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Training on how to use. Identity of BEST. Why do we need that ? To keep our standards To make a strong group To be easily and widely recognised To keep BESTies informed about our visual materials. VISION. Empowered diversity
Identity of BEST • Why do we needthat? • To keepourstandards • To make a strong group • To be easily and widelyrecognised • To keepBESTiesinformedaboutourvisual materials
VISION • Empowereddiversity People understand and respect different cultures and societies. The environment of empowereddiversity supports people in applying their full potential and acting responsibly.
MISSION • Developing students BEST helps students to achieve an international mindset, to reach a better understandingof cultures and societies and to develop the capacity to work in culturally diverseenvironments. BEST creates opportunities for personal development of students and supports them inreachingtheirfullpotential.
POSITION BEST is a voluntary, apolitical, non-profit, non-representative international association ofEuropeanstudents of technology. • We do everything out of free will. • We arepoliticallyneutral. • We attempt to make no profi t from our actions. • We representnobody. • We are based in Europe. • We are there for European students of technology. STAKEHOLDERS • StudentsEuropeanstudents of technology • UniversitiesEuropeanuniversities • Partners Organisations and individuals we cooperate with
ACTIVITIES CORE ACTIVITY Providingcomplementaryeducation Bringing a signifi cant added value to the education provided by the universities. OTHER ACTIVITIES Providingcareersupport Connecting students with their future employers. Increasingeducationalinvolvement Increasing the awareness of students on issues related to engineering education andimproving engineering education through the input of those students.
LOGO Usually the group’s name is written under the BEST logotype and is aligned to the end of the letter “T” fromtheleftside.
LOGO In the case that group’s name length reaches the beginning of the letter “B”, then it is aligned to it from therightside.
LOGO Also signature with explanation, of what “BEST“ stands for, isavailable. Signature with “Board of European Students of Technology” explicitlywritten
LOGO BEST Signature can be also used without the nameof group, usually when representing more thanone local group or the entire organisation of BEST. A vertical variation of a signature can be usedforspecial use, such as pins.
SIGNATURE COLOURS The primary signature uses the 3 colours for thelogomarkand blue for the logotype. It can be used on any background as long as it isnot affecting the visibility of the symbol.
SIGNATURE COLOURS In black and white the signature has to be in contrast,in order to ensure the good visibility.
SIGNATURE COLOURS Single coloured versions can be used also as longas the background is not affecting the visibility ofthesignature.
SAFE SPACE A safe area around the BEST signature must bepreserved to ensure the maximum legibility. No elementssuch as typography, other logos, graphics orphotos may intrude upon this safe area, unless it isused as light background elements. In addition, placing the logo too close to a cut orfolded edge also interferes with the safe space.
MINIMUM SIZE Signature variations of BEST must never appearsmaller than shown below. The minimum size willensure that the signature is clearly visible in allkinds of reproduction. This size is defined by minimumheightof signature.
PLACEMENT The brand signature has to be placed in left top or right down corner of the material.Still it has to follow all other given rules. The margin unit (M) is the element of measure, which sets the position of thesignature in reproduction. The margin unit only depends on the width of the materialconsidered. The margin unit defined by the formula: As shown below, the height of the signature is 3 times the margin unit. The margin unit always consists the size of the safe space.
UNACCEPTABLE USES In order to have BEST recognised clearly in all the marketing materials, it isessential to use the BEST signature in the right way. This is why the incorrectusage should be avoided. Here you can find some of the unacceptable uses oftheBEST signature.
TYPOGRAPHY These three typefaces have been chosen for theBEST visual identity. They are to be used in all printedor virtual marketing materials. Each of the threefonts was selected for its visual compatibility withthe BEST signature and for the consistency thatthey have inside the BEST brand.