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“ JogLog ” A Database-Dependent iPhone App

“ JogLog ” A Database-Dependent iPhone App. Matthew Ragonese University of Miami. The Motivation. My Strength Frontend iPhone development My Weakness Backend Database Development. The Objective. Study: Backend Database Development Virtual/web server selection and formatting

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“ JogLog ” A Database-Dependent iPhone App

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Presentation Transcript

  1. “JogLog”A Database-Dependent iPhone App Matthew Ragonese University of Miami

  2. The Motivation • My Strength • Frontend iPhone development • My Weakness • Backend Database Development

  3. The Objective • Study: Backend Database Development • Virtual/web server selection and formatting • Server-side scripting • Implement: A Database-Dependent iPhone App • A simple yet functional user interface • HTTP request and response handling

  4. My Application • “The Advice App” “JogLog” • Jogging utility that allows users to track and map their jogs • Users can receive their jog stats in an email summary This app could use a database! 

  5. Formatting My Server • Hardware: AWS instance launched • Running Ubuntu OS • Installed LAMP stack • Software: MongoDB • Installed distribution package • Installed PHP driver

  6. Learning MongoDB • The “NoSQL” database • Open source document-oriented DB • Data stored in collections of “documents” • Data stored in JSON-like documents • BSON  “Binary JSON” • BSON supports the insertion of documents and arrays within other documents and arrays

  7. Learning MongoDB (cont.) • General topics studied • Database/collection creation • Document insertion • Condition-based querying • With limits, sort orders, and projections • Cursor management • Document updating

  8. Mongo and JogLog • The Mongo PHP driver • Accesses all Mongo features within PHP • App-to-Database Communication • AWS instance’s HTTP web service (“/var/www”) • In-app PHP script requests

  9. Data Objects USER RUN *Relational Model

  10. My PHP Scripts • Login.php • Parameters: UUID User • CreateUser.php • Parameters: firstName, UUID  User • CreateRun.php • Parameters: ownerID, distance, seconds, pace  Run • RetrieveRuns.php • Parameters: ownerID Array of Runs

  11. PHP Sample Script

  12. Handling URL Requests • Apple NSURLConnection • Open-source AFNetworking • Built atop NSURLConnection • Utilizes “CocoaPods” • Used by: • Pinterest • Github • Heroku

  13. Parsing URL Responses { "_id”:46, "ownerID":"123", "distance":"2.0", "seconds":"320", "pace":"2.0", "dateString":"2013-12-04 08:09:22” } “JSONModel” Neat open-source parsing tool which maps JSON documents to object instances

  14. The New JogLog

  15. The New JogLog (cont.) • Modified UI • User Authentication • UUID-based • “My Jogs” Page • Tableview of Past Jogs • Cumulative Jog Stats The future of JogLog?

  16. The End Questions?

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