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Tuolumne County Math and ELA Advisory Committee for Transition for to the Common Core Meeting April 16 , 2012. Hot Topics. Math Placement College Ready for Math SAT/ACT/AP Participation Equity and Access . Common Core Algebra Readiness Transitional K. Math/ELA Advisory Committees
Tuolumne County Math and ELA Advisory Committee for Transition for to the Common CoreMeetingApril 16, 2012
Hot Topics Math Placement College Ready for Math SAT/ACT/AP Participation Equity and Access Common Core Algebra Readiness Transitional K Math/ELA Advisory Committees Bridge Materials for Common Core
The College Board • Mission to promote excellence and equity in education through programs for K–12 and higher education institutions, and by providing students a path to college opportunities, including financial support and scholarships. www.http://www.collegeboard.org/#
Tools You can Use Now CDE The Teaching Channel Videos of Common Core Lessons for Teachers There are over 80 free videos related to Common Core instruction available on the Teaching Channel. The videos provide lesson ideas, an overview of the ELA and Math standards, and demonstrations of teaching practices. Videos vary in length from five to thirty minutes. https://www.teachingchannel.org/videos?categories=topics_common-core • http://www.cde.ca.gov/ci/cc/contactinfoforresources.asp Sacramento County Office of Education (SCOE) • CCSS DatabaseA database to search the CCSS by subject, grade, and subject category (domain/cluster). • K-12 English Language Arts California/Common Core "Crosswalk" AnalysesAnalyses by the SCOE comparing the 1997 SBE-adopted academic content standards to the June 2, 2010, version of the CCSS. • K-12 Math California/Common Core "Crosswalk" AnalysesAnalyses by the SCOE comparing the 1997 SBE-adopted academic content standards to the June 2, 2010, version of the CCSS.
CCSS Mathematics Resources Inside Mathematics The Illustrative Math Project http://illustrativemathematics.org) This project aims to illustrate each of the standards using high-quality reviewed tasks from teacher leaders. The site provides guidance to all stakeholders implementing the CCSS by illustrating the range and types of mathematical work that students will experience and other implementation tools. The Web site continues to be updated, with illustrated standards added on a regular basis. Contributors and advisors to the project include common core authors William McCallum, Jason Zimba, and Phil Daro. • http://insidemathematics.org a site that features classroom examples of innovative teaching methods and insights into student learning and tools for mathematics instruction. To illustrate the CCSS for Mathematical Practice, links are provided for each individual practice standard correlated to excerpts of mathematics lessons.
CCSS Resources Shoob Photography More from CDE Transitioning to the CCSS in English Language Arts and Mathematics (NEW Dec-2011; PDF; 5MB; 265pp.)A Look at Kindergarten Through Grade Six in California Public Schools: Transitioning to the Common Core State Standards in English Language Arts and Mathematics is a publication that contains grade-level chapters with short descriptive narratives and the content standards for the CCSS in English language arts and mathematics. The publication is excerpted from A Look at Kindergarten Through Grade Six in California Public Schools, an online resource that provides information regarding all curricular content areas. To order a hard-copy of the publication, contact CDE Press Sales Office at 1-800-995-4099 or by e-mail at sales@cde.ca.gov.A Look at Grades Seven and Eight in California Public Schools: Transitioning to theCommon Core State Standards in English Language Arts and Mathematics. (Coming Soon!) • In limited quantities, there is no charge for the booklets. I'll send two additional sets down to you so you, Zona and Rick can each have a set. In larger quantities, we would need to make some charge to cover our costs. The PDFs of the ELA K6 booklets are available for download at http://shoobphoto.com/school_support/star_support • We used the CDE documents to prepare our booklets so all the California revisions should be there.
The Hunt Institute Videos • Common Core State Standards Videos by the James B. Hunt, Jr. Institute for Educational Leadership and Policy and the Council of Chief State School Officers http://www.youtube.com/user/TheHuntInstitute#p/a
Khan Academy • A free world-class education for anyone anywhere. • The Khan Academy is an organization on a mission. We're a not-for-profit with the goal of changing education for the better by providing a free world-class education to anyone anywhere. • All of the site's resources are available to anyone. It doesn't matter if you are a student, teacher, home-schooler, principal, adult returning to the classroom after 20 years, or a friendly alien just trying to get a leg up in earthly biology. The Khan Academy's materials and resources are available to you completely free of charge. http://www.khanacademy.org/about
CDE will offer Modules to Transition to the Common Core: Module Design and Delivery 20 • Provide a Facilitator’s Guide. • Provide interactive training that allows for discussion, requires participation, and supports adult learning. • Offer presentation options and resources for educator participation. • Include material so that participants can: • select grade span • problem solve situations involving special populations • focus on subject matter • skip selections already mastered • Provide opportunities to practice new skills and discuss possible solutions to the identified challenges.
Possible Module Topics(Task Force Initial Recommendations) • Overview of the CCSS (approximately one hour module) • Explain shifts/changes between the 1997 content standards and the new CCSS for K-12 • Include high-quality CCSS resources
Possible Module Topics, Cont. • Math: K-12 Standards for Mathematical Practice • Embed lesson design • Research and best practice • IntegrateRtI², 21st century skills, technology
Possible Module Topics, Cont. • Math: K-12 Learning Progression • Apply coherence & deep understanding • Use diagnostic and formative concepts assessments (grade spans K-2, 3-6, and subject-specific for upper middle and secondary)
Possible Module Topics, Cont. • ELA: Non-fiction Reading • Embed lesson design for grade spans K-12 • Text complexity, text based answers, academic vocabulary • Diagnostic and formative assessment • Integratedifferentiated instruction (RtI²), 21st century skills, technology
Possible Module Topics, Cont. • ELA: Non-fiction Writing • Embed lesson design for grade spans K-12 • Writing from sources and using academic vocabulary • Diagnostic and formative assessment • Integratedifferentiated instruction (RtI²), 21st century skills, technology
Technology Readiness—SBAC CDE will collect baseline data from districts and schools to help determine the minimum requirements for technology. Therefore, the first data collection window will be a technology readiness inventory. Data collection summaries will be available. These reports will help improve data quality and to inform the two consortia regarding which types of hardware and operating systems are currently being used in schools.
Tech Readiness Data Collection The California statewide Technology Readinessdata collection window will open April 16, 2012 and end June 14, 2012. This tool will help identify how ready schools are to support a system of online assessments. will be sending an email to Technology Directors in each district across California.
What do we do next? • Continue to SHARE Information with colleagues • Implement CCS in teaching using the “crosswalk” • In the Fall, recommend supplementary materials for purchase • Participate in CDE training modules • USE Common Core Resources www.http://www.tuolcoe.k12.ca.us/