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The Medical University of Vienna is... a medical institution with a tradition of over 640 years one of the largest biomedical research institutions in Europe the largest Medical University in Central Europe (more than 7.500 students)
The Medical University of Vienna is... • a medical institution with a tradition of over 640 years • one of the largest biomedical research institutions in Europe • the largest Medical University in Central Europe (more than 7.500 students) • employer of over 5.000 people (1.800 researchers, 1.600 physicians) • linked to Europe’s largest hospital, the General Hospital of Vienna and provides its Medical staff • operating since 2004 as an independent institution (formerly a Faculty of University of Vienna)
University Management Rector Wolfgang Schütz Deputy Rector EducationRudolf Mallinger Deputy Rector FinancePeter Soswinski Deputy Rector for HR Development & the Promotion of Women´s IssuesKarin Gutierréz-Lobos Deputy Rector for Clinical IssuesWolfgang Wagner
Research money 2008 • Total Budget: € 311 Mio • Funding: € 73 Mio Invention disclosure/ Filed patent 2008 • 23 new ‚patents filed’ • 20 consecutive ‚patents filed’ • 8 National ‘patents filed’ • 5 patents issued Scientific Output 2010 • 9.153 impact factors in scientific journals
Focal Points of Research at the MedUni Vienna • Research Clusters • Allergology/ Immunology/ Infectiology • Cancer Research/ Oncology • Neuroscience • Vascular MedicineClinical Programs • Organ Failure/Replacement of Organs/Transplants • Intensive Care • Metabolism and Nutritional Medicine • Basic Sciences/ Diagnostics/ Imaging • Musculo-skeletal Disorders
Education | 2011 • Degree Programme Human Medicine (N202) • Degree Programme Dentistry (N203) • 10 Doctoral Degree Applied Medical Science (N790) • 14 PhD Doctoral Degree (N094) • Master's Degree Medical Informatics (N936) • 13 Postgraduate University Courses
Patient Care / Prevention • 31 University Clinics and Clinical Institutes • 12 medical-theoretical Departments • 46.400 surgeries (2010) • 104.000 patients treated as inpatients (2010) • 561.000 patients treated as outpatients (2010)
Gerard van Swieten and Vienna During the reign of Maria Theresia (1740-1780) Viennese medicine first attained international significance. The Habsburg Monarch summoned the Dutch physician, Gerard van Swieten, to Vienna. He in turn laid the foundation for the „Vienna Medical School“. Anton de Haen, Maximilian Stoll, Lorenz Gasser, Anton von Störck, and the discoverer of the percussion technique, Leopold Auenbrugger, all taught and conducted research in the imperial city. Based on longstanding traditions, what now is referred to as “bedside teaching” also became the paradigmatic educational method during this period. Our History... 1365 Foundation of the University of Vienna (Second University in the Holy Roman Empire after Prague) 1404 The first anatomic section is mentioned 1555 Formation of a Surgical Chair
Birthplace of Specialized MedicineWhen the General Hospital opened in 1784, physicians acquired a new facility that gradually developed into the most important research center. During the 19th century, the "Second Viennese Medical School" emerged as the most important medical school in Euope next to Paris, with the contributions of physicians such as Karl Rokitansky, Josef Skoda, Ferdinand von Hebra and Ignaz Philipp Semmelweis. Basic medical science expanded and specialization advanced. Furthermore, the first dermatology, eye, as well as ear, nose and throat clinics in the world were founded in Vienna. 1847 Dr. Ignaz Semmelweis discovers, that the incidence of puerperal fever can be cut by implementing hand-washing standards and lays the basis for modern clinical hygiene 1881 The pioneer of modern surgery, Theodor Billroth performs the first successful gastrectomy 1897 Dr. Gabriele Possanner, MD is the first woman to graduate from the University of Vienna 1902 Karl Landsteiner discovers blood groups 1908 Clemens Pirquet coins the term “Allergy”
National Socialismand Vienna Medicine With the annexation of Austria by National Socialist Germany on 13 March 1938, the darkest phase in Viennese medicine began. More than half of the University medical instructors, mostly those of Jewish descent, and 65% of Viennese physicians were dismissed. Many renowned researchers, physicians, and students were forced to emigrate or died in concentration camps and under other tragic circumstances. The victims of National Socialism shall always be remembered. The Medical University of Vienna perceives the 13th of March 1938 as a date of admonition and commemoration. 1938Dismissal, expulsion and deportation of Jewish teachers and students as well as of political opponents during the National Socialist period 1945Reopening of the university 1996 The new General hospital (AKH) is inaugurated as Europe‘s largest Clinic.1998 A campus for humanistic studies is established in the historic „Old General Hospital“2004 Independence and autonomy of the Medical University of Vienna takes effect
MUVI The Medical University of Vienna is the first Austrian medical university to operate in the international healthcare market. Participation in major international projects make it possible for the Medical University of Vienna and its staff to expand its scientific and commercial know-how and to obtain new financial resources. The Medical University of Vienna International Hospital Operations GmbH (MUVI) was founded in 2005 for this purpose; its core activity is participation in international healthcare projects. • Medical University of Vienna International Hospital Operations GmbH (MUVI) • The MedUni provides Medical Staff and/or Medical Counselling for Hospitals in • Malaysia • Abu Dhabi (UAE) • Libya • Kazachstan
Please find more information on the Medical University of Vienna www.meduniwien.ac.at