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Enhancing Lifelong Learning through Individual Learning Accounts: Lessons Learned

This seminar on individual learning accounts explores their role in financing vocational education and training. It covers participation in networks, research on lifelong learning, taxation incentives, and financial institutions' roles. Lessons learned are discussed based on pilot programs and assessments. Key aspects for incentivizing learning through tax measures are analyzed. The seminar highlights the importance of simplifying tax management, inclusive incentivization, learning support, tax instrument choice, and communication plans. Conclusions include evaluating pension funds, saving-education accounts, and deductions for economic activity encouragement.

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Enhancing Lifelong Learning through Individual Learning Accounts: Lessons Learned

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  2. Seminar on Individual learning accounts: An incentive for financing continuing vocational education and training “INDIVIDUAL LEARNING ACCOUNTS: ACTIVITIES CARRIED OUT AND LESSON LEARNT” Thessaloniki, 31 January 2008 Iñaki Ibarra PROVINCIAL COUNCIL OF GIPUZKOA



  5. 3

  6. CONTENTS (a) Participation in networks and good practices (i) ILA: Network (eLAP) (ii) ILA: International benchmarking (b) Research and diffusion about lifelong learning and specifically about individual learning accounts (i) ILA: LLL and the role of taxation (5) (ii) ILA: LLL and the role of the financial institutions (4) (iii) - ILA: citizen evaluation of LLL (8) - Gipuzkoa learning community: proposal of indicators (4) (c) Testing: pilot programmes (i) ILA: experimentation. Experience in Gipuzkoa: Participants (ii) ILA: experimentation. Experience in Gipuzkoa: Target groups (ii) ILA: experimentation. Experience in Gipuzkoa: Main points (d) Lessons learnt: a positive preliminary assessment (e) Some requirements and needs 4

  7. (a) Participation in networks and good practices 5

  8. (i) ILA: Network (eLAP) (a) Participation in networks and good practices (i) ILA: Network (eLAP) (ii) ILA: International benchmarking WHAT IS Elap? • We are an informal network of governments and policy makers • Our area is covered by the economic aspects of lifelong learning • Through the network we share experience and practice, that is what we want to accomplish: experimenting, sharing and learning • Members: a core of six Members, initially interested in the learning accounts 6

  9. (ii) ILA: International benchmarking (a) Participation in networks and good practices (i) ILA: Network (eLAP) (ii) ILA: International benchmarking OECD: BONN (2003) DEMAND LED FINANCING OF LIFELONG LEARNING Study based on already devoloped experiences 7

  10. (b) Research and diffusion about lifelong learning and specifically about individual learning accounts 8

  11. (i) ILA: LLL and the role of taxation (b) Research and diffusion about lifelong learning (i) LLL and the role of taxation (1/5) (ii) LLL and the role of the financial institutions (iii) - citizen evaluation of LLL - Gipuzkoa learning community • Geographical scope of the study: Gipuzkoa • Purpose: • to analyse the viability and characteristics of a possible tax aid system for incentivising lifelong learning. • Contents:Tax measures targeted at individuals • analysis of different figures of tax incentives (person-targeted) • evaluation of their suitability • initial idea of the key aspects to be considered 9

  12. (i) ILA: LLL and the role of taxation (b) Research and diffusion about lifelong learning (i) LLL and the role of taxation (2/5) (ii) LLL and the role of the financial institutions (iii) - citizen evaluation of LLL - Gipuzkoa learning community 1. Analysis of different types of tax incentive • Schemes analysed: • Reductions in tax base (basically through Pension Plans and LLL). • Deductions (housing, promotion of economic activity) • Analyses made: • Quantification of spending • Profile of beneficiary 10

  13. (i) ILA: LLL and the role of taxation (b) Research and diffusion about lifelong learning (i) LLL and the role of taxation (3/5) (ii) LLL and the role of the financial institutions (iii) - citizen evaluation of LLL - Gipuzkoa learning community 11

  14. (i) ILA: LLL and the role of taxation (b) Research and diffusion about lifelong learning (i) LLL and the role of taxation (4/5) (ii) LLL and the role of the financial institutions (iii) - citizen evaluation of LLL - Gipuzkoa learning community 2. Key aspects to be considered when proposing tax incentive measures: • Simplification in tax management: • Incorporation of formulas that allow incentivisation for people currently receiving no income: • Scope of the type of learning to be supported • Choice of the tax instrument to be used: (evaluate progressivity - regressivity generated by each one) • Communication plan for the general public. 12

  15. (i) ILA: LLL and the role of taxation (b) Research and diffusion about lifelong learning (i) LLL and the role of taxation (5/5) (ii) LLL and the role of the financial institutions (iii) - citizen evaluation of LLL - Gipuzkoa learning community 3. Conclusion • Key figures to be evaluated: • 1) "Pension funds v. recycling” (pension funds with possibility of being used untaxed for education. • 2) "Saving–education account” (operates like "housing accounts. • 3) Deductions for encouraging economic activity. 13

  16. (ii) ILA: LLL and the role of the financial institutions (b) Research and diffusion about lifelong learning (i) LLL and the role of taxation (ii) LLL and the role of the financial institutions (1/4) (iii) - citizen evaluation of LLL - Gipuzkoa learning community • Geographical scope of the study: Gipuzkoa • Purpose: • to examine the role to be played in the system by the financial institutions. • Contents: Role of the financial institutions • analysis of the different financial products marketed • view of the institutions • possible paths for collaboration with financial institutions 14

  17. (ii) ILA: LLL and the role of the financial institutions (b) Research and diffusion about lifelong learning (i) LLL and the role of taxation (ii) LLL role of the financial institutions (2/4) (iii) - citizen evaluation of LLL - Gipuzkoa learning community 1. Analysis of financial products related to education or which might prove complementary or be used as a model or benchmark for tax inducements for education. • First saving and future education • Housing Account • VMPIs and pension plans • education funding: • Student loans (credit at preferential interest rates, • Funding for enrolment fee (10 monthly payments) • Funding for degree studies • Funding of master's degree and postgrad studies • Support for international grant and work-experience programmes • Offer of specific products and services adapted for students • Direct education activities (as developer or sponsor) 15

  18. (ii) ILA: LLL and the role of the financial institutions (b) Research and diffusion about lifelong learning (i) LLL and the role of taxation (ii) LLL role of the financial institutions (3/4) (iii) - citizen evaluation of LLL - Gipuzkoa learning community 2. possible paths for collaboration with financial institutions • Research, analysis and execution of joint proposals on lifelong learning in Gipuzkoa • Participation and support (joint promotion, financial support, others, etc.) for some of the initiatives already promoted or planned in the area of stimulation for lifelong learning in Gipuzkoa. • Creation of own education offer within the context of the objectives of a general programme for Gipuzkoa. • Design of financial products for funding education: characteristics, dissemination, possible tax support, groups benefiting, etc. Further encouragement for existing ones could also be considered. 16

  19. (ii) ILA: LLL and the role of the financial institutions (b) Research and diffusion about lifelong learning (i) LLL and the role of taxation (ii) LLL role of the financial institutions (1/4) (iii) - citizen evaluation of LLL - Gipuzkoa learning community 3. Conclusion • It is essential to identify the groups to whom tax aid for promoting LLL is to be targeted, since this will to a great extent determine other subsequent decisions on the design and nature of the financial tool 17

  20. (iii) ILA: citizen evaluation of LLL (b) Research and diffusion about lifelong learning (iii) - citizen evaluation of LLL (1/8) - Gipuzkoa learning community 18

  21. (iii) ILA: citizen evaluation of LLL (b) Research and diffusion about lifelong learning (iii) - citizen evaluation of LLL (2/8) - Gipuzkoa learning community 19

  22. (iii) ILA: citizen evaluation of LLL (b) Research and diffusion about lifelong learning (iii) - citizen evaluation of LLL (3/8) - Gipuzkoa learning community 20

  23. (iii) ILA: citizen evaluation of LLL (b) Research and diffusion about lifelong learning (iii) - citizen evaluation of LLL (4/8) - Gipuzkoa learning community 21

  24. (iii) ILA: citizen evaluation of LLL (b) Research and diffusion about lifelong learning (iii) - citizen evaluation of LLL (5/8) - Gipuzkoa learning community 22

  25. (iii) ILA: citizen evaluation of LLL (b) Research and diffusion about lifelong learning (iii) - citizen evaluation of LLL (6/8) - Gipuzkoa learning community 23

  26. (iii) ILA: citizen evaluation of LLL (b) Research and diffusion about lifelong learning (iii) - citizen evaluation of LLL (7/8) - Gipuzkoa learning community 24

  27. (iii) ILA: citizen evaluation of LLL (b) Research and diffusion about lifelong learning (iii) - citizen evaluation of LLL (8/8) - Gipuzkoa learning community 25

  28. (iii) Gipuzkoa learning community: proposal of indicators (b) Research and diffusion about lifelong learning (iii) - citizen evaluation of LLL - Gipuzkoa learning community (1/4) • In this, we have used the European Commission Staff Working Paper of November 2001 (Lifelong learning practice and indicators) • Report from the Commission of 31 January 2001: The concrete future objectives of education systems (COM(2001) 59 final • Detailed work programme on the follow-up of the objectives of education and training systems in Europe(Official Journal C 142/01) • “Fifteen Quality Indicators of Lifelong Learning” as a first report on quality indicators of lifelong learning (June, 2002) • The European Commission's Eurobarometer published a survey by the Cedefop (European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training) on lifelong learning which examined the public's point of view (June 2003) • Eurostat published the results of a lifelong learning survey: (Summarised statistics 8/2005). • European report on quality indicators of lifelong learning – Fifteen quality indicators 26

  29. (iii) Gipuzkoa learning community: proposal of indicators (b) Research and diffusion about lifelong learning (iii) - citizen evaluation of LLL - Gipuzkoa learning community (2/4) • Provide a broad, adapted and quality range of education • Be participative (teachers/centres, companies, local administration) • Be informed (aware, promotion of learning) • Have an environmental sensitivity • Be economically prosperous • Have social sensitivity (open, plural) • Provide education for all • Be active and inclusive 27

  30. (iii) Gipuzkoa learning community: proposal of indicators (b) Research and diffusion about lifelong learning (iii) - citizen evaluation of LLL - Gipuzkoa learning community (3/4) • Secondary Education: offer of centres, teachers, parents, relations with the community, information and communication technology, etc. • Higher education: activities, active people, virtual campus. • SMEs: Participation, motivation, partnership, local involvement. • Local government: communication, involvement, spending, participation. • Use of ICT for e-learning: typology, language, use of ICT • Gender and personal situation: motivation, participation, area, orientation, knowledge, areas • Age, life situation: phase in life, knowledge, personal, employment, social, relational, participative • Lifelong learning for adults: centres, offer, activities. 28

  31. (iii) Gipuzkoa learning community: proposal of indicators (b) Research and diffusion about lifelong learning (iii) - citizen evaluation of LLL - Gipzkoa learning community (4/4) Is developed further in the following points: • Areas/themes and sub-areas; • Indicators of input/availability by area and sub-area; • Indicators of output/results by area and sub-area; • Indicators of impact/targets by area and sub-area Four areas have been identified: • people; • demand; • supply and • counselling 29

  32. (c) Testing: pilot programmes 30

  33. (ii) ILA: experimentation. Experience in Gipuzkoa (c) Testing: pilot programmes (i) Participants (ii) Target group (iii) Main points 31

  34. (ii) ILA: experimentation. Experience in Gipuzkoa (c) Testing: pilot programmes (i) Participants(ii) Target group (iii) Main points 32

  35. (iii) ILA: experimentation. Experience in Gipuzkoa (c) Testing: pilot programmes (i) Participants (ii) Target group (iii) Main points Main points • Valid instrument to act on specific target groups (rather than the general public) however • Scope of these experiences too limited to allow generalisation • Would be desirable to target new groups, involve more stakeholders and invest larger amounts, using new instruments. 33

  36. (d) Lessons learnt: a positive preliminary assessment. • In general, individual learning accounts are considered an adequate instrument for lifelong learning as far as they allow: • To individually assist each person • To design actions for different target groups • To promote individual compromise (co-financing) • To make an individual monitoring and assessment • To organise and promote the training supply • To promote lifelong learning • To implement different types of public and public/private partnerships for management and financing • However, difficulties to generalise ILA do exist 34

  37. (e) Some requirements and needs • A greater social understanding on the need and importance of lifelong learning. Lack of tradition. • To customise the training supply and access conditions (and channels) for everybody. To improve adaptation. • Simplification (regarding supply qualification, type of users, dimension and characteristics of training), both for the public agents (tax treatment) as for the financial institutions (collaboration) and for the potential users. 35

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