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Jeopardy: Force, Motion, Physics, Space Grab Bag

Test your knowledge of force, motion, physics, and space with this Jeopardy-style quiz game. Answer the given answers with the correct questions and earn points. Click to begin and choose from various categories and difficulty levels.

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Jeopardy: Force, Motion, Physics, Space Grab Bag

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  1. Jeopardy Choose a category. You will be given the answer. You must give the correct question. Click to begin.

  2. Force Motion Physics Space Grab Bag 10 Point 10 Point 10 Point 10 Point 10 Point 20 Points 20 Points 20 Points 20 Points 20 Points 30 Points 30 Points 30 Points 30 Points 30 Points 40 Points 40 Points 40 Points 40 Points 40 Points 50 Points 50 Points 50 Points 50 Points 50 Points

  3. The most common reference point for determining position and motion

  4. What is the Earth?

  5. A golf ball sitting on a tee is an example of

  6. What is an object at rest or inertia?

  7. A measure of gravitational force exerted on an object.

  8. What is weight?

  9. A decrease in velocity

  10. What is deceleration or negative acceleration?

  11. The net force is zero

  12. What is a balanced force?

  13. A boy pushes a heavy box to the right with a force of 25 N. His friend pulls in the same direction with a force of 15N. The net force is

  14. What is 40N to the right?

  15. A bird flies at a speed of 15m/s for 10s, 20m/s for 10s and 25 m/s for 5s.The birds average speed is

  16. What is 19m/s?

  17. A penny hits the ground in 6.5 seconds. The final velocity is

  18. What is 63.7 m/s downward?

  19. A car going 30km/h east enters a freeway ramp heading north at 30km/h. This shows a change in

  20. What is velocity or acceleration?

  21. At point A, a runner is jogging 5m/s . Twenty seconds later, at point B the jogger’s velocity is 15m/s. The jogger’s acceleration is

  22. What is 0.5 m/s/s?

  23. The upward force that fluids exert on an object.

  24. What is the buoyant force?

  25. Objects float or sink due to the object’s ________.

  26. What is density?

  27. A steel ship floats because the shape has more_______.

  28. What is volume or surface area?

  29. The force created when the surfaces of two objects rub together is

  30. What is friction?

  31. The forward motion of an object in space combined with the pull of gravity creates

  32. What is an orbit?

  33. A meteoroid that hits the Earth

  34. What is a meteorite?

  35. A single orbit around the sun

  36. What is a revolution?

  37. Galaxies with a bulge at the center and distinctive arms.

  38. What are spiral galaxies?

  39. A new moon occurs when

  40. What is when the moon is between the Earth and the sun?

  41. When the Earth casts a shadow on the moon.

  42. What is a lunar eclipse?

  43. A ball of stars, mostly made of older stars .

  44. What is a globular cluster?

  45. Cooler, darker spots on the sun.

  46. What are sunspots?

  47. Most stars (like our sun) are found in this region of the H-R diagram.

  48. What is main sequence stars?

  49. The moon gets light from

  50. What is the sun?

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