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Juraj Jánošík. When did the hero live ?. Juraj Jánošík was born in 25. January 1688. He died in 17. March 1713. Where was he from ? Where did he live ?. He was born in Terchová. He grew up there too in a family of „ Jánošov “.
Whendidtheherolive ? • Juraj Jánošík wasborn in 25. January 1688. • Hedied in 17. March 1713.
Wherewashefrom ? Wheredidhelive ? • Hewasborn in Terchová. • Hegrewuptheretooin a family of „Jánošov“. • Thelegendssaythat Juro Jánošiklivedwithhisband in woodsbetween Žilina and Liptovký Mikuláš and thathewascavingthewayfarers.
Whatdidhelooklike ? • Wedontreallyknowwhatdid Jánošík looklike. • Thetraditiongoesthatheused to wear folk costume, longbraids, blackhat and specialdecoratedaxe (valaška).
Howdidhebecomefamous ? Whatdidhe do ? • Janošíkisfamousforhisactions. • Hewastakingmoneyfromrich and gavethem to the poor people. • Thatishowhebecamefamous.
Whatwerehis most typicalcharacterfeatures ? • Thetraditonssaythat Jánošík wasverybrave, strong, fair, charitable and good.
Howdidhedie ? • Jánošikwashanged on a hookunderhisleftrib • Itwasverypainful and longdeath.