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Study in Joshua. Presentation 01. A New Beginning Chap 1v1-11. Presentation 01. Introduction.
Study in Joshua Presentation 01
A New Beginning Chap 1v1-11 Presentation 01
Introduction This book records the transition of the leadership of the people of God, from Moses to Joshua. It maps out a new and significant stage in the development of the work of God as his people march from being possessors of promises to possessors of tangible blessing. The land that they had looked forward to for so long becomes theirs. We learn too, that the blessing of God in our lives goes hand in hand with costly conflict and unswerving obedience to his will. Presentation 01
Introduction Although the book also contains warnings about presumption and disobedience, the dominant note is that of joy and encouragement as the people of God stand at a major cross-road in their lives. Its message points to the future and fires the imagination and challenges the will concerning what might be achieved for God. In this book we will find some foundational principles for growth and development in both our personal lives and as a fellowship of God's people. And one of these principles unpacked in this opening chapter address the inevitability of change in the work of God. Presentation 01
Introduction A Persian king once charged his wise men to suggest a sentence that he could inscribe on his signet ring. The sentence was to be ‘true and appropriate in all times and situations’. They presented him with the words, 'And this too will pass away'. The king was reminded that the permanence he was looking for did not exist and that change was inevitable. Change is something many of us are uncomfortable with. Presentation 01
Introduction A former chancellor in the UK government bemoaned the fact that the car dealer Ford had stopped manufacturing the Escort. He had owned three over the years, and felt comfortable with them. The fear of the unfamiliar and the unknown can spawn nightmare scenarios in our minds. We feel safe with the familiar while change can be naturally unnerving. But men and women of faith are equipped to cope with change. Why? Because they see God as its author. It is this fact that can make change an exciting voyage of discovery. Presentation 01
Background Before moving into the story, it may prove helpful to sketch something of a historical background in order to place the book of Joshua in its proper context. Roughly 600 years before the time of Joshua, God had called Abraham out of a godless environment and made him some spectacular promises; he was to be the father of a great nation, they were to be given their own land and through Abraham’s family would come one who would be the source of blessing to all the nations of the earth. The patriarchs had spent a brief period as lodgers in the land of Canaan before Jacob led his extended family down into Egypt at time of famine to be cared for by his son Joseph. Presentation 01
Background The Hebrews remained there some 400 years and were eventually enslaved by a new dynasty of Pharaohs. Then came the miraculous deliverance of the people of God under the leadership of Moses as they passed through the Red Sea and into the Sinai Desert. There, they entered into a special covenant relationship with God – a nation was born! However, they then failed, through unbelief, to enter into their inheritance at the first attempt. And so they cooled their heels in the desert for 40 years. But now for the second time they were poised to enter into the promised land. Moses was dead, who would lead them? They stood on the threshold of change. Presentation 01
The Call of Joshua The passage before us offers instruction and encouragement to those standing on the threshold of change. And while its principal application deals with leadership in the work of God there are secondary applications as we may face change to our personal circumstances and relationships, work situations, or even to our living accommodation. Change is often accompanied by difficulties and obstacles. The message of this book equips us to transcend these and fires the imagination and challenges the will with regard to what God can do in the face of apparently insurmountable difficulties. Presentation 01
The Call of Joshua The book begins by recording a transition of leadership from Moses to Joshua. It doesn't take much imagination to realise the tremendous impact which Moses' death would have had upon Israel. For years he had been their counsellor, teacher, leader, encourager and friend - but now he was gone! Israel were unsettled by the loss of the man who had brought them such a long way on their pilgrimage. Many in Israel tended, wrongly, to see their future as being tied up with him! And they had not yet entered into the land of promise and blessing! Presentation 01
The Call of Joshua Into that situation of turmoil God speaks to Joshua cf.v2.. “get ready to cross the Jordon” Before we look at the kind of man God calls to lead his people forward we find an important complimentary truth has been underlined. It is this, no leader is indispensible! Whenever God removes his workmen, he carries on his work. Notice that Joshua is not told to lead the people of God in a different direction but in the same direction! Moses may be dead but God’s plan for Israel is very much alive. It has not changed. God's work is bigger than any one servant. God had another man prepared, who would continue God’s work, build on Moses’ achievements, and realise God’s goal for his people. We must guard against placing undue emphasis upon individuals. Presentation 01
The Call of Joshua In 1979 when my wife and I withdrew from our mission post in Tabriz during the revolution, a dear Iranian friend - a senior Iranian church elder came with tears in his eyes and said, "We've had missionaries here for a 100 years! Without missionaries the work will collapse". We told him that although the missionaries were leaving God would not and because of that his work would prosper! Over the next two years the church in Iran grew at a faster rate than in the previous hundred years when foreign missionaries had been present. And today over 100,000 Muslims have come to faith in Christ since the revolution. We can so easily think that the success of a work is dependent upon particular individuals. The book of Joshua reminds us that God is capable of raising up other leaders and office-bearers to continue his purpose. Presentation 01
The Call of Joshua God chose a man who for many years had been prepared for this present task. Almost 40 years earlier Moses had sent out 12 spies to gain intelligence in the land of Canaan. Ten returned with terrifying tales that sowed the seeds of fear and unbelief among the Israelites. “Invasion is impossible, the warriors in Canaan are too powerful for us!”Their words sapped the moral strength from Israel! Sadly, there are always people prepared to talk discouragingly about God’s work. But two spies, Joshua and Caleb saw beyond the great difficulties to the God who could overcome them and emboldened by faith they spoke out for God and his purposes. Cf. Numbers 13. 26-33. From that day on Joshua had shown himself to be the kind of man whom God could use. Presentation 01
The Call of Joshua Joshua’s faithfulness developed down the years, he had successfully led the army against the Amalekites but he was called to fill Moses’ boots. God is always on the lookout for Joshua's; men and women who by their faithfulness have shown themselves fit to take responsibility in his work. People who refuse to drown in despair and who resolve to be faithful to Jesus despite all obstacles. Did you know that whatever we allow to shape our lives will map out our whole future usefulness to God? We may be tempted to think, ‘We can live indifferently to spiritual things at present and when we are older we will begin to take God and his work more seriously.’ But that is a recipe for disaster. It is to those who show themselves faithful in the little things that God gives greater responsibility. Presentation 01
The Call of Joshua Thirdly, note that Joshua was apprehensive about his task. Even though he had been Moses’ lieutenant and had been groomed for leadership [cf. Deut 34.9] yet he was apprehensive. Did he fear that the people might not accept his leadership? Joshua clearly did not abound in natural confidence. Look at the continuous encouragement he required from God to take on the job cf. v6 ‘be strong and courageous...’ v7 ‘be strong and very courageous..’ v9 ‘be strong and courageous...’ Remember Joshua knew how difficult the Israelites could be! Of course we can be too confident in our abilities and usefulness to God. We can be so full of ourselves that we lose sight of the need to cling to God in dependant faith. Presentation 01
The Call of Joshua Society today advocates self-assertion and believes in the survival of the fittest - it holds in contempt the man who will not blow his own trumpet! When I ask someone to consider taking up office in the church and they reply, ‘I’ve wondered how long it would take you to ask me because I’ll do a brilliant job,’ I begin to get worried! I am far happier when someone is diffident about their ability. For God gives his ‘strength to the faint’ Isa 40.29. He perfects strength in weakness 2 Cor. 12.9. It is the ‘poor in spirit’ he blesses, Matt.5.3. Joshua was such a man! Presentation 01
The Equipment of God God’s work can often seem daunting. But God never calls upon leaders to accomplish the impossible. One of the great military tacticians of our age, Marshal Fochs, said, "A lost battle is a battle one believes lost". When we stand on the threshold of a new stage in the development of God’s work and he says to us, 'come cross this Jordan', our knees may shake together. But God will equip the leaders he has chosen with the equipment required to enable them to do his work. Which causes us to ask, How did God equip Joshua? Presentation 01
The Equipment of God God made Joshua exactly the same promises that he made to Moses cfv3... v5..., We need to grasp that God doesn't reserve his best blessings for celebrity leaders. The mighty apostle Paul reminded his readership in Philippi that “you share in the grace of God with me” Phil. 1.7. There are some who think, ‘Well of course God will help a great man like Paul to cope with hardship, persecution and the difficulties associated with church growth – for he has access to apostolic grace’. Paul says ‘nonsense!’, we share in the same grace and access the same promises. Our forefathers rightly claimed that, "the church owes its life to God's word of promise for the promises of God nourish and preserve it." Presentation 01
The Equipment of God In what way might God’s promises have stimulated Joshua’s faith? First, he was told that the inheritance was already theirs cf. v2.. Yes! the land of Canaan was God's gift to his people even before they possessed it. Oh it was true that they would have to fight and struggle to secure it. But they fought from a position of assured victory. The land was theirs! Can you imagine what that must have done for Joshua's faith? The future was already settled! Does that encourage you with regard to all that lies ahead as you face difficulties that lie on your personal, vocational and church-life horizons? Despite the struggles and difficulties ahead the outcome is certain and gifted to you by God! God’s purpose will prevail. In the words of Luther’s hymn, “The city of God remaineth” – nothing can erode the great Christian hope! Presentation 01
The Equipment of God Secondly God promises Joshua, 'No one will be able to stand up against you all the days of your life‘ v5.Joshua was being told that despite the awesome strength of his enemies, he had nothing to worry about. The strength of the opposition was no match for the boundless power of God. What a promise! Elsewhere God says to his people, ‘no weapon forged against you will prevail’ Isa. 54.17. Individual Christians and congregations can sometimes feel threatened by spiritual difficulties and opposition. When we begin to believe Satan's propaganda we doubt that we can make any spiritual progress or accomplish very much for God. We need to see that blustering propaganda for what it is - hot air! It doesn't matter what opposition the enemy stirs up. It’s no match for our God! Presentation 01
The Equipment of God Finally, Joshua receives the promise of God's presence. cf. 'the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go'v9.The full significance of this promise would not have been lost on Joshua. Years previously Israel had angered God by worshipping a golden calf and as a result God told Moses that he intended to withdraw his presence from Israel. Nothing could have been more disastrous. If God were not with them their cause would perish. And so Moses prayed, "If your presence does not go with us don't send us up" Ex 33.15. It is God’s presence makes the difference between, success and failure, victory or defeat. Do we really believe that? Presentation 01
The Equipment of God In the C19th Robert Murray McCheyne was a minister in a church in Dundee . His beadle, standing outside the vestry door, heard him speaking to someone. He said, ‘My Lord if you will not come with me up to the pulpit then I will not leave the vestry’. The beadle assumed that McCheyne was trying to persuade a local dignitary to share the service with him. But in fact McCheyne was praying and asking God to accompany him for he realised that without God he would be wasting his time in the pulpit. The greatest disaster for any church is not that its building falls down or its membership roll decreases or that it becomes vacant but that God withdraws his presence! Presentation 01
Conclusion The book of Joshua is all about possessing our God given inheritance. It is addressed to a people on the threshold of a new beginning. It encourages them with the rich and exceeding precious promises of God to press on with confidence into God's future. I don't know about you but that warms and excites my heart and despite any apprehension of what lies ahead for the Church of Scotland in general and St Andrew’s in particular, it kindles a sense of expectancy which makes me glad to be here! Presentation 01