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Development of Accessible E-documents and Programs for the Visually Impaired

Development of Accessible E-documents and Programs for the Visually Impaired. Accessibility in mobile platforms. 1. Different phones. Cheapest phones with relatively simple firmware and Java support Smart phones with operating systems. 2. Cheapest phones.

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Development of Accessible E-documents and Programs for the Visually Impaired

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  1. Development of Accessible E-documents and Programs for the Visually Impaired Accessibility in mobile platforms

  2. 1. Different phones • Cheapest phones with relatively simple firmware and Java support • Smart phones with operating systems

  3. 2. Cheapest phones... • Driven by firmware for particular model • J2ME (Java 2 micro edition) is often supported • Controlled by standard phone keyboard • Relatively slow processor and low memory • Extendable only by J2ME applications • There are no screen readers for these phones

  4. 3. Smart phones with OS • More expensive devices with operating system • Faster processors and larger memory • Good multimedia support (it is possible to realize speech synthesis) • Mostly controlled by standard phone keyboard with some additional buttons

  5. 4. Smart phones with OS (2) • Also models controlled by special pen or touch display (not all these devices are usable by blind users) • User can install third party compiled applications • There are screen reading and magnification tools for mostly used platforms (symbian, windows mobile, IOS, Android)

  6. 5. Symbian OS • Developer: accenture • Latest Stable release: Symbian Belle (next release cycle of Symbian^3) / September 2011; • Target: Mobile devices • Runs on: ARM, x86 • Different implementations of user interface layer: S60, UIQ MOAP • Screen readers: mobilespeak, talks (both are commercial)

  7. 6. Symbian accessibility • Totally undocumented • All standard UI components (provided by operating system) are relatively accessible • There is not public documentation describing how to provide accessibility information for custom UI components

  8. 7. Windows mobile / windows phone • developer: Microsoft • latest stable: 7.10 • target: mobile devices • A compact operating system combined with a suite of basic applications for mobile devices • Third-party applications can be created • Screen readers: Mobilespeak, Hal,

  9. 8. Windows mobile accessibility • All standard UI components are accessible by screen readers and can be used • There is no documentation about accessibility architecture • Screen readers for this platform are relatively new and unstable

  10. Windows phone accessibility • Totally inaccessible

  11. 9. Linux platforms • Currently totally inaccessible • There is not known screen reading software for linux on mobiles • Possible future: Qtopia with QT toolkit • qt: a graphical toolkit (similar to GTK) used with KDE, accessibility support in development

  12. 10. IOS (Iphone) • Mobiles with touchscreen • Perfectly accessible • trird party applications are often not accessible • Nice tricks how to use touchscreen

  13. 11. Ios(2) • There is an api to make apps accessible • https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/#documentation/UserExperience/Conceptual/iPhoneAccessibility/Accessibility_on_iPhone/Accessibility_on_iPhone.html

  14. 12. Android • An mobile operating system developed by Google • Latest release: 4.0 • Based on linux (kernel) • Today very popular

  15. 13. Android Accessibility • 4 different screen readers • There is currently not a solution usable for every day tasks • Developers can improve accessibility of their applications • Api: http://developer.android.com/guide/practices/design/accessibility.html

  16. 14. Games

  17. 15. Problems • Input: mainly controlled by mouse, joisticks,... • interface: mainly graphical, rapidly changing, hard to track by screen reader • Video, animations,...

  18. 16. Types of games we will thing about • Text games (muds and Travian like) • Card games • board games • Shooter games • Cars

  19. 17. Text games • Games based on text environment • Inputs: typed commands • Outputs: Textual description of environment • Sometimes fast reaction required (not easy with screen reader)

  20. 18. Text games Examples • Travian (online game): http://www.travian.sk • MUD (multi-player computer game that combines elements of role-playing games, hack and slash style computer games and social chat rooms. Typical MUDs are text-driven, where players read descriptions of rooms, objects, events, other characters, and computer-controlled creatures or non-player characters (NPCs) in a virtual world): dragonfiremud.com 1999 • use telnet to connect

  21. 19. Card games • There exists special (accessible) versions with: • Self voicing support • Keyboard control • moving around the list of cards and manipulating the list • reading information about the state of the game (who plays now, the card on the top,...)

  22. 20. Card game examples • Accessible solitaire: http://www.crisscrosstech.com/brosol.html • Accessible BlackJack: http://www.gamesfortheblind.com/webpages/sv/BlackJackSVDemo.html

  23. 21. Board Games Problems: • Reduced view of a board • Strong imagination is required • Game controll • How to provide enough information about the board?

  24. 22. Chess example • How to describe actual state of a board? • How to implement movement of piece? • Do you see any other problems?

  25. 23. Chess example (2) State description: • Provide a functionality to review the board place by place (by arrow keys, information about actual place is spoken) • Provide a functionality to quickly find information about particular place • Provide a functionality to quickly find information about particular piece • Any other ideas?

  26. 24. chess example (3) Movement of piece: • By typing coordinates of start and end places • By selecting the source position (with some piece) and then target position • ...

  27. 25. Board game examples • Accessible chess tutor (for beginers): http://www.audiogames.net/db.php?id=Accessible+chess+tutor • winboard for jaws (accessible wrapper for different chess servers): ftp://ftp.freedomscientific.com/users/hj/winboard/WinBoard.exe • 15 numbers (accessible version): http://www.bscgames.com/15numbers.asp • accessible Sudoku: http://www.audiogames.net/db.php?id=BG+Sudoku

  28. 26. Shooter games • Any ideas how to provide enough information about the environment? • Is stereo enough to have information about "go direction and "where is the creature"? • How to provide information about different creatures? • Multiplayer games: how to find if a creature behind me is a bad guy?

  29. 27. shooter games (2) • Based on audio output • Creatures are slover than in versions for sighted users • Self voicing is used • Some reference sound is used to find how is the player turned (player knows or can find the direction of hearable wind)

  30. 28. Example description • name: Shades of doom • Inspired by: classical doom game • you must guide your character through a top secret research base and shut down an ill-fated experiment

  31. 29. Example description (2) • The game is self voicing • game world consists of an entangling maze of corridors, rooms and doorways • During your walk through the base you are able to collect better weapons, armour, and equipment to help you succeed in this mission

  32. 30. Example description (3) • The game is played using the cursorkeys to move around • You will be using the sound of the wind, and the echo of your foot steps to help you navigate through the tunnels

  33. 31. Example description (4) • You also have an additional navigational aid (the "environment analyzer computer") if you have required it. • Many objects have their own sound, and these sounds are useful as reference points. • url: http://www.gmagames.com/sod.html

  34. 32. More shoot games • Accessible quake (adaptation of quake game): http://www.agrip.org.uk/about/ • ...

  35. 33. Cars • Any ideas? • How to provide information about the race? • How to provide information about other cars? • What other is important?

  36. 34. Cars example • Audio formula: http://www.inchargeoftheworld.com/audiof1/ • Audio simulation of 2001 formula one season • All tracks modelled in to 3D sound

  37. 35. Cars example (2) • Beeping sound represents the racing line that is the shortest path around the track • ticking sounds for the edges of the track • Track is surrounded by gravel, represented with another sound

  38. 36. More examples • More examples of car games and other games for the blind can be found here: • http://www.audiogames.net/

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