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Based in Abu Dhabi the capital of the United Arab Emirates, Gulf Diagnostic Center (GDC) Hospital was inaugurated in 1996 by the late Dr. Awad Kaddoura. Over the years it has grown from a diagnostic center into a multi-specialty hospital. The premier healthcare facility Implements best practices and quality standards, making it one of the renowned medical units in the UAE.
Best Medical Center in Abu Dhabi - Family doctor Abu Dhabi - Hospitals in Abu Dhabi - Best pediatrician in Abu Dhabi - GDC Hospital Abu Dhabi Best medical center in Abu Dhabi - The third portion of the Abu Dhabi Obstetrics, Gynecology and Midwifery Congress 2015 Best medical center in Abu Dhabi - means to raise the profile of ladies' Best medical center in Abu Dhabi wellbeing, notwithstanding giving Best medical center in Abu Dhabi upgrades through the sharing of information and advancing the Best medical center in Abu Dhabi prescribed Family Medical Center - procedures among the Best medical center in Abu Dhabi social insurance network. Family medical center - This congress will concentrate on contemporary advances in the field of ladies' wellbeing and refresh family doctor Abu Dhabi - explore on and treatment in obs- gyne specialization. It will give discoveries and elucidations Best medical center in Abu Dhabi of driving edge Family medical center explore that advances Family medical center profitable medication and richness. The two-day hospitals in Abu Dhabi - occasion will be authorize for Continuing Medical Education (CME) hours Best medical center in Abu Dhabi and is certain to Family medical center furnish delegates with current activities and Best medical center in Abu Dhabi cutting edge advancements from a large group of universally prestigious speakers. Family doctor Abu Dhabi - The Abu Dhabi Obstetrics, Gynecology and Midwifery Congress UAE and area as it intends to give high bore best hospital in Abu Dhabi - logical material, conveyed by means of overall specialists in the field of ladies' wellbeing, Family medical center will's identity joining on the cosmopolitan Pediatrician in Abu Dhabi - city of Abu Dhabi Family Doctor Abu Dhabi . To partake in what guarantees to fill in as a standout amongst the most enlightening, exceedingly Family medical center touted ladies' wellbeing gatherings in the area, make sure to enroll right on time to ensure your spot! Hospitals in Abu Dhabi - The Obstetrics and Gynecology Department has profoundly experienced and very much qualified Gynecologist Family Doctor Abu Dhabi who offer specific consideration and caring Best Pediatrician in Abu DHabi - consideration for ladies. Our Obstetricians have confidence in proof based Hospitals in Abu Dhabi treatment for the general prosperity of the mother and their infants previously, amid, and after conveyance. They treat a scope of ladylike restorative Family Doctor Abu Dhabi issues identified with pre- and post-pregnancy, Hospitals in Abu Dhabi pregnancy, pre-adulthood and urinary issues over all age gatherings. The office offers the accompanying administrations: Best hospital in Abu Dhabi - Gynecological and Pre Pregnancy Care . Preventative direction . Menstrual and Hormonal Disorders . Best Cardiologist in Abu Dhabi - Over the top bleeding(menorrhagia) . Barrenness Management . Ovarian Cyst . Hospitals in Abu Dhabi - Vaginal release Family Doctor Abu Dhabi and Leucorrhoea . Sexual Health . Pre-Conception Counseling . Family Doctor Abu Dhabi - Immature Menstrual Disorders . Immature Disorders . Explicitly Transmitted Diseases(STDs) . CT Scan and MRI
Pediatrician in Abu Dhabi - Antenatal Care . Best hospital in Abu Dhabi Antenatal Checkup for typical pregnancy . Screening for Down Syndrome and other Family Doctor Abu Dhabi Chromosomal Disorders . ENT Doctor Abu Dhabi - The board Best hospital in Abu Dhabi of repetitive Abortions . Ultrasound for Antenatal Checkup . Ectopic Pregnancy . Low lying placenta Conveyance Services . Pediatrician in Abu Dhabi - Typical Vaginal Delivery Best hospital in Abu Dhabi . Troublesome or Instrumental conveyances . Cesarean conveyances . confused Family Doctor Abu Dhabi Cesarean Section . Easy Labor Postnatal Care . Counsel on Pediatrician in Abu Dhabi weight reduction after pregnancy . Guidance on bosom sustaining . Prophylactic direction after conveyance ENT Specialist in Abu Dhabi - Post Menopausal Care . Menopausal and Osteoporosis Management . Menopause - Hormonal Replacement Therapy(HRT) . Menopause - Non- Hormonal Management Best pediatrician in Abu Dhabi - other Gynecological Surgeries and Procedures . Pap Smear and Colposcopy for cervical screening . Pediatrician in Abu Dhabi - Bosom malignancy screening and mammograms . Hysteroscopy for Endometrial Pathology . Family Doctor Abu Dhabi - Demonstrative and restorative Laparoscopy . Best hospital in Abu Dhabi - Laparoscopic Surgeries . Urologist in Abu Dhabi - Hysterectomy . Best ENT Doctor in Abu Dhabi - Myomectomy . Colposcopy . Vaginal Birth Best hospital in Abu Dhabi after past Cesarean Section . Non-careful administration of fibroids . Uterine Artery Embolism (non careful administration of uterine fibroids) Urologist in Abu Dhabi - The United Arab Emirates now needs little presentation and is rapidly getting to be a standout amongst the most exceptionally looked for after locales on the planet for Doctors hoping to Best pediatrician in Abu Dhabi - investigate Best hospital in Abu Dhabi openings abroad. Dentist in Abu Dhabi - Its quickly expanding populace is a demonstration of this blast and medicinal services offices are endeavoring to wind up the main Best hospital in Abu Dhabi establishments in the area. Dentist in Abu Dhabi - We are working intimately with an esteemed customer, one of the UAE's driving medicinal services organizations. Best hospital in Abu Dhabi - The customer being referred to is opening another Best pediatrician in Abu Dhabi master tertiary office and we are banding together intimately with them in their enlistment drive Endocrinologist in Abu Dhabi - We are at present open to accepting applications and enthusiasm from Senior dimension specialists and advisors working in the rundown of specialisms given beneath. Best pediatrician in Abu Dhabi Candidates must have CCT/CCST/American Board/Canadian Board/Australian/New Zealand Fellowships and must have at least 8 years' involvement in Best pediatrician in Abu Dhabi expert jobs, preferably in substantive posts. Eye Test Abu Dhabi - Our office is prepared for both typical and high-chance pregnancies. We represent considerable Endocrinologist in Abu Dhabi - authority in counteracting or
dealing with any Eye Test Abu Dhabi - inconvenience amid the pregnancy, regardless of whether it influences the mother or the hatchling. Blood Test Abu Dhabi - We utilize European and North American norms for our consideration, including: Clinical Examination Ultrasound Research center Testing First and Second Trimester Screening Mental Support Readiness for Delivery Vaginal or Cesarean Delivery Epidural Analgesia Family medical center - Best hospital in Abu Dhabi - Best Cardiologist in Abu Dhabi - Family doctor Abu Dhabi - Eye test Abu Dhabi - Obstetrics Abu Dhabi - GDC Hospital Abu Dhabi Best medical center in Abu Dhabi - Cardiology is a part of drug managing scatters of the heart. It incorporates medicinal determination and Neurologist in Abu Dhabi - treatment of Coronary Artery Disease, Heart Failure, Valvular Heart Disease, Electrophysiology, Inherited Heart Disease and Congenital Heart Defects. Family medical center - Bay Diagnostic Center Hospital has an accomplished cardiovascular group focused on conveying all encompassing cardiovascular consideration containing anticipation, finding and treatment Ophthalmologist Abu Dhabi of illnesses of heart and circulatory framework. Best Gastroenterologist in Abu Dhabi - Our group of cardiologists is exceedingly skillful to analyze, treat and fastidiously follow-up an Ophthalmologist Abu Dhabi assortment of Dermatologist Abu Dhabi - cardiovascular illnesses and conditions, including: Coronary Artery Disease Heart Failure Heart Valve Disease Acquired Heart Disease
Intrinsic Heart Disease Cardiovascular Arrhythmias Hypertension and its complexities Hyperlipidemia Family doctor Abu Dhabi - The manifestations can comprise of chest torment, shortness of breath, palpitations, mixed up spells, Ophthalmologist Abu Dhabi fall, and hypertension. Those may happen in relationship with certain metabolic disturbances. Hospitals in Abu Dhabi - Conveying treatment Obstetrics Abu Dhabi to the entire individual, and not simply the infection, is the thing that we weight on and convey. We do offer a wide range of cardiovascular examination for Obstetrics Abu Dhabi patients, not just in Abu Dhabi and whatever remains of the UAE, yet additionally for those over the whole GCC. Our cardiovascular administrations Obstetrics Abu Dhabi comprise for the most part of non- obtrusive tests for the Obstetrics Abu Dhabi - early analysis and treatment of coronary illness. Our scope of examinations for heart conditions include: THE ELECTROCARDIOGRAM (ECG): Best hospital in Abu Dhabi - The ECG is the most generally performed cardiovascular test and is a helpful screening instrument for an Ophthalmologist Abu Dhabi - assortment of heart variations from the norm. Neurologist in Abu Dhabi - The test, which is easy to-perform, chance free and cheap, takes roughly 3 minutes to perform. Contingent upon test outcomes, further tests, including an echocardiogram to analyze coronary illness or other heart basic variations from the norm, might be recommended. THE ECHOCARDIOGRAM: Pediatrician in Abu Dhabi - The Echocardiogram is a to a great degree valuable test and can give an abundance of accommodating data, including the size and state of the heart, siphoning limit, and the area and degree of any tissue harm. It is a standout amongst the most broadly utilized indicative tests in cardiology for the conclusion, the executives, and line up of patients with any suspected or known heart illnesses. Best Gastroenterologist in Abu Dhabi - This test is non-intrusive, totally protected and extremely precise. It can take around 30-40 minutes to finish, contingent upon the clinical case. Echocardiograms are in some cases Dermatologist Abu Dhabi utilized related to pressure tests. THE STRESS TEST:
Best pediatrician in Abu Dhabi - Changes in the ECG tracings and pulse are nearly observed amid an activity normal, beginning at a low dimension of activity and after that step by step expanding while nearly checking any changes. Dermatologist Abu Dhabi - The test fuses use of an ECG machine and circulatory strain screen. Dermatologist Abu Dhabi - The pressure test is for the most part utilized for the finding of Coronary Artery Disease. At the point when a bit of the heart isn't sufficiently accepting blood supply, it regularly Eye Test Abu Dhabi causes Neurologist in Abu Dhabi chest distress, Eye Test Abu Dhabi a side effect called Angina. This Neurologist in Abu Dhabi clinical condition could be examined utilizing a pressure test. Best Gastroenterologist in Abu Dhabi - The pressure test is additionally useful for minding arrhythmias and circulatory strain reaction to practice in certain basic coronary illness conditions. THE HOLTER MONITOR: Diagnostic center in Abu Dhabi - Holter Monitoring is a compact gadget for the drawn out observing of the different electrical movement of the Best Gastroenterologist in Abu Dhabi cardiovascular Diagnostic center in Abu Dhabi ramework, beginning from no less Best Gastroenterologist in Abu Dhabi than 24 hours and going up to about fourteen days on end. Ophthalmologist Abu Dhabi - Primarily for outpatient use, the Holter's expanded chronicle period helps in the location of infrequent Diagnostic center in Abu Dhabi Cardiac Arrhythmias, and in the distinguishing Endocrinologist in Abu Dhabi proof of the Dermatologist Abu Dhabi cardiovascular beat variations from the Dermatologist Abu Dhabi - norm which may prompt wooziness, crumple or potential Diagnostic center in Abu Dhabi epileptic occasions that would be hard to Endocrinologist in Abu Dhabi recognize in a brief Endocrinologist in Abu Dhabi timeframe. For non-visit and rather genuine indications, patients can be fit with a drawn out Holter Monitor for Eye Test Abu Dhabi multi month or progressively, Endocrinologist in Abu Dhabi preceding being considered for Endocrinologist in Abu Dhabi intrusive methods on Diagnostic center in Abu Dhabi keeping an eye on their heart rhythms. Mobile BLOOD PRESSURE MONITORING Best cardiologist in Abu Dhabi - Mobile Blood Pressure Monitoring (ABPM) is a non-obtrusive strategy for acquiring pulse readings over Best Cardiologist in Abu Dhabi a 24-hour time span,Blood Test Abu Dhabi while the Neurologist in Abu Dhabi patients are in their very own condition, speaking to a genuine impression of their circulatory strain. ENT doctor Abu Dhabi - Numerous investigations have now affirmed that circulatory strain estimated over a 24-hour time span is Best Cardiologist in Abu Dhabi better than facility pulse in anticipating future Blood Test Abu Dhabi cardiovascular occasions and target organ harm. POST-DIAGNOSTIC TREATMENT
ENT specialist in Abu Dhabi - Post diagnostics, Blood Test Abu Dhabi we offer a scope of therapeutic administrations portrayed by a customized and facilitated Best Cardiologist in Abu Dhabi approach with minding Neurologist in Abu Dhabi consideration which a Dentist in Abu Dhabi patient merit, Best Cardiologist in Abu Dhabi the majority of that is focused at accomplishing ideal clinical outcomes. Administrations CORONARY INTERVENTIONS Best ENT doctor in Abu Dhabi - AVIVO Group's cardiology Dentist in Abu Dhabi centers in UAE gives best in class coronary interventional (coronary angioplasty) administrations. Ophthalmologist Abu Dhabi - They are non-surgeries for treating the narrowing (stenosis) of coronary veins of heart found in coronary corridor ailment. ENT Doctor Abu Dhabi - Our cardiology centers in Dubai and Abu Dhabi are supplied with the underneath referenced coronary Dentist in Abu Dhabi interventional administrations: Straightforward and Complex Coronary Angioplasties Vein Graft Interventions CTO interventions(Chronic add up to Occlusions) Intense MI (Myocardial Infarction) Interventions Unprotected Left Main Interventions ROTABLATOR Fringe VASCULAR INTERVENTIONS Urologist in Abu Dhabi - We offer the best cardiology treatment in UAE that incorporates Peripheral Vascular Interventions to ENT Doctor Abu Dhabi dispose of the plaque store and reestablish ENT Doctor Abu Dhabi the blood move through the conduit when blockages occur in legs or arms. Our fringe vascular interventional administrations contain: Carotid Artery Stenting Subclavian Artery Stenting Renal Artery Stenting Mesenteric Artery Stenting
LOWER EXTREMITY ARTERIAL INTERVENTIONS AVIVO Group has master cardiologists in ENT Doctor Abu Dhabi UAE who can precisely perform bring down limit blood vessel mediations, including: Cushion/CLAUDICATION/NON-HEALING ULCERS – Angioplasty, Stenting Atherectomy: Fox Hollow, CSI Orbital, Laser, Jet Stream and so on VENOUS Our cardiology centers in Dubai and Abu Dhabi give a scope of venous medications, for example, RF Vein removal for Venous Reflux and Varicose Veins IVC Filters, DVT/PE Lysis/Thrombectomy Shuntogram/Shuntoplasty – Dialysis Shunts ANEURYSMS Authority cardiologists in the AVIVO Group can offer master aneurysm treatment, including: Endovascular Repair Of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms Endovascular Repair Of Iliac Artery/Popliteal Artery Aneurysms Auxiliary HEART Obstetrics Abu Dhabi - Our cardiology offices in UAE are outstanding for the treatment of basic heart sicknesses. Our master cardiology specialists in UAE perform percutaneous aortic valve substitutions (PAVR) with precision. Percutaneous Aortic Valve Replacements Dentist in Abu Dhabi - Fix Cardiology Department gives patients Primary and in addition Secondary Prevention and Treatment for the main killing ailment ENT Doctor Abu Dhabi around the world "Coronary illness" and its related Vascular Diseases and Co-Morbidities, for example, Stroke, Rhythm unsettling influences, valvular ENT Doctor Abu Dhabi coronary illness, cardiomyopathies, syncope, hypertension, orthostatic hypotension and postural Best ENT Doctor in ABu Dhabi - tachycardia disorder (POTS), carotid ailment, ENT Doctor Abu Dhabi fringe vascular sickness, diabetes mellitus, lipid disoirders, heftiness, metabolic disorder, and so forth… Endocrinologist in Abu Dhabi - Our patients are evaluated and treated for side effects characteristic of heart, vascular and metabolic Best ENT Doctor in ABu Dhabi scatters through the help of adroit Urologist in Abu Dhabi and capable specialists, attendants,
restorative professionals, staff and propelled gear through proceeded Best ENT Doctor in ABu Dhabi with patient training Urologist in Abu Dhabi and by following the latest and refreshed North American and European rules. Cardiology Services Offered: Resting ECG Stress ECG (Treadmill Exercise ECG or TMT) Treadmill Exercise Echocardiography (Stress Echocardiography) Trans-Thoracic Echocardiography (2D, M-Mode, Doppler, Tissue Doppler, Strain and so forth… ) 24 Hours Holter Monitor for Rhythm (Holter Monitor) 24 Hours Blood Pressure Monitoring (NIBP) Head-Up Tilt Table Test to assess Syncope, Orthostatic Hypotension or Postural Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS) Coronary Calcium Score and Cardiac CT Angiography (in a joint effort with the Radiology Division in Cure) Outpatient Clinical Cardiology Eye test Abu Dhabi - Cardiovascular Catheterization (Performed by other subsidiary prominent healing centers in Abu Dhabi by Best ENT Doctor in ABu Dhabi indicated Interventional Cardiologist in some predefined partnered doctor's facilities in Abu Dhabi by especially talented North American/European Best ENT Doctor in ABu Dhabi prepared Interventional Cardiologists) Blood test Abu Dhabi - The Cardiology division at Ahalia Hospital, Hamdan is a best in class office offering administrations in both symptomatic and restorative controls. Dermatologist Abu Dhabi - Moreover, all subspecialties in cardiology including pediatric cardiology, non-intrusive cardiology, ENT Specialist in Abu Dhabi interventional cardiology, heart disappointment, cardiovascular restoration and heart electrophysiology administrations are dealt with 24 hour Obstetrics Abu Dhabi - Primary angioplasty administrations make it stand separated from different healing centers in the territory. Quick ENT Specialist in Abu Dhabi consideration is given to patients grumbling of chest agony and they are triaged. Best gastroenterologist in Abu Dhabi - Transthoracic and transesophageal echocardiography, brief and lasting pacemaker implantations, heart ENT Specialist in Abu Dhabi resynchronization treatment, implantable cardioverter defibrillator implantations, transradial
and transfemoral coronary angiography, ENT Specialist in Abu Dhabi angioplasty and fringe angioplasty offices are available. Neurologist in Abu Dhabi - The office is kept an eye on by three qualified heath expert of Abu Dhabi authorized Cardiologists who give care ENT Specialist in Abu Dhabi nonstop. The methodology of the specialists is sympathetic and ethical.SCOPE OF CARE Group of Cardiologists offering conference to pediatric and grown-up issues Electronic ECG and 24 Hrs Holter recorder with Event recorders Urologist in Abu Dhabi - Echocardiogram with shading Doppler and TEE,24 hours Ambulatory Blood Pressure observing Cathlab with best accuracy low radiation Cathlab office where in all interventional treatments are conceivable Essential angioplasty, encouraged angioplasty(With thrombolysis) for intense heart assaults Remarkable focus offering selective transradial indicative and entomb