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Behavioral Health Committee Benton-Franklin Community Health Alliance

Behavioral Health Committee Benton-Franklin Community Health Alliance. October 4, 2017. ACH “101”Goals for today. What is the Healthier Washington Initiative? Who is Greater Columbia Accountable Community of Health? What does the region’s health look like ?

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Behavioral Health Committee Benton-Franklin Community Health Alliance

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  1. Behavioral Health CommitteeBenton-Franklin Community Health Alliance October 4, 2017

  2. ACH “101”Goals for today What is the Healthier Washington Initiative? Who is Greater Columbia Accountable Community of Health? What does the region’s health look like? Behavioral Health data in Benton & Franklin Counties How much money is dedicated for Transformation? What projects have been determined through the Project Teams?

  3. Better Health, Better Care, Lower Costs

  4. Healthier Washington recognizes that health is more than health care. Adapted from: Magnun et al. (2010). Achieving Accountability for Health and Health Care: A White Paper, State Quality Improvement Institute.. Minnesota. Better Health, Better Care, Lower Costs 3

  5. ACHs are a forum for regional collaborative decision making

  6. Nine ACHs in Washington

  7. Population & Medicaid # by County

  8. GCACH Differentiations

  9. Regional Needs Assessment

  10. Medicaid Transformation Demonstration

  11. Over $100 million in Provider Incentives

  12. Incentive Dollars Bridge to VBP

  13. 8 Project Teams formed to study Transformation Projects

  14. 6 project areas chosen August 22 Bi-Directional Integration of Physical and Behavioral Health Diversions Interventions Addressing the Opioid Crisis Community-Based Care Coordination Chronic Disease Prevention and Control Transition Care

  15. 2A: Bi-Directional Integration of Physical and Behavioral Health through Care Transformation (Required)

  16. Benton & Franklin Counties have many measures worse than the State Average Washington Health Alliance Community Check-up 2016

  17. Bi-Directional Goals Goal 2 Goal 1 FIMC Increase access to integrated primary care-behavioral health services by maximizing tenants of the Bree Collaborative (increasing access) Collaborative Care Model (maximizing patient tracking), internal and external co-location. Goal 4 Fully integrate physical health, mental health, and substance use services in order to provide the right care, in the right place, at the right time. Goal 3 Identify a regional approach to data collection / registries to improve population health (PHQ-9, SBIRT, PAM). Increase interoperability between providers and systems to increase efficiencies, improve communication, and reduce redundancies.

  18. Integrated managed care is evolving and spreading!

  19. 3A: Addressing the Opioid Use Public Health Crisis (Required) Goal: To reduce opioid-related morbidity and mortality through strategies that target prevention, treatment, and recovery.

  20. Opiate Related Deaths: 1999-2015

  21. From 2002 to 2013 publicly funded treatment admissions involving an opioid, statewide, went up 196.5%. Three counties in the GCACH increased over 250%.* *http://adai.uw.edu/pubs/infobriefs/ADAI-IB-2015-01.pdf

  22. MTD Toolkit: Pay for Performance Metrics

  23. Carol Moser, Executive Director:cmoser@greatercolumbiaach.org Wes Luckey, Program Manager: wluckey@greatercolumbiaach.org

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