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Edenderry Improvement Survey

In October 2017, the Edenderry Residents Association conducted a survey to gather community opinions on various improvement options. Through a detailed methodology using Qualtrics and hand-delivered surveys, key insights were obtained. Results showed strong support for reinstatement of the pathway to the river, followed by interest in a community meeting place. The community also favored signage and outdoor fitness equipment but rejected building on the Green. Recommendations emphasize detailed planning for pathway restoration and strategizing a community meeting space at the riverside terrace.

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Edenderry Improvement Survey

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Edenderry Improvement Survey Edenderry Residents Association. October 2017

  2. Background; why we carried out a survey Method; how we carried out the survey • The Arup report presented us with several options • The aim of the survey was to determine which option had the most support from the community • This would enable us to focus our efforts and resolve any doubts • A descriptive survey was drafted using Qualtrics, exported to Word distributed by hand to all of the houses in the village, (N = 159) • The survey consisted of • 1 x location q • 10 x yes/no questions • 2 x free response questions • There were 67 responses = response rate of 42%

  3. Results; What did we find?

  4. Should we invest in a community meeting place? N =15 N =51

  5. Would you consent to building on the Green? N =37

  6. Do you consent to building on the riverbank? N =19 N =45

  7. Subscribe to running costs? • Volunteer to maintain? N =17 N =24 N =43 N =50

  8. Outdoor fitness equipment, (OFE)

  9. Do you consent to signage at the entrance and exit to the village N =37 N =28

  10. Do you support reinstatement of the pathway to the river? N =12 N =55

  11. The qualitative data; Q5 Alternative sites

  12. Q15; suggestions and comments

  13. Conclusions; What next? • The options ranked are • 1st Pathway reinstatement (82%) • 2nd Community Meeting Place (76%) • 3rd Signage (55%) • 4th Outdoor Fitness Eqpt (28%)

  14. Recommendations • The opportunity most supported by the community is D; reinstatement of the pathway down to the river • The path needs to be opened up to explore in more detail what reinstatement will look like • This was closely followed by A; Community meeting place • The riverside terrace could be landscaped to create a community meeting space • Further work is needed to define community meeting space • No building on the Green

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