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MODU Code Revision

Slide 2. 02 September 2012. MODU Code Revision. How to handle Industrial Equipment. MODU Code 1.2.2 indicates that Industrial Systems are not included.Chapter 4 (4.1.1) talks about the requirements contained in chapters 4 to 8 applying to both marine and industrial equipment (at least in terms of

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MODU Code Revision

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    1. MODU Code Revision IADC Workshop of September 1st 2005 – DNV General Comments

    2. Slide 2 02 September 2012 MODU Code Revision How to handle Industrial Equipment. MODU Code 1.2.2 indicates that Industrial Systems are not included. Chapter 4 (4.1.1) talks about the requirements contained in chapters 4 to 8 applying to both marine and industrial equipment (at least in terms of protecting personnel from effects of industrial equipment) Is there a need for clarification of the intent WRT industrial equipment? Lifting Appliances – Chapter 12 Covers cranes, personnel lifts and drilling derricks. What about all the other lifting devices? e.g. BOP cranes, run way beams, etc? Against what should cranes be approved and surveyed? Who is considered a competent person Applicability of SOLAS Amendments Should there be a better definition (e.g. a general statement at the start of the code) about the applicability of SOLAS  amendments to Self Propelled and Non-Self Propelled Units,  At the moment it is very confusing, for instance does Ch V of SOLAS amendments apply? The answer is yes to self propelled units, but it is difficult to show the legal trail.

    3. Slide 3 02 September 2012 MODU Code Revision Major Conversion – should there be a statement similar to SOLAS to define major conversion and which edition of the code to apply? Non-Self Propelled & Dynamic Positioning - Is there a need to address the use on Non-Self Propelled status when a vessel has additional class notation for Dynamic Positioning? MODU Certificate - covers construction, equipment and radio. Would it be a good idea to have the sea area on the certificate? (It is normally found on safety radio cert, but not on MODU code cert.) No specific MODU radio cert. Hydrocarbon Storage Drillships (possibly semis) with storage capability. Currently 13 Drillships with storage. How to apply MARPOL (possibly the same way as FPSO’s). Perhaps MODU code can reference the new MSC circular for FPSO’s and the application of MARPOL. If there was something in the code it may prevent flag states coming out with different interpretations.

    4. Slide 4 02 September 2012 MODU Code Revision Protection against flooding (Ch.8.4) - Only UMS need alarms and bilge wells. What about closed voids necessary for buoyancy? (SOLAS requires.) Fixed Fire Fighting - should thruster rooms have fixed fire fighting if they cannot be readily accessed in an emergency? Safety of Navigation (14.7) - Should this reference the IALA requirements for U-lights? (Appears to be the generally accepted standard.) MODU Code Survey Scheme should we have a harmonized survey scheme under the 89 code even for units under 79 code? technical requirements would still be under the code applicable to keel lay date. Radio Surveys – should we include a time window for the radio surveys like under SOLAS? (e.g. 3 months each side of anniversary date)

    5. Slide 5 02 September 2012 MODU Code Revision Liferaft Launching – should consideration be given to making davits mandatory for liferafts on semis or other units where the distance to sea from the stowage position is above a certain height? Environmental Limitations – should there be a definition at the beginning of the code explaining that ‘warm’ climates are defined as within the latitudes of …….…… (e.g. Liberia states +32° to -32° ) Retrospective Application - when (if ever) should parts of MODU Code be made retrospective. SOLAS defines what should be retrospective but MODU does not.

    6. Slide 6 02 September 2012

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