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This training provides an overview of the Title I program, including ESEA background and purpose, district set-asides, schoolwide plans, allowable use of funds, and more.
Title I New Coordinators Training Title I Team Office of Federal and State Accountability July 21, 2014
Agenda • Welcome and Introductions • ESEA Background and Purpose, ESEA Waivers • District Set-Asides • Schoolwide Plans • Supplement, Not Supplant • Allowable Use of Funds
Agenda • Accounting and Reporting Amendments, Carryover and Other Fiscal Responsibilities • Comparability Report • Maintenance of Effort (MOE) • Family Engagement • Private Schools • Monitoring • Questions
Roy Stehle, Director Director of Federal and State Accountability Welcome and Introductions
Title I • Title I is the first title in the ESEA of 1965 as reauthorized as the NCLB Act of 2001. • Title I is the largest federal aid program for K-12 schools. • The purpose is to ensure that all students have a fair, equal, and significant opportunity to obtain a high-quality education and reach, at a minimum, proficiency on challenging state academic achievement standards and assessments.
Title I • South Carolina receives over $200 million in Title I funds. • The vast majority of funds are allocated to districts, and through districts, to schools. • Title I is designed to support state and local school reform efforts. • Title I is designed to support teaching and learning for students who are most at risk of not meeting state standards.
Title I • Title I Coordinators have a major responsibility to see that the funds that flow to the districts are used for the educational purposes intended in the law. • Title I Coordinators have a major role in overseeing that the funds are spent to be in compliance with applicable law, regulations, and guidance. • Title I Coordinators need to be well versed in both program and compliance.
Title I • Title I Coordinators need to be up to date on the latest in education reform efforts and to understand curriculum and instruction. • Title I Coordinators need to know the law, the regulations, and guidance related to Title I. • Title I Coordinators also need to be familiar with EDGAR, OMB Circulars A-87 and A-133 and the new Omni-Circular or Super Circular.
Title I Tips to survive: • Learn federal programs from multiple perspectives. • Understand and control your budgets. • Tap outside resources. • Train your staff and those you work with. • Be visible – be the Title I expert. • Seek help from veterans. • Work with your SEA staff.
Roy Stehle, Director Office of Federal and State Accountability ESEA Waivers
ESEA Flexibility Waiver Update Since reauthorization of ESEA was not on the horizon, the purpose of the waiver was to relieve the SEA’s and LEA’s of the burden of the “all or nothing” accountability of the NCLB Act of 2001 and to allow states and locals to design reforms to improve academic achievement and to increase the quality of instruction for all students. What did SEA’s and LEA’s gain? • Flexibility regarding the 2013-14 timeline for determining AYP. • Flexibility regarding district and school improvement requirements. • Flexibility to support school improvement efforts. • Other additional flexibilities were permitted.
ESEA Flexibility Waiver Update What did S.C. have to agree to do: In Principle 1: College and Career Ready Expectations for All Students In Principle 2: State-Developed Differentiated Recognition, Accountability, and Support In Principle 3: Supporting Effective Instruction and Leadership
ESEA Flexibility Waiver Update • The S.C. waiver request was submitted and approved by the U.S. Department of Education in 2012. • The waiver was approved for 2012-13 and 2013-14. • Several technical and timeline amendments have been made to Principle 2 and Principle 3. • Accountability was run on the waiver methodology for the spring 2012 testing and the spring 2013 testing.
ESEA Flexibility Waiver Update • The SCDE’s Division of Accountability met with stakeholders regarding the methodology and Priority and Focus School interventions during 2012 and 2013. • The SCDE submitted a major rewrite of Principle 2 in September 2013. • Based on stakeholder input, the amendment included adjusting the methodology and Priority and Focus interventions. The amendment eliminated Title I school choice and SES as interventions. • The amendment was approved as of June 2, 2014.
ESEA Flexibility Waiver Update Where are we now? • The initial wavier was through the 2013-14 school year. • In March of 2014, the SCDE applied for a one year extension for 2014-15. • To be approved, the SCDE must adhere to the major requirements of the three Principles. • The 2013-14 amendment for Principle 2 would be extended through 2014-15 including the new methodology and revised interventions.
ESEA Flexibility Waiver Update Where are we now? • Principle 1 requires the adoption of college and career ready standards. The Common Core State Standards are recognized by the USED as college and career standards. S.C. will have Common Core ELA and math for 2014-15, thus meeting the requirement for Principle 1. • Under current state legislation, the SCDE will be writing college and career ready standards for use in 2015-16.
ESEA Flexibility Waiver Update Where are we now? • Principle 1 requires the adoption of an assessment to measure college and career ready standards. • S.C withdrew from the Smarter Balance Consortium. • Under current state legislation, the State will be procuring an assessment to measure college and career ready standards for use in the spring of 2015.
ESEA Flexibility Waiver Update Where are we now? • Principle 3required the adoption of a teacher and principal evaluation system that included student growth as a significant factor in the evaluation system. • The evaluation system was approved by the State Board on June 11, 2014. • Barring any unforeseen circumstances – we expect the ESEA Waiver Extension to be granted for 2014-15.
ESEA Flexibility Waiver Update Where are we now? • If the State Board approves the evaluation system and the USED approves our plan to procure an assessment for spring 2015, our waiver will likely be extended for 2014-15. • The State Board approved the Educator Evaluation System on June 11. • The SCDE is continuing discussions with USED on Principle 1 relating to the timeline to procure and administer new assessments by spring of 2015. • Based on recent USED communications, USED will likely approve the extension of Principles 1 and 2 first with ongoing discussion on Principle 3 to continue.
Priority and Focus Schools • The list may change for the 2014-14 school year. • Numbers (current) • 26 Priority (5% of Title I schools) • 52 Focus (10% of Title I schools) • Set-asides • 20% for Priority • 10% for Focus (20% Maximum) Since Choice and SES have been eliminated, the funds will not have to be set-aside for 2014-15 (with caution).
Public School Choice • All students in Priority and Focus Schools • Any school that is not a Priority or Focus school may serve as a school of choice • If a school no longer must offer choice • Use Title I funds (not the set-aside for priority or focus schools) • Notify parents • Pick up costs with other funds
What the Future Holds • Currently clarifying questions with the USED. • The extension will be good for 2014-15. • There seems to be no political will to reauthorize ESEA in this legislative session. • Be alert to state and national trends regarding educational reform and assess the possible impact on your work.
Jewell Stanley Education Associate Office of Federal and State Accountability District Set-Asides
District Set-Asides Definition: Reservation of funds for district-wide activities that are taken from the Title I allocation prior to distributing funds to schools.
Types of District Set-Asides Required Set-Asides: 1. Parent Involvement - One percent (1%) of the current year allocation must be reserved (if current allocation is $500,000 or more). • Ninety-five (95) percent of the 1% for Parent Involvement must be allocated to Title I schools. 2. Homeless - District must set aside funds for homeless (no pre-determined percentage is required).
Required Set-Asides (Cont.): 3. Public School Choice/SES a) Priority Schools – District must set aside 20% of current year allocation (offered to all students for both Choice/SES) b) Focus Schools – District must set aside 10% of current year allocation (offered for all students for Choice and students not meeting proficiency for SES) c) Both Priority/Focus – Defer to Priority requirements and set aside 20% d) If lesser amount is needed, complete request showing justification to submit lesser amount (work with project manager to complete this form).
Required set-asides (cont.): • Highly Qualified (HQ) Professional Development - A district whose teachers are not all HQ mustset-aside funds (as needed) for professional development to obtain HQ status. • Other funds, such as Title II, may be used to meet this requirement (Listed separately on P. 2C).
Non-required Set-Asides: • LEA Administration: Used for funding administrative staff, supplies, equipment, travel, etc. at the district level for Title I administrative purposes. • Other – Summer school, pre-school programs, intersession programs, additional professional development, school improvement, etc.). * Activities must be in Title I schools only, except pre-school programs.
Page 2-C “District Set-Asides" • Reflects: District’s total requested amount Minus district’s set-asides Equals the amount available to allocate to schools.
District Set-Asides Page 2-C Addendum • Purpose of the addendum is to explain the activities and uses of funds for the various set-asides and to attest that supplanting is not evident. • Adequate details that specifically explain the requested use of funds must be provided in the activities column. • Remember, the plan is available to the public so be specific enough to justify the use of funds and put the amount into context.
Other important points-District set-asides (Instructional Programs) 1.If the district is reserving funds as a district set-aside to provide instructional and related activities for Title I schools, it must also provide from those funds equitable services to eligible private school children. (examples of activities: parental involvement, professional development, summer school.)
If a district reserves Title I funds for teachers and paraprofessionals to become highly qualified or other professional development needs the district must provide equitable services from these funds to teachers of private school participants from these reservations.
3. Because the reservation of funds by an LEA will reduce the funds available for distribution to participating areas and schools, the LEA must consult with teachers, pupil services personnel (where appropriate), principals, and parents of children in participating schools in determining, as a part of the LEA plan, what reservations are needed. This issue must also be a part of the consultation with private school officials before an LEA makes any decisions regarding these reservations.
4.Remember that poverty is the only factor on which a district may determine funding. In other words, an LEA may not allocate funds based on the instructional model, educational need, or any other non-poverty factor.
Supplemental District Set-asides Guiding principles- All plans should be examined to determine if supplement, not supplant will be violated. • Activities, programs or interventions should be examined to see if they fit best in a school allocation or as a district set-aside. • Have rationale or justification for placing the funding for programs, activities, or interventions in a district set-aside instead of allocating funds directly to the schools.
Supplemental District Set-asides • USED monitoring of states have resulted in findings of district set-asides where funds were used or distributed to schools without regard to poverty or per pupil allocation (PPA).
Supplemental District Set-asides • Rationale for set asides should be apparent. (Examples- LEA Administration, district sponsored Title I summer school program held at one site serving several schools, Pre-K). • Note:-If the district is serving private schools then these schools need to be consulted as well when planning supplemental set-asides.
Supplemental District Set-asides • Set-asides for the purchase of supplies and technology without being tied to an allowable activity, program, or intervention are not allowable.
Supplemental District Set-asides Examples of Allowable Set-Asides: • LEA administration including indirect cost • Preschool programs • Parent Involvement above the 1% • Specific program strategies at Title I schools • District wide staff to work at Title I schools • Supplemental nurses/social workers • District interventions at Title I schools that are “Focus”, “Priority” or by Federal Accountability Grade, such as schools earning a “D” or “F” rating.
Supplemental District Set-asides Examples of Allowable District Set-Asides: • Job Embedded PD (Instructional Coaches for example) at Title I schools or subset of Title I schools with identified needs. • Extended learning time for Title I schools.
Roy Stehle, Director Office of Federal and State Accountability Schoolwide Plans
TWO TYPES OF TITLE I ROGRAMS • Targeted Assistance – Supplemental education services to eligible students (targeted students) with the greatest need. • Schoolwide – Comprehensive program designed to upgrade the entire educational program in order to improve achievement of the lowest-achieving students. All students in the school are considered Title I students. • a school with poverty percentage of 40% or more.
SCHOOLWIDE PROGRAMS A Schoolwide Program: • Maximizes flexibility in using Federal funds. • Serves as a vehicle for whole-school reform with focus on improving achievement of lowest-achieving students. • Allows for easier leveraging of non-Federal and Federal funds to work together to improve educational performance the entire school. • Addresses student needs through a schoolwide plan based on a comprehensive needs assessment.
SCHOOLWIDE PROGRAMS 1. Comprehensive needs assessment of entire school 2. Comprehensive schoolwide plan a. Incorporates whole school reform strategies that-- i. Strengthen the core academic program ii. Increase the amount of quality learning time to help provide enriched and accelerated curriculum iii. Meet the needs of historically underserved students iv. Provide services the meet the needs of low-achieving students b. Focuses on ensuring Highly Qualified Teachers in schools c. Incorporates high-quality ongoing professional development d. Identifies strategies to attract Highly Qualified Teachers
SCHOOLWIDE PROGRAMS • e. Incorporâtes parent engagement strategies • f. Assists pre-school children transition to elementary school • g. Includes teachers in Data-Driven Decision-making • h. Provides low-achieving students with effective, timely additional assistance • i. Focuses on the coordination and integration of funds 3. Annual evaluation, with revisions as necessary