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Where are we?. Last topic: I/O Completion PortsRemind me what we did last class
1. Win32 Programming Lesson 27: I/O Completion Ports
2. Where are we? Last topic: I/O Completion Ports
Remind me what we did last class…
3. Threads (again) Concurrent model where a thread is created to handle the request
Leverages thread pooling
But it is *very* gnarly
4. CreateIoCompletionPort HANDLE CreateIoCompletionPort( HANDLE hFile, HANDLE hExistingCompletionPort, ULONG_PTR CompletionKey, DWORD dwNumberOfConcurrentThreads);
Pretty confusing, as it does two things…
5. Step 1 HANDLE CreateIoCompletionPort( INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, NULL, 0, dwNumberOfConcurrentThreads);
Creates a new port with dwNumberOfConcurrentThreads (max)
What do you notice missing from typical Kernel Object calls?
6. Step 2 Associate a Device with this port
CreateIoCompletionPort( hDevice, hCompletionPort, dwCompletionKey, 0);
Next, create 2*CPU threads…
7. Per Thread Wait for requests, putting yourself to sleep in the process
BOOL GetQueuedCompletionStatus( HANDLE hCompletionPort, PDWORD pdwNumberOfBytesTransferred, PULONG_PTR pCompletionKey, OVERLAPPED ** ppOverlapped, DWORD dwMilliseconds);
Which port are we monitoring? How long to sleep for?
8. Example DWORD dwNumBytes;ULONG_PTR CompletionKey;OVERLAPPED * pOverlapped;BOOL bOk = GetQueuedCompletionStatus(hIOCP, &dwNumBytes, &CompletionKey, &pOverlapped, 1000);DWORD dwError = GetLastError;if (bOk) { // IO Request OK} else { if (pOverlapped !=NULL) { // We failed… } else { if (dwError == WAIT_TIMEOUT) { // We timed out } else { // Bad call to fn } }}
9. Note IO Completion Requests are FIFO (why?)
Thread awakenings are LIFO (why?)
Vista allows you to retrieve multiple requests at once (why is this helpful?)
And now we get to the point
How this works when a thread goes to sleep…
10. Don’t Need a Real Completion BOOL PostQueuedCompletionStatus( HANDLE hCompletionPort, DWORD dwNumBytes, ULONG_PTR CompletionKey, OVERLAPPED* pOverlapped);
Very neat way to do this and has lots of other uses
Vista: CloseHandle (hCompletionPort) wakes all threads and returns FALSE with ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE
Every single person who stuck with me this class has done well!