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Two Key Points in Standardization of Chinese Herbal Medicines. Prof. Zhao Zhongzhen School of Chinese Medicine, HKBU 24 Nov. 200 6 HK. Outline Authentication & Standardization Standardization & Processing. Literature review. Original identification. Herbarium specimen.
Two Key Points in Standardization of Chinese Herbal Medicines Prof. Zhao Zhongzhen School of Chinese Medicine, HKBU 24 Nov. 2006 HK
Outline • Authentication & Standardization • Standardization & Processing
Literature review Original identification Herbarium specimen Microscopic identification Macroscopic identification Physical chemistry authentication Molecular biology identification database A proposed Library of CHMs A database / library on authentication of CHMs will be established in HK under the cooperation of Hong Kong Baptist University & Harvard Medical School. ZZZhao in Plant Medica 2006
Name Market name Scientific name Family AA ingredient Mutong 木通 Guan Mutong 关木通 Aristolochia deblis Aristolochiaceae Y Chuan Mutong 川木通 Clematis montana Ranunculaceae N Clematis armandii Ranunculaceae N Mutong 木通 Akebia quinata Lardizabalaceae N Lardizabalaceae N Akebia trifoliata Fangji 防己 Guang Fangji 广防己 Aristolochia fangji Aristolochiaceae Y Feng Fangji 粉防己 Stephania tertrandra Menispermaceae N Mu Fangji 木防己 Cocculus thunbergii Menispermaceae N Cocculus tribus Menispermaceae N The “Aristolochine Incident” is a typical exampleThe Source of “Mutong” and “Fangji”
CP JP KHP Chuanxiong 川芎 Ligusticum chuanxiong Cnidiun officinale Cnidiun officinale Houpo 厚朴 Magnolia officinalis M. ovata ……etc. Mutong 木通 Aristolochia deblis Clematis montana Akebia quinata Akebia trifoliate Huanglian 黄连 Coptis chinensis C. japonica ….. etc. Tu Fuling 土茯苓 Smilax glabra Smilax glabra Smilax china Cangzhu 苍朮 Atractylodes lance A. chinensis A. lancea A. chinensis A. japonica Baizhu 白朮 Atractylodes macrocephala A. ovata A. japonica A. japonica Xinyi 辛夷 Magnolia biondii M. denudata M. salicifolia M. kobus M. denudata Danggui 当归 Angelica sinensis Angelica acutiloba Angelica gigas Crude Drugs Sharing the Same Common Namein Pharmacopoeia of Japan, China and Korea
Si Wu Tang 四物湯 【This formula is composed of four herbs which can tonify the blood】 熟地黃 Shu Di Huang 當歸 Dang Gui 12 9 Tonifies the blood, nourishes the liver, regulates the blood& menstruation Nourishes yin & blood Yin & soft Acrid & warm Invigorates theblood, promotes the movement of qi, regulates the flow of qi and blood Nourishes the blood, softens the liver & harmonizes ying Chuan Xiong Bai Shao 白芍 川芎 6 9 Action : Tonifies ®ulates the blood Main Indications : Deficiency &stagnation of yingblood
CHMs Comparison — Are their clinical effects same? Chuanxiong 川芎 Danggui 當歸 China Angelica sinensis (Oliv.) Diels Ligusticum chuanxiong Hort. Japan Angelica acutiloba Kitagawa Cnidium officinale Makino
What is the composition of Wuhuacha (五花茶)? Fols Lonicerae (金銀花) Flos Bombacis Malabarici (木棉花) Flos Chrysanthemi (菊花) Flos Plumeria Rubera Acutifolia (雞蛋花) Flos Puerariae (葛花) Flos Cleistocalycis (水翁花) Flos Carthami (茉莉花) ??? Or any flower?
Misuse of Datura metel L. as one of the ingredients in Wuhuacha Datura metel L. (洋金花) ---Causing vomiting and muscle spasm
Examples of Confused CHMs in the HK market Caulis SpatholoBi Caulis Sargentodoxae Tupistra chinensis Bak Panax Notoginseng sold in HK Vaccaria segetalis (Neck) Gracke Rhizoma Cimicifugae Ficus pumila L. Serratula chinensis S.Moore.
Literature 1. Taxonomy 2. Morphology 3. Microscopy 4. Chemistry Crude drugs Authentication Decoction pieces Methodology
Origins Investigation in mainland China Yunan and Tibet
Apart from institute section, industrial participation is also important for this project
How to solve the problems? • Over the past 20 years, the lack of Pharmacognosy study has become a major barrier in the development of herbal quality assurance systems • Therefore, we should promote more education and training in this area in order to fully solve the problem.
Now in HK, Confused CHMs are reduced sharply. Interaction with society is done by promoting CHMs exhibition and giving public lecture.Over 25,000 copies were distributed.
To Establish a Genuine CHMs Standard is the Foundation Work to Clarify the Confused Ones 立标明真
Name Source Distribution Harvest and Processing Description Indications Chemical Composition Sample of “An Illustrated Chinese Materia Medica in HK”
C A F B D H E G Microscopic Identification of Cordyceps Sinensis and its Seven Counterfeits
Microscopic Identification of Po Ying Compound --- Microscopic Research and Technique, 2005
An Illustrated MicroscopicIdentification of Chinese Materia Medica---2005 This monograph showed how to distinguish CHMs by morphologic and microscopic characteristics.
Cork Clefts Resin Canals phloem Cambium Xylem Clusters of Calcium Oxalate Microscopic Identification sketch Section Illustration Transverse Section of Radix Ginseng
Microscopic Features of Powder 1.Resin Canals 2. Starch Grains 3. Cluster of Calcium 4. Vessels 5. Cork Cells a: Feature under Microscope b: Feature under Polarized Microscope 1 1 4 2a 2b 2b 4 4 3a 3b 5 5
Hong Kong Standard of CHMs ------ published 2005 • Name • Source • Description • Identification • Tests • Extractives • Assay
Herbarium is very important for authentication of CMM. --- Fundament of research on standard of CMs and universal education of CM
Different kinds of CHMs with Authenticated Voucher Specimen were collected 广征华夏珍品 尽展岐黄风采
1 year old 2 years old 5 years old 4 years old 3 years old
Prof. ZZZhao Invaluable Collections of the Centre “Rhino Horn Cups”(犀角杯) are not only of high medicinal value but also regarded as a masterpiece of art by their sophisticated design. “LongevityMan” ismade of 2,374 pieces of Ginseng
Herba Cistanches—the first Chinese Herb recognized by the Guinness World Records
Our center provided comprehensive, interesting, and proper information about CMs to the general public, over 25,000 visitors
Encyclopedia on Contemporary Medicinal Plants It is the resource to promote not only the exchange of information on Chinese medicine but also internationalisation of herbal medicine
A Monograph on Introduction of Medicinal Plants distributed in worldwide 东方篇 西方篇 嶺南篇 • Oriental volume (2), Western volume (1), Lingnan volume (1)
图文并茂 与时俱进 • Special Features: • Bilingual edition • Pictorial (with photos of original plants and processed products) • Latest literature reviews and journals enclosed • Electronic version available
Exhibiting the environment and GAP of CHMs 蒙古黃芪 Astragalus membranaceus (Fisch.) Bge. var. mongholicus (Bge.) Hsiao 珊瑚菜 Glehnia littoralis Fr. Schmidt ex Miq. 黃花菜Hemerocallis citrina Baroni
I. Fuzi (Radix Aconitun) II. Danggui (Radix Angelica) Harmonization of Processing –– Two Case Studies in CHMs:
Two Unique Characteristics of CHMs Processing is a unique characteristic of Chinese herbal medicines Purposes of CHMs processing: • To remove or reduce CHMs toxicity (減毒) Safety • To enhance treatment effect (增效) Efficacy
Poisoning incidents induced by Radix Aconiti in the past decades --Zou Jie-ming,Wang Li-sheng, Chinese Traditional and Herbal Drugs. 2005, 36(4): 622
Radix Aconiti Lateralis (daughter roots) Radix Aconiti (mother root) The origins of Wutou & Fuzi
Different forms of processed Fuzi Bai Fupian Sheng Fupian Hei Fupian Pao Fupian Shu Fupian Dan Fupian Bao Fupian Huang Fupian Pao Fuzi
Amount of marker compounds vary in different processed FUZI samples 1. Sheng Fupian (生附片); 2. Huang Fupian (黄附片); 3. Pao Fupian (刨附片); 4. Pao Fupian (炮附片); 5. Bai Fupian(白附片); 6. Pao Fuzi (炮附子); 7. Dan Fupian(淡附片); 8. Shu Fupian(熟附片); 9. Hei Fupian (黑附片)。
Danggui GAP research works in Minxian, Gansu of China Cultivating in Minxian, Gansu, in April Experiment field in Gansu in June Harvesting in November Field studying in September
The main processed decoction pieces of Danggui in the market Slice of whole root Root head Root tail Wine processed Danggui Charred Danggui Rootlet Whole root
Danggui processed with Chinese rice yellow wine in different processing factories
Different parts of Danggui that are sold as commercial products Commercial root head Commercial rootlet