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GENETICS Mendelian & Human Review. Modified with permission from Robert Goodman. Genetics. The study of heredity Gregor Mendel (1860’s) discovered the fundamental principles of genetics by breeding garden peas. http://www.jic.bbsrc.ac.uk/germplas/pisum/zgs4f.htm. Alleles.
GENETICSMendelian & HumanReview Modified with permission from Robert Goodman
Genetics The study of heredity Gregor Mendel (1860’s) discovered the fundamental principles of genetics by breedinggardenpeas http://www.jic.bbsrc.ac.uk/germplas/pisum/zgs4f.htm
Alleles • Alternative forms of genes • Units that determine heritable traits • Dominant alleles (T - tall pea plants) • Recessive alleles (t - dwarf pea plants) • Homozygous dominant • TT - tall pea plants • Homozygous recessive • tt - dwarf pea plants • Heterozygous • Tt - tall pea plants
Phenotype Outward appearance Physical characteristics Examples: Tall pea plant Dwarf pea plant
Genotype Arrangement of genes that produces phenotype Example: • Tall pea plant • TT = tall (homozygous dominant) • Dwarf pea plant • tt = dwarf (homozygous recessive) • Tall pea plant • Tt = tall (heterozygous)
Punnett Square A Punnett square is used to show the combinations of gametes and possible offspring
T T produces the F1 generation Tt Tt t Tt Tt All Tt = tall (heterozygous tall) t Breed the P Generation Tall (TT) vs. dwarf (tt) pea plants
produces the F2 generation T t 1/4 (25%) = TT 1/2 (50%) = Tt 1/4 (25%) = tt T 1:2:1 genotype 3:1 phenotype t Breed the F1 generation Tall (Tt) vs. Tall (Tt) pea plants Tt TT Tt tt
Monohybrid Cross • A breeding experiment that tracks the inheritance of a single trait • Mendel’s “Principle of Segregation” • Pairs of genes separate during gamete formation (meiosis) • Fusion of gametes at fertilization re-pairs genes
eye color locus B = brown eyes eye color locus b = blue eyes Paternal Maternal Homologous Chromosomes This person would have brown eyes (Bb)
B sperm BB B BBbb haploid (n) b bb diploid (2n) b meiosis II meiosis I Meiosis - Eye Color
male gametes B b 1/4 = BB - brown eyed 1/2 = Bb - brown eyed 1/4 = bb - blue eyed B Bb x Bb 1:2:1 genotype 3:1 phenotype b female gametes Monohybrid Cross Example: Cross between two heterozygotesfor brown eyes (Bb) BB = brown eyes Bb = brown eyes bb = blue eyes BB Bb Bb bb
Dihybrid Cross • A breeding experiment that tracks the inheritance of two traits • Mendel’s “Principle of Independent Assortment” • Each pair of alleles segregates independently during gamete formation (metaphase I) • Formula: 2n (n = # of heterozygotes)
BT sperm Bt BbTt haploid (n) bT diploid (2n) bt meiosis II Independent Assortment
Independent Assortment Question: How many gametes will be produced for the following allele arrangements? Remember: 2n (n = # of heterozygotes) • RrYy • AaBbCCDd • MmNnOoPPQQRrssTtQq
Answer: • RrYy: 2n = 22 = 4 gametes • RY Ry rY ry • AaBbCCDd: 2n = 23 = 8 gametes • ABCD ABCd AbCD AbCd • aBCDaBCDabCDabCd • MmNnOoPPQQRrssTtQq: • 2n = 26 = 64 gametes
BT sperm Bt BbTt haploid (n) bT diploid (2n) bt meiosis II Independent Assortment
RY Ry rY ryx RY Ry rY ry possible gametes produced Dihybrid Cross Example: cross between round and yellow heterozygous pea seeds R = round r = wrinkled Y = yellow y = green RrYy x RrYy
RY Ry rY ry RY Round/Yellow: 9 Round/green: 3 Ry wrinkled/Yellow: 3 wrinkled/green: 1 rY ry Dihybrid Cross RRYY RRYy RrYY RrYy RRYy RRyy RrYy Rryy RrYY RrYy rrYY rrYy 9:3:3:1 phenotypic ratio RrYy Rryy rrYy rryy
Multiple Alleles – Polygenics • Skin color is a polygenic trait, additive effects (essentially, incomplete dominance) of multiple genes on a single trait • Multiple genes produce a continuous distribution in a “Bell Shape” curve of degrees of light to dark • Early models suggested 2 or 4 major genes • Recent work suggests many more genes working together in very complex, additive and non-additive combinations • AaBbCcDdEeFf http://www.as.ua.edu/ant/bindon/ant570/topics/Skincolor.PDF
Polygenic – Skin Color • Each gene has two forms • An allele for high melanin production, or dark skin (A,B,C) • An allele for low melanin production, or light skin (a,b,c) • Each dark skin allele (A,B,C) in the genotype adds a small but equal amount of pigment to the skin
C ___ c Test Cross A mating between to determine genotype of an individual ofunknown genotypeand a homozygous recessive individual • Example:C__ x cc CC = curly hair Cc = curly hair cc = straight hair
c C ___ C C ___ c Cc Cc or c Cc cc Test Cross Possible results:
Codominance In Codominance,Multiple Allelesareexpressed in heterozygous individuals Example: Blood ABO system 1. type A = IAIA or Iai (AA or AO) 2. type B = IBIB or Ibi (BB or BO) 3. type AB = IAI B (AB) 4. type O = ii (OO)
IB IB IAIB IAIB IA 1/2 = IAIB 1/2 = IBi i IBi IBi Codominance Example: Homozygous male B (IBIB) x Heterozygous female A (IAi)
IA IB IAi IBi i 1/2 = IAi 1/2 = IBi i IAi IBi Codominance Example:male O (ii) x female AB (IAIB)
Codominance Question: If a boy has a blood type O and his sister has blood type AB, what are the genotypes and phenotypes of their parents boy - type O (ii) X girl - type AB (IAIB) OO AB
IA i IAIB IB i ii Codominance Answer: Parents: genotypes = IAi and IBi phenotypes = A and B
Question #7 • Charlie Chaplin, a film star, was involved in a paternity case. The woman bringing suit had two children, on whose blood type was A and the other whose blood type was B. • Her blood type was O, the same as Charlie ’s! • The judge in the case awarded damages to the woman, saying that Charlie had to be the father of at least one of the children.
Answer #7A • Obviously, the judge should be sentenced to Biology. For Charlie to have been the father of both children, his blood type would have had to be what? IA IB Answer AB i IAi IBi i IAi IBi
produces the F1 generation Rr Rr R R r Rr Rr All Rr = pink flower (heterozygous) r Incomplete Dominance F1 hybrids have an appearance somewhat in between the phenotypes of the two parental varieties Example:snapdragons (flower) red flower (RR) x white flower (rr)
Sex Determination Sex Chromosomes XX chromosome - female Xy chromosome - male
X y X X Sex Determination XX Xy XX Xy
OtherSex Determination • The Y chromosome sometimes does not dictate its maleness • Absence of a second X • XY fruit fly is male • XXY fruit fly is female
Environmental Sex Determination • Sex may be determined after fertilization • Determined by temperature during early embryonic development • Turtles produce more females at a higher temperature • Alligators and many lizards produce more males at a higher temperature
Sex-linked Traits Traits (genes) located on the sex chromosomes • Hemophiliacs (X-linked) • Male Pattern Baldness (X-linked) • Color-blindness (X-linked) • Male Ear Hair (y-linked)
XX chromosome - female Xy chromosome - male Sex-linked Traits Sex Chromosomes fruit fly eye color
XN y XN Xn XN XN XN y XN Xn Xny N = normal n = Hemophilia
XN y XN Xn Male Pattern Baldness XN XN XN y XN Xn Xny N = normal n = Bald
XN y XN Xn Colorblindness XN XN XN y XN Xn Xny N = normal n = Colorblind http://www.toledo-bend.com/colorblind/Ishihara.html
X y X X Y-linked Ear-Hair XX Xy XX Xy y = Ear Hair
Y linked • 3 muslim brothers in South India
Barr Bodies • Barr discovered the Barr Body • An inactive X chromosome • a darkly staining body in the nuclei of females • Mary Lyon, identified the Barr body as an inactive X chromosome • Inactivation is random, with a 50 - 50 chance of inactivating the maternal or paternal X • The mammalian female is a genetic mosaic • some cells have the XP active • some have the XM active
Barr Bodies • Fur coloration of calico cats is governed by two alleles (black and orange - multiple alleles ) • Both attached to the same loci on a homologous pair of X chromosomes • In black fur cells – orange allele is inactive • In orange fur cells –black allele is inactive Explained in more detail at Barr Bodies and Gender Verification