My favorite animal is a deer. A deer has hair. A deer is a mammal. Its habitat is a forest and it lives in the forest so it can lay in the grass and play. The deer can eat grass in the forest and it can drink water. -NisrineJawhari
My favorite animal is an eagle. It has feathers. It is a bird. Its habitat is a mountain. It lives in the nest. It eats a fish. -ShadedinChowdhury
My favorite animal is a bat. It has hair. It is a mammal. It lives in a cave. Its habitat is nearby the river. It can get water and food. It can fly. -HeyabSemere bat cave
My favorite animal is a lion. It has hair. It’s a mammal. Its habitat is the grassland of Africa and near water. The lion could kill me. It eats meat. The lion roars. The lion sleeps under a tree. -Simon
My favorite animal is a cardinal. It has feathers . It is a bird. Its habitat is a school. It lives in the nest. It can eat worms. -Aizer
My favorite animal is a Blue Jay. It has feathers. Its habitat is the forest. It lives in the nest in the tree. It gets water and shelter and food. -Hermon Tesfaye
My favorite animal is a baby elephant. It has hair. It is a mammal. Its habitat is the rainforest in Asia. It can get plants to eat. -Tacora
My favorite animal is a sheep. It has hair. It is a mammal. It lives on the farm in the barn. The sheep eats hay. -Aideen Ahmed
My favorite animal is a bear. The bear has hair. The bear is a mammal. Its habitat is a cave by the lake.It gets fish and water. It sleeps in the cave. The cave is a shelter. The bear can play. Can I wake the bear? -Leah Zenaw
My favorite animal is a wolf. It has hair. It is a mammal. Its habitat is at the grassland where they have meat to eat. They howl in the night. The wolf must have places to hide in the grass from its enemy. -Divine Chukwumah
My favorite animal is a fox. It has hair. It is a mammal. Its habitat is the mountains. It can get food and water. The fox lives in the den. -RohinNagda.
My favorite animal is a baby tiger. It has hair. It is a mammal. Its habitat is a rainforest. It eats meat. It gets water from the pond. -Yvemarlie Toussaint
My favorite animal is a tiger. A tiger has hair. It is a mammal. Its habitat is a grassy jungle. It needs animals to eat and water to drink. -JahirAikins
My favorite animal is a cow. It has hair. It is a mammal. Its habitat is a farm. It lives in a barn. The baby cow gets milk from it’s mom. The cow eats grass. The cow drinks water. -Ahmed Ginawi
My favorite animal is a bear. It has hair. It is mammal. Its habitat is an open meadow. It needs to live next to water so it can catch its fish and drink water. -TeuleKanyuira
My favorite animal is a bat. It has hair. It is a mammal. Its habitat is the city. It can fly in the house for shelter. It needs and food and water. -Jacob