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Exploring Reactive Nitrogen in the North Pacific: INTEX-B Observations

Investigating the changing photochemistry in the North Pacific region through INTEX-B observations of reactive nitrogen. Analyzing ozone production rates, LIF detection methods, and flight data.

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Exploring Reactive Nitrogen in the North Pacific: INTEX-B Observations

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  1. The Changing Photochemistry of the North Pacific - Observations of Reactive Nitrogen from INTEX-B 2006 Ron Cohen Tim Bertram Anne Perring Paul Wooldridge with contributions from the INTEX science team

  2. Changing Photochemistry of the North Pacific Richter et al., Nature 2005

  3. Ozone Production Rates INTEX-A PBL INTEX-B All

  4. PMT sample Multi-pass Cell ( 1 of 2 ) To Pump Nd3+:YAG 585 nm Tunable Dye Laser 532 nm Detection Limit [S/N=2]: 25pptv @10seconds at 12km 10pptv @10seconds on ground LIF Detection of NO2 UCB LIF on the DC-8 Thornton et al., Anal. Chem. 2000

  5. TD-LIF Detection of SPNs, SANs and HNO3 XNO2 + heat  X + NO2 T< 50C NO2 (1) T~ 200C N2O5+RO2NO2 +(1) (2) T~ 300C RONO2 + (2) (3) T~ 550C HNO3+ (3) (4) Day et al., JGR. 2002

  6. TD-LIF Sampling Strategy Sample at 4Hz in a 2 minute sampling cycle 90 seconds NO2 60 seconds SPNs 15 seconds SANs 30 seconds NOy(-NO) 15 seconds HNO3

  7. Reactive Nitrogen & Ozone: Remote Pacific N North S South NOy = NO+ NO2 +SPNs + SANs +HNO3

  8. NOy Partitioning: Remote Pacific N North S South

  9. TD-LIF Flight Data 15 May 2006 - Anchorage to North Dakota

  10. TD-LIF Flight Data 15 May 2006 - Anchorage to North Dakota

  11. TD-LIF Flight Data 15 May 2006 - Anchorage to North Dakota

  12. TD-LIF Flight Data 15 May 2006 - Anchorage to North Dakota

  13. PAN and SPNS Expect: [PAN] ~ 0.85 [SPNs]

  14. SANs and C1-C4 ANs SANs C1-C4 (Blake group)

  15. Comparison to Previous Observations: North Pacific [Latitude > 35N] North

  16. Comparison to Previous Observations: South Pacific [Latitude < 35N] South

  17. Questions and Directions • Further intercomparison of satellite and in situ data • Use NO2/HNO3 and age of air to explore sources of NOx/y and convective influences • Document Intercomparisons of TD-LIF with other airborne measurements during INTEX-B • Compare and Contrast modeled composition of SANs and abundances of individual ANs in INTEX-A, and both phases of INTEX-B • Compare observations to previous Pacific Missions

  18. PAN Thermal Dissociation: Remote Pacific N North S South

  19. In situ constraints for satellite observations of NO2 from OMI

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