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Cosmology and Collider Physics 中科院高能所 张新民 2006.10.28

Explore the groundbreaking achievements of COBE in cosmology and collider physics, including the discovery of the cosmic microwave background radiation's blackbody form and anisotropy. Delve into topics such as inflation mechanisms, dark matter particles, properties of dark energy, and matter-antimatter asymmetry generation. Gain insights into current cosmological status, baryogenesis, collider physics, and testing cosmological CPT violation. Discover the latest advancements in particle cosmology research, dark matter detection, and unresolved questions in the field. Uncover how observations and experiments provide clues to understanding the fundamental aspects of our universe.

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Cosmology and Collider Physics 中科院高能所 张新民 2006.10.28

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  1. Cosmology and Collider Physics 中科院高能所 张新民 2006.10.28

  2. John C. MatherNASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD, USA, George F. SmootUniversity of California, Berkeley, CA, USA "for their discovery of the blackbody form and anisotropy of the cosmic microwave background radiation".

  3. Cosmic Background Explorer (COBE) achievements: 1. The CMB shape (Black body spectrum); 2. Detect the temperature fluctuation (~10-5). Precision Cosmology SN, Maxima, Boomerang, DASI, WMAP, SDSS, 2dfGRS, “Golden Sample”, SNLS COBE WMAP Inflation + Dark Matter + Dark Energy + Particle Physics Questions: 1. Inflation mechanism ... ? 2. Dark Matter Particle ... ? 3. Properties of Dark Energy ... ? 4. How to generate the matter and anti-matter asymmetry ... ?

  4. Outline of the talk • Current Status on Cosmology; • Baryogenesis and collider physics; • Cosmological CPT violation and its test with CMB; • Summary

  5. 宇宙学模型及其检验 I. 宇宙学参数 暗能量模型: Primordial power spectrum: Dark Energy equation of state:

  6. II. 天文观测数据: • 超新星(SN) • High Z Search Team (Riess et al. 2004) • Supernova Legacy Survey (SNLS) • 微波背景辐射(CMB) • Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) Observations • Balloon Observations Of Millimetric Extragalactic Radiation And Geophysics • 大尺度结构(LSS) • Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) • Two degree Field Galaxy Redshift Survey III. 数据拟和分析: Monte Carlo Markov Chains 上海超级计算机 创新点:暗能量扰动

  7. Results No questions about the existence of Dark Matter and Dark Energy

  8. 粒子宇宙学研究进展 • 暗物质粒子探测 • 暗能量模型 • Baryogenesis and Top Quark Physics

  9. 需要新物理 • 暗物质:中微子是暗物质,但不是冷暗物质;什么是冷暗物质? • 暗能量:势能和真空能是暗能量,但理论预言太大-宇宙学常数问题? • 反物质:标准模型可以产生正反物质不对称,但太小,需要新物理? • Inflation:什么是inflaton?

  10. 暗物质粒子最佳候选者: 轴子(Axion) 中性伴随子(Neutralino) 近年,较多研究“温暗物质”: Interacting Dark Matter Non-thermal produced Neutralino Steril Neutrino Gravitino Quintessino

  11. 轴子(Axion) 为解决强CP破坏问题而引进 (Peccei & Quinn) 轴子: 标量粒子 探测: 至今未发现

  12. WIMP(弱作用重粒子) 例如,超对称模型中的中性伴随子(neutralino).

  13. Picture of DM distribution at the galaxy • 两种产生机制: • 热产生 • (像光子退耦一样) • 2. 非热产生

  14. Dark Matter Detection The last result is given by CDMS. The null result give stronger constraints on the SUSY parameters. The DAMA region is almost entirely excluded. There are great progress in dark matter direct detection. New experiments are going to take data.

  15. Dark Matter Detection I. Some astrophysics observations can not be explained by the canonical physics. They may indicate the signal of DM, however, no conclusion can be drawn now. II. One of such experiments is the HEAT. There is an excess above 8 GeV, which can be explained by dark matter annihilation. III. Sensitivity will be greatly improved at Pamela and AMS02.

  16. Dark Matter Detection EGRET • Based on local cosmic ray spectrum gives consistent gamma ray spectrum in 30 MeV~500 MeV, above 1 GeV there is an excess. • Taking the contribution from dark matter annihilation into account the data can be well explained.

  17. Detection of Dark Matter in China I. Yang BaJing II. Quintessino Heavy long-lived charged particle

  18. 暗能量 基本特征:  注意:辐射 w=1/3, 物质 w=0

  19. 1. 真空能:w=-1 (宇宙学常数问题) 2. Quintessence: -1≤w≤1 3. Phantom: -1≥w 4. Quintom: w transit from below –1 to above -1 精质 幽灵 精灵 暗能量场:宇宙空间中的“以太” 精细结构常数的改变 Quintom ??

  20. Dark Energy and neutrinos: • Any connection between Dark Energy and neutrinos? • ΛCDM: • QCDM: If yes, very interesting: 2 of the biggest discoveries in the recent years Predictions : neutrino masses vary and cosmological CPT violation Xinmin Zhang etal. PRD68, 087301 (2003)

  21. Neutrino oscillation probes of Dark Energy Basic idea: given by D.B. Kaplan et al., PRL 93,091801 (2003); V. Barger et al., hep-ph/0502196; M. Cirelli et al., hep-ph/0503028. Solar Neutrino oscillation:

  22. Studying Dark Energy with LAMOST LAMOST的效果图

  23. Baryo/Leptogenesis 机制 正反物质不对称: M. Tegmark et al, Phys.Rev. D 69, 103501 (2004). Sakharov 三条件:A.D. Sakharov, JETP Lett. 5, 24 (1967). 1. 重子数破坏 2. C 和 CP 破坏 3. 脱离热平衡 M. Fukugita and T. Yanagida, Phys. Lett. B 174, 45 (1986); P. Langacker, R.D Peccei, and T. Yanagida, Mod. Phys.Lett.A 1,541 (1986); M.A. Luty, Phys. Rev. D 45, 455 (1992); R.N. Mohapatra and X. Zhang, Phys. Rev. D 45, 2688 (1992). Leptogenesis • 1. 右手中微子的 Majorana 质量项破坏轻子数 • 2. 右手中微子的 Yukawa 耦合项破坏 C 和 CP • 3. 右手中微子脱离热平衡 Sphaleron 过程将部分轻子数转化为重子数 V.A. Kuzmin, V.A. Rubakov and M.E. Shaposhnikov, Phys. Lett. B 155, 36 (1985).

  24. Need new physics for baryogenesis • Different approaches to new physics • 1) SUSY • 2) Multi-Higgs • 3) Left-right symmetric model • 4) Extra dimension • 5) Effective lagrangian -- anomalous couplings

  25. C.S. Li, Z.G. Si, ......

  26. 一个统一描述 和 的模型 问题的提出: Dirac 理论 反粒子----Baryogenesis “真空不空” ---- Dark Energy 微观 宇观 Any connections?

  27. 重子有效化学势 热平衡  宇宙熵密度: 观测值: 模型: Solution:

  28. Cosmological CPT Violation • CPT Violation: baryogenesis in thermal equilibrium • CPT test at Laboratory Here: Require m < 100 GeV ( Not strong constraint ) • CPT violation in neutrino sector • In K-essence, is large

  29. Searching for CPT violation

  30. Cosmological CPT violation: predicting <TB> and<EB> (Note here the notation: G ~ E, C~ B) Bo Feng, Mingzhe Li , Jun-Qing Xia, Xuelei Chen and Xinmin Zhang Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 221302 (2006)

  31. the Chinese team has performed “a nice measurement”.

  32. Significant achievements (Nobel Prizes) and important topics in Cosmology I. 1998 SN discover the acceleration of Universe; II. Inflation theory Precision measurements by WMAP, SDSS, SN and Planck; III. Dark Energy theory; Planck, JDEM(SNAP) ....... IV. Detecting B mode polarization by Planck or CMBpol; V. Detection of Relic Neutrinos; VI. Detection of Dark Matter particle; VII. CPT violation or Transplanckian effects discovered by Planck and CMBpol. ............

  33. 极大与极小,微观与宇观,粒子物理与宇宙学的结合极大与极小,微观与宇观,粒子物理与宇宙学的结合 探讨描述宇宙创生,演化的相互作用统一模型。

  34. Thanks !

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