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Learn how Länsi-Pohja Hospital District achieves 54% cost savings and quality care by integrating services for 6 municipalities. Maximize effectiveness and wellbeing with fixed-price contracts and collaborative partnership.
Seppo Lehto, M.D CEO Länsi-Pohja Hospitaldistrict
Costs 54% UniversityHospitals 37% Central Hospitals
Goals to get • Maintainingspecialcare and developinglocalserviceproduction • Qualityof care • Savingjobs • Effectiveness of care and wellfare • Costsavings for municipalities and hospitaldistrictwithfullypredictablemoderatecostincreases • Companionshipand mutualbenefit of purchaser and serviceproducer
€ % % 6 -2 910 1,2 15 4/6 60000 18/6/18 19% Fusion of 4 former healthcare organizations and service production for 6 municipalities. Integrated model for primary and seondary care. Contract duration, years Municipal ownership in Mehiläinen Länsi-Pohja joint venture. Municipalities appoint 50% of board members. Fixed-price contract and cost base set 2016 actual costs of public service production -2%. Risk of rising costs avoided by municipalities. Municipalities that receive somatic secondary care and rehabilitation and 3 municipalities that receive primary care. Secondary care customer base. Primary care customer base 52 000. Occupational care customer base approximately 6 000. Start of operations Transfer of personnel to new founded company Mehiläinen Länsi-Pohja Ltd. from Kemi, Tornio, Keminmaa and Länsi-Pohja hospital district. More than 100 physicians. Contract value 1,2 BEUR. Annual revenue approxzimately 77,8 MEUR. Mehiläinen
Mehiläinen Länsi-Pohja integrated care organisation CEO Consultation, care management and digital service Dental Care Recruiting Emergency care Supporting medical services Medical and care management Appointment services Rehabilitation Ward and delivery (maternity) services Nurse reserve bank Finance Internal support