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p p Z 4 lepton Analysis. Bing Zhou. Single Resonant Observation and cross-section measurement. Preliminary studies done based on 7 TeV and 8 TeV (HCP dataset) Working group mailing list: atlas-phys- sm - zsr Analysis Twiki page created by Jianbei Liu
pp Z 4 lepton Analysis Bing Zhou
Single Resonant Observation and cross-section measurement • Preliminary studies done based on 7 TeV and 8 TeV (HCP dataset) • Working group mailing list: atlas-phys-sm-zsr • Analysis Twiki page created by Jianbei Liu • Supporting note in SVN by Alan Wilson: • svn+ssh://svn.cern.ch/reps/atlasusr/wilsona/SingleZ4l/SingleZ4lNote2012/trunk Introduction Z 4 lepton
Analysis Scope and MC modeling • Measurement of sZxBr (Z eeee,mmmm, eemm and mmee) • Weekly Analysis meeting chaired by Jianbei Liu • MC signal modeling and production: -- Cross-section: MCFM and Powheg+pythia8 -- Event generations: Powheg, and Sherpa (x-check) • Proposed MC event production filter: • At least three leptons with pT>5 GeV, |eta| < 2.7 • MZ1 > 10m GeV, MZ2 > 0.25 GeV; M4l > 40 GeV • 300k for four process above; and maybe additional 100k for process involving Z tautau
Dataset and Time Table • 7 TeV data (4.8 fb-1) • 8 TeV data (full 2012 dataset ~24 fb-1) (now 19.7 fb-1 collected, 4 more weeks data taking) • Event selection cuts fixing by Nov. 30, 2012 (two weeks) using Powheg(7TeV) and Sherpa (8 TeV) MC for signal, and Z+jets (20M events) • Starting point: final HCP selection (same as Higgs to ZZ selection, but relax pT(m) and m34 cuts) • Data process (selection) by Dec. 30. • First complete analysis draft by Jan. 30. Support Note Editor: Richard and Bing • Paper draft: Feb. 15 (need time for approval for Moriond) – Editor: Alan Wilson, Richard & Bing