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In this powerful sermon series, Pastor Andrew Morgridge explores the story of David and Saul and delves into the nature and will of God. He highlights the importance of living according to God's principles and not compromising with sin. Through biblical examples and teachings, he emphasizes the need to guard our hearts and prioritize God's will over our own desires. This message serves as a vital reminder for Christians to align their lives with the principles of God and experience true blessings.
WHEN LIE BECOMES TRUTH (Part 2) By Pastor Andrew Morgridge
David’s and Saul will always be standard of comparison. One accepted sin and apologised and repented, the other didn’t, justifying his stupidity by saying the people pushed me, as if that is a good reason to annoy God
1Sam. 10:9; 13:8-14; 15:9-31. • See David in 2 Sam. 11& 12. Note 12:13. Psalm 51:1-12
THE PRINCIPLED GOD • We serve a God who has expressed His nature openly in the Bible. Not only does He introduce Himself thoroughly in the Bible, He also tells us what He likes and what He doesn’t like.
The ordinary human being is a sensual being. He likes to taste (be impressed) before applauding or rejecting. He likes to see, feel, smell etc, and all is to help him choose the comfort zone or the place of fun and excitement, even where it goes contrary to the nature of God or His expressed will.
THE PRINCIPLED GOD (Cont.) • Taking Him out of context or choosing which aspects of the Bible or His nature to embrace is sadly the bane of Christianity.
This is the heart that believes the lie once saved...this is the heart that sees sin as it doesn’t matter!!! • Rm. 1:18-21 and 2Cor. 4:4 to highlight the Source of Errors/Lies). • ESV, Message. 1Sam. 15:10-14; Acts 13:22.
Heart is Kardia in Greek and Lebab in Hebrew which means heart but it can also mean figuratively, thoughts, reasons, understanding, will, judgements, discerns, affections, love, hatred, fear, the emotions that go through our heart.
There is no way the carnal man will not fall, you just have to live according to the will of God, that is why he said teach us every minute to present a heart of wisdom. So we must grow from that level of my heart and seek the heart of God.
GUARD YOUR HEART • God speaks in the still voice, so does the Devil in thoughts, so the conscience when allowed. Prov. 4:23 is the key here. Keep – Garrison it. When you talk of garrison, what comes to mind is military and when you talk of military, you take of code of conduct and ethics 2Tim. 2;1-6 strive and lawful. 2Cor. 13:5. Failure to do this will make your heart decay – seared conscience and you now begin to accept the lies of the Devil for truth.
Deception in Gen. 3:1-6 Jesus vs Satan in Luke 4:1-12. Compare to Matt. 7:22-23 and Jn. 14:15-21: roles of spirit vs your will now dominant. Compare also 2Tim. 2:15-18, and Jn. 16:13-14 scorners in 2Pet. 3:3-5a. See i.e. of scorner and willingly in vs 5 Message version. ESV use deliberately overlook.
THE FOUR WIVES • So feed your soul/heart and be ready/willing to live with the God content, not human content that comes from genealogy or nativity. That’s when the blessings attached to True Liberty comes. (Jam. 1:25)
“blessed’’ in our text means superbly or specially blessed. By implication, something that is well off or somebody that is very happy. So God says your happiness is tied to what you see in the mirror. Your being well off is tied to what you are looking at in the mirror. Are you seeing how Christians deny themselves the blessings that God freely gives!
Let’s live with this admonition: Romans 12:1-2 Amp.“ • Haggai 2:11-19 • Fill your heart with all good things (Phili. 4:8). Ps. 90:17 and 12.