THE SEA POLLUTION… Everyyearitisestimatedthateightmillionstons of plastic float in the oceans. A plastic "sea" in the seathatcompromises the safety of the marine ecosystem. Microplastics, plasticfragments of lessthan 5 millimeters, mainly impact on marine animals. Plastic accumulates in plasticislands in the oceans. The largestiscalled the "Great Pacific Garbage Patch", isthreetimeslargerthan France and isoccupied by 80 millionstons of plastic. The seaisalsopolluted by drains from sewers and industries
…AND ITS SOLUTION Plastic isn’tbiodegradableand weproduces a lot of iteveryyear. A solution to stop the pollution of the sea by the plastic and all the othermaterials can be the differentiatedreactionthathasthreefundamentalprinciples: reuse, reduce and recycle. In this way the wasteisn’tthrownaway, butrecycled to then create othermaterials.
THE AIR POLLUTION… The air of today'scitiesispolluted by the toxicfumes of the industries, the gas produced by car exhausts and by the heating of the houses, whichtogetherform the so-called smog. In addition to damaging the respiratorysystem, the smog hasseriousconsequences for the environment, becauseitwidens the ozonehole, causes acid rain and increases the greenhouseeffect, whichcauses global warming.
…AND ITS SOLUTION A solution to air pollution can be driving the bike in the city, driving in sharedcars and usingelectriccarsthat do notemittoxicgases. To stop the pollution of the industrieswe can use a filterthatpurifies the air. Youshouldalso use the heating and the washing machine onlywhenneeded and installphotovoltaicpanels to reduce CO2 emissions.
10 RULES FOR NOT POLLUTING 1) Turn off the light whenleaving the room 2) Install solar panels 3) Move on foot or by bike 4) Do notsoil the sea 5) Make separate collection 6) Eatorganicproducts 7) Plantseeds and trees in the kitchengardens or on the balcony 8) Take care of the animals 9) Eatlocalfood 10) Close the tapwhen the water isnotneeded
ANIMALS IN EXTINCTION Itdefines a species in danger of extinction, an animal or plantspeciesthatcouldbecomeextinct due to changes in its habitat and the decrease of itspopulation. An organizationthatisresponsible for safeguardingtheseendangeredspeciesis the WWF, whichcreates nature reservesprotected for animals. Some endangeredanimals are the giant panda, the tiger, the koala and the whitebear.