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Human Impact on the Lithosphere

Learn about the importance of the lithosphere and how human impact has changed land use practices, affecting the quality of the lithosphere. Understand sustainable agriculture techniques like crop rotation and terracing to preserve fertile topsoil and reduce erosion rates.

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Human Impact on the Lithosphere

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  1. Human Impact on the Lithosphere

  2. Provides land/space on which to live Provides necessary resources required for survival, like food and fuel Why is the lithosphere important?

  3. Over the past hundreds of years, our use of the land has changed drastically We have changed from a largely rural area to more agriculture based, and from there to more industry-based How Land Use Has Changed…

  4. Deforestation Agriculture Urbanization 3 major practices that affect quality of lithosphere

  5. Forests are cut down for the purpose of building and agriculture • Removing plants increases the rate of erosion, because the plant roots no longer secure the soil in one place Deforestation

  6. Increasing population has led to the need for more land space for homes, resulting in use of more natural resources and limiting availability of farmland. urbanization

  7. In addition to losing soil by deforestation, we also lose tons of topsoil each year through agriculture Topsoil is the upper, outermost layer of soil, usually the top 2 inches. It has the highest amount of organic matter and microorganisms, and is where plants obtain most of their nutrients AGRICULTURE

  8. Traditional agriculture techniques, like plowing, remove topsoil and require replanting each year. The United States alone loses almost 3 tons of topsoil per acre per year. agriculture

  9. Sustainability is based on a simple principle: Everything that we need for our survival and well-being depends, either directly or indirectly, on our natural environment.  Sustainability creates and maintains the conditions under which humans and nature can exist in productive harmony, that permit fulfilling the social, economic and other requirements of present and future generations. • Sustainability is important to making sure that we have and will continue to have,  the water, materials, and resources to protect human health and our environment.

  10. Sustainability is about treating all parties fairly. Farmers getting a fair market price for their goods, consumers paying prices reflecting reasonable profits set by producers of goods/services, workers receiving appropriate wages for the job done under safe, acceptable working conditions. All the while, the underlining concern is being responsible for our use of natural resources, being fair to the environment as well.

  11. Meeting the needs of the present generation without compromising the ability of the future generation to meet their needs. Sustainability

  12. Preserving fertile topsoil is essential to feeding the world’s rapidly growing population. This can be done through: (1) Windbreaks (2) Terracing hillsides (3) Contour plowing (4) Crop rotation Sustainable agriculture

  13. Windbreaks are located along crop field borders or within the field itself How do windbreaks help to reduce erosion rates? WINDBREAKS

  14. Terracing is the building of wide flat rows of terraces on mountainside and hillsides. The terraces look like big staircases. They hold rainwater so that it will not wash away the soil. TERRACING HILLSIDES

  15. Instead of plowing up and down, farmers plow across a slope. In this way, the soil forms a ridge that slows down the flow of water, so soil is not carried away. CONTOUR PLOWING

  16. Crop rotation is the practice of growing a series of different types of crops in the same area in back to back seasons. It maintains a balance of nutrients in the soil. CROP ROTATION

  17. Construction along the shoreline increases the rate of erosion beyond the already high rate of erosion experienced along shorelines due to the ocean. Effect of development on shoreline

  18. Structures can be built to protect a coast from erosion or to prevent movement of sand along a beach: Groins Breakwaters Seawalls Artificial stabilization: Shoreline structures

  19. Groins are barriers built at right angles to the beach to trap sand that is moving parallel to the shore. Groins are built to maintain or widen beaches that are losing sand. Artificial stabilization: groins

  20. Breakwaters are built parallel to the shoreline off the coast to limit the force of oncoming waves. Artificial stabilization: breakwaters

  21. Structure designed to prevent impact of tides and waves on property, built directly along the shoreline. Artificial stabilization: SEAWALLS

  22. Structure designed to prevent impact of tides and waves on property, built directly along the shoreline. Artificial stabilization: SEAWALLS

  23. Beach nourishment projects add large quantities of sand to the beach system. It is an attempt to stabilize shorelines without adding protective features. Artificial stabilization: beach nourishment

  24. Temporary fix; waves will eventually erode the replacement sand as well Expensive: costs lots of money to transport sand to the beach from offshore areas Negative effects on marine life: dredging sand off the coast replaces natural, coarse sand with softer, muddier sand that increases the cloudiness (turbidity) of the water and can kill offshore coral reefs Beach nourishment: disadvantages

  25. Construction along mountainsides can decrease the stability of the land, allowing for a greater rate of erosion. Mass movements (ex: rockslides) are more probable. Effect of development on mountainsides

  26. Screen mesh (called slope revetment) draped over a steep slope keeps loosened rocks from entering roadways. Artificial stabilization: slope revetment

  27. Human activities or natural processes can remove some soil from the base of a slope, making the remaining upper part of the slope less stable and more prone to mass movement.  Construction of a retaining wall can support the upper part of a slope. Artificial stabilization: retaining walls

  28. While harvesting trees, leave enough mature trees to anchor the slope and protect soil from excessive erosion due to runoff. Artificial stabilization: slope vegetation

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