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January 4, 2013 Day #2. Prior Knowledge – connection Schemata READING SURVEYS! 3 key elements to interact with reading Purpose: Magazine activity REFLECTIVE CONVERSATIONS Vocabulary Preparing for Reading Buddies.
January 4, 2013 Day #2 • Prior Knowledge – connection • Schemata • READING SURVEYS! • 3 key elements to interact with reading • Purpose: Magazine activity • REFLECTIVE CONVERSATIONS • Vocabulary • Preparing for Reading Buddies
The questions that p_________ face as they raise ch_________ from in_________ to adult life are not easy to an_________. Both fa_________ and m_________ can become concerned when health problems such as co_________ arise any time after the e_________ stage to later life. Experts recommend that young ch_________ should have plenty of s_________ and nutritious food for healthy growth. B_________ and g_________ should not share the same b_________ or even sleep in the same r_________. They may be afraid of the d_________.
This CLOZE passage shows that in order to make meaning from the words on a page, the reader selects a “SCHEMA” that he or she can connect with to make sense of the new information. “Because no two students bring the same background and experience to class, no two students will comprehend a text passage in the same way” (Billmeyer, 3). What was the SCHEMATA you connected with to solve the missing gaps in the Cloze passage?
Student 1 connected with the SCHEMATA or idea of parents raising children. Student 2 connected with his SCHEMATA of living on a farm that raises chickens. How did Student 2 fill in the gaps?
The questions that p_________ face as they raise ch_________ from in_________ to adult life are not easy to an_________. Both fa_________ and m_________ can become concerned when health problems such as co_________ arise any time after the e_________ stage to later life. Experts recommend that young ch_________ should have plenty of s_________ and nutritious food for healthy growth. B_________ and g_________ should not share the same b_________ or even sleep in the same r_________. They may be afraid of the d_________.
The questions that poultrymen face as they raise chickens from incubation to adult life are not easy to answer. Both farmers and merchants can become concerned when health problems such as coccidiosis arise any time after the egg stage to later life. Experts recommend that young chicks should have plenty of sunshine and nutritious food for healthy growth. Banties and geese should not share the same barnyard or even sleep in the same roost. They may be afraid of the dark.
Let’s have a look at ourReading Surveys’ results: • ARE YOU A STRATEGIC READER? 6 YES SOMETIMES? NO 4 6
ARE YOU A STRATEGIC READER? 1. When prompted… 2. If it entertains me… 3. When I want to be… 4. If I have a plan… 5. If I am interested in it… 6. If it has pictures… 7. Hard to stick with a book… 8. I don’t like to read… 9. I’m a master at skimming when I have little time… 10. Not strategic, but I comprehend what I read… Which reason has to do with: MOTIVATION? PURPOSE? ATTITUDE?
•BOOKS YOU READ IN HIGH SCHOOL? •Life of Pi •Of Mice and Men •Huckleberry Finn •Frankenstein •The Odyssey •(Mythology) •Catch 22 •Dante’s Inferno •Crucible •Beowolf •(Shakespeare) •Romeo and Juliet •MacBeth •Hamlet •Night •Animal Farm •Sophie’s Choice •The Great Gatsby •Grapes of Wrath •The Scarlet Letter
•BOOKS YOU READ IN HIGH SCHOOL? •Anne Frank •The Dreamgiver •Tangerine •Anna Karenina •Western Front •Catcher in the Rye •Fahrenheit 451 •Brave New World •Call of the Wild •The Red Badge of Courage •A Separate Peace •Pride and Prejudice •Tale of Two Cities •Anthem •Pedro Peromer •Like Water for Chocolate •Beloved •The Contender •To Kill a Mockingbird •Lord of the Flies •Ivanhoe •Sula •Great Expectations
•FAVORITE BOOKS OR AUTHORS NOW? • Bleachers • Catcher in the Rye • Goosebump series • The Outsiders • The Lucky One • Harry Potter series Nicholas Sparks Jane Austen J.R.R. Tolkien Hunter S. Thompson Philipa Gregory NONE: 6
•FAVORITE GENRES •Non-fiction •Romance •Classics •True life, serious •Sports articles •Thriller, Horror •Books on tape • Mystery, suspense • Crime and Mystery • Fantasy • Sports, action • History • Historical Fiction • Science Fiction
HOW ARE YOU, AS A READING TEACHER, GOING TO MODIFY AND MAKE ACCOMMODATIONS FOR ALL READERS AND NON-READERS? •Non-fiction •Romance •Classics •True life, serious •Sports articles •Thriller, Horror •Books on tape •(Most prefer print, and 1 prefers online reading.) •2 - “I don’t read”; I hate it. • Mystery, suspense • Crime and Mystery • Fantasy • Sports, action • History • Historical Fiction • Science Fiction
•Do you enjoy reading aloud? YES! SOMETIMES NO! 4 5 7
What are the 3 key elements to interact with reading? •The READER, and what he or she brings to the reading situation. •The LEARNING CLIMATE or environment •TEXT FEATURES
PURPOSE FOR READING! • MAGAZINE ACTIVITY • Pick 2 magazines: • 1 you would be interested in. • 1 you would be bored with and probably would never choose to read for yourself.
REFLECTIVE CONVERSATIONS • You are going to be placed into groups of 3 and one group of 4 to practice this strategy. • One will be the “coach”, one will be the “recorder”, and one will be the “reader.” • Roles may be rotated during this Reflective Conversation process. • You will be doing this strategy with your sixth grade reading buddies on Monday.
CHOICE BOOK READING •1st quarter quiz questions •Word Wall •Vocabulary graphic organizers AND •”Wild Word” strategy
READING BUDDIES! • Have a look at the sixth grade Reading Surveys. MAKE OBSERVATIONS ABOUT: • Kids who love to read, are indifferent about reading, OR dislike or hate reading. •Ability to express self in writing and writing skills (reflection of special ed. /higher level?) •Do they appear to be confident in reading, or special areas that they struggle in? •Read their ‘interests’ on the back
MONDAY! January 7 • Meet in front of the Lindsborg/ Smoky Valley Middle School office ON TIME by 1:00. • Bring: A notebook to record observations and your Reflective Conversation handout and Vocab./graphic organizer handouts. • Bring: A great ‘coaching’ attitude! TUESDAY, Jan. 8: *2nd quarter of choice book due. *4-6 more marked vocab. if you choose. *Read up to page 18 in textbook: QUIZ on Tuesday. *Read Vocabulary section in Textbook: p. 19-24 and review vocabulary handouts/graphic organizers (purple sheets)