariessuch as the Internet Archive.
1.2.5 E-Museum, E-Ticket • A museum is an institutionthatmakesavailableartifacts, scientific, artistic, cultural, orhistoricalobjectsforpublicviewing. • Withtheentry of the Internet toourlives ,themuseumsthatculturalheritage is exhibited is movingtoelectronicmedia. • Themostfamousmuseums web sitescontaintheinformationabouthistory of themuseum, variableinformation of museumartifactsandtheircreaters,. • Also, theadvantageslikevirtualtoursandqueriesfromthemuseumdatabase is alsoavailable . • Thewebsite of TheLouvreMuseumthat is one of themostfamousmuseumsallovertheworld is an example of museums in theelectronicmedia. • Inourcountry, similarapplications can be appliedsome of themuseums. • Isparta museum is one of them.
IzmirArcheologyMuseum – e-museumguidancesystem Started in 1 November 2011 foroneyear. It is establishedintoIzmirArcheologyMuseum. Itcontains 24 headphonesand 2 chargestations. is an audioandvisualguidancesystemand has supports of Turkish, English andGermanlanguages. MuseumCard Thefirstcard of Turkeyprovidesvisitingmuseums. Easilyvisitingthemuseumsfor a charge of 15-50 TLsfor 1 year. MuseumPassIstanbulforforeigntourists
Thankstothedevelopingtechnology, tickets of cinemas, theatres, museums, seminarsandconcerts can be boughtfromthe Net. • Forcinematickets, emptycinemahallsandemptyseats can be easilyshown in the Net.
1. 2. 5 Virtual Tour&Panaroma A virtual tour is a simulation of an existinglocation, usually composed of a sequence of panaromic images. They also may use other multimedia elements such as sound effects, music and text. The phrase "virtual tour" is often used to describe a variety of video and photographic-based media. Panorama indicates an unbroken view, since a panorama can be either a series of photographs or panning video footage. The first use of a Virtual Tour was in 1994 as a museum visitorinterpretation.
Affects of E-Culture The information and communication technology (ICT) revolution started some decades ago but its development towards network logic that wasbrought about by the Internet gave it an extra push. The concept of an information society suggests universal and free access to information services (thus knowledge)for all citizens/users/consumers andpossibility for anactive participation in knowledge sharing. Rapid growth of the Internet, in number of its users and available information and services that can be accessed through it, indicate the importance of activities taking place in the virtual domain.
Journalism • The internet and disseminate tools and easier access to information, as well as reducedaccess to information almost no cost. • Video, graphics, sound and text on the internet are closely intertwined structure occurred in a diverse media. The newspaper printed only on paper appeared to be a media tool. • Increasing the level of competition! Thanks to social media and mobile technologies at a time when everyone potentially can be a journalist, journalists working in newspapers, the only other competitor, but also his readers of his colleagues.
Future of E-Culture • Acts of cyber attacks and will continue to increase in a more organized way. • Opportunities for the new user interface, keyboard, mouse will begin to eliminate the dependency. Now every plane screen, voice commands, start to become standard. • Mobile technologies will continue to get more space on the table. Location-basedapplications will act as a dynamo process. • Merging social media networks to the TVandSocial TV Appswillhavebig role.
Increase the popularity of social networking applications to unifying the different contents. Thus, this kind of person with a single application environment profiles of social media to reach all the different social media sites to produce the content. • Spread application of HomeOffice
E-Culture in theworld www.everyculture.com
E-Culture in Mobile eCulturePass in Google Play
E-Culture in Turkey www.kultur.gov.tr
2.1 What is Tourism? • Tourism is travelfor recreational, leisure or business purposes. • Tourism can be domestic or international, and international tourism has both incoming and outgoing implications on a country's balance of payments. Today, tourism is major source of income for many countries, and affects the economy of both the source and host countries, in some cases it is of vital importance.
2.2 What is E-Tourism? • e-Tourism means that using of information technologies in tourism sector. • e-Tourism enclose all goods, service, product transaction and money transfer with electronic systems. • Today, Depending on the rapid developments in information technologies, the global competitiveness in tourism is carried to internet.
2.2.1 Tools Used in E-Tourism • Call center • Internet • Intranet • Web services
Call Center Tourist - a key consumer needs details on destinations, facilities, availibilities, prices, geography & climate information. If it is out of country then border controls & relations. A call center agent might handle account inquiries, customer complaints or support issues.
Internet The Internet and especially the Web is one of the main driving forces for new developments by providing new powerful tools and possibilities of doing business. It is a perfect platform for the travel and tourism industry to bring information about its products to the customers all over the world, in a direct, cost minimizing, and time effectiveway.