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CESSDA Question Databank

CESSDA Question Databank. Tender, results and future. Introduction. Data Archiving and Networked Services Institute of both KNAW and NWO Mission Departments: Archive and dissemination Infrastructure Software development. Outline. Background Question Bank Tender

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CESSDA Question Databank

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  1. CESSDA Question Databank Tender, results and future Maarten Hoogerwerf, CESSDA expert seminar 2009

  2. Introduction • Data Archiving and Networked Services • Institute of both KNAW and NWO • Mission • Departments: • Archive and dissemination • Infrastructure • Software development Maarten Hoogerwerf, CESSDA expert seminar 2009

  3. Outline • Background • Question Bank Tender • Discussion of technical specifications • Conclusion • Approach Maarten Hoogerwerf, CESSDA expert seminar 2009

  4. Background • Cross-national survey programmes introduce comparability and harmonization issues. • Supporting infrastructure: • Constructs, Classifications, Conversions Database (CCCDB or CHARMCATS) • Question Database (QDB) • Pre- and post harmonization Maarten Hoogerwerf, CESSDA expert seminar 2009

  5. Tender • Specification of tender • Requirements, use cases • Need for CESSDA-wide architecture • Execution • Metadata Technology • Marratech Sessions • Involvement of architecture WP • Report and review Maarten Hoogerwerf, CESSDA expert seminar 2009

  6. Report • General • QDB should not function stand alone • References to variables, questionnaire, etc. • DDI3 metadata model • Webservice architecture • DDI v1 and v2 in use by CESSDA archives • Discussion • Will tools be able to migrate to DDI v3? Maarten Hoogerwerf, CESSDA expert seminar 2009

  7. Report • Purpose and Functionality • Link questions via concepts, variables • Link additional survey metadata / physical data • Query questions based on references • QDB needs to include references • Discussion • Either use DDI3 • Use generic model Maarten Hoogerwerf, CESSDA expert seminar 2009

  8. Report • Architecture • Repositories povide content • Registry indexes content • 3CDB and QDB provide functionality • Increasing identification and communication • Discussion • Question bank vs. QDB? • Identification designed for DDI3 context Maarten Hoogerwerf, CESSDA expert seminar 2009

  9. Report • Repository • Contains content from one or more archives • Contains one or more banks • Studies, variables, concepts, universes, questions, ... • Dedicated or on top of existing systems • Additional administration, logs, etc. • Discussion • Existing systems fall short (identification, version,...) • Quality essential for stability Maarten Hoogerwerf, CESSDA expert seminar 2009

  10. Report • Registry • Banks register content • Minimal metadata requiredforsearching • Responsibleforsearching / locating, notforretrieval • Use SDMX approach • Discussion • Howmuch metadata is neededfor proper functioning? Maarten Hoogerwerf, CESSDA expert seminar 2009

  11. Report • QDB • Function as repository for local questions and proxy for non-local questions • Stores comparison information • Discussion • Should QDB archive questions / comparison information • Who is responsible for QDB (LTP) Maarten Hoogerwerf, CESSDA expert seminar 2009

  12. Report • Requirements and use cases • A ‘Gold Standard’ promotes the use of certain proven objects and increases comparability • Use registry for searching • Discussion • Assign to existing questions or define them centrally? • Use registry or QDB for searching questions? Maarten Hoogerwerf, CESSDA expert seminar 2009

  13. Report • Metadata and technology overview • Many open source components • Database might require proprietary software • Discussion • Start with open source database. Good design allows replacement when needed. Maarten Hoogerwerf, CESSDA expert seminar 2009

  14. Report • Implementation • Start prototype implementations to demonstrate functionality • Start improving legacy metadata • Use / extend SDMX registry • Discussion • Deadlock-situation: get tools to improve metadata, improve metadata to demonstrate functionality • How DDI3 is improved metadata from Nesstar without workflow, versioning, identification? DDI3-ready? Maarten Hoogerwerf, CESSDA expert seminar 2009

  15. Alternative Solution • MT approach is similar / better than intuitive solution • DDI3 metadata approach is essential • Web service is more flexible than harvesting • MT approach is more distributed Maarten Hoogerwerf, CESSDA expert seminar 2009

  16. Conclusion • DDI3 is an obvious choice, adopt it and improve it • It will change workflow, infrastructure and responsibility • How can archives justify, pay, risk and achieve this? • What is the role of CESSDA? Maarten Hoogerwerf, CESSDA expert seminar 2009

  17. Approach Maarten Hoogerwerf, CESSDA expert seminar 2009

  18. Approach • Phase 1: search, browse and access questions • Question text + response domain • Results in having some base material • Phase 2: add references • To/from concepts and questionnaires • Implement registry to facilitate search • Explore organiation,publishing issues Maarten Hoogerwerf, CESSDA expert seminar 2009

  19. Approach • Phase 3: Add QDB/3CDB • What functions do these provide • What metadata functions do these require • Etc. Maarten Hoogerwerf, CESSDA expert seminar 2009

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