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请进. 剪 纸. 艺. 术. Chinese Paper-cut Art. Sanlihe #3 Elementary School Beijing China Teacher: Zhang Lijun. By: Zhang Yixuan Third Grade #2 Class 张逸瑄. 封 底. 剪 纸. 艺. 术. 剪. 纸. 概. 述.
剪纸 艺 术 Chinese Paper-cut Art Sanlihe #3 Elementary School Beijing China Teacher: Zhang Lijun By: Zhang Yixuan Third Grade #2 Class 张逸瑄 封底
剪纸 艺 术 剪 纸 概 述 剪纸俗称窗花,是我国民间传统装饰艺术之一。民间剪纸,为聪慧的劳动妇女所创作。它以娴熟的技艺、朴素的技法,利用古今人物、吉祥动物、名贵花草等为素材创作出大量造型奇巧、剪工精湛、生活气息浓重的艺术精品,把人们喜庆 ,快乐的感情表达得淋漓尽致,是极品。 封底
剪纸 艺 术 剪 纸 概 述 Paper-cut Introduction Paper-cut is also as known as window decoration paper-cut. It’s one of popular Chinese traditional decorative arts. Chinese folk paper-cut products are created by intelligent workingwomen. Paper-cut requires highly skilled techniques. It’s modesty, and using ancient and modern characters, propitious animals, precious flowers and plants, and so on to create massive products. They have marvelous modeling and exquisite cutting, and express joyful and happy feelings incisively. Chinese paper-cut is the best quality artwork. 封底
剪纸 艺 术 Brief History of Paper-cut 剪纸是中国最为流行的民间艺术之一,根据考古其历史可追朔到公元六世纪,但人们认为它的实际开始时间比这还要早几百年,纸的发明促使了剪纸的出现、发展和普及。剪纸常用于宗教仪式,装饰和造型艺术等方面。 Paper-cut is one of Chinese popular folk arts. According to archaeology, its history might start from the 6th century, but people thought that its actual beginning time could be several hundreds of years more earlier. The invention of paper provided possibilities to paper-cut’s appearance, development and popularization. Paper-cut commonly used in religious rites, decorations, modeling arts, and so on. 溯 源
Brief History of Paper-cut 剪纸 艺 术 唐代剪纸——纸花唐代剪纸处于大发展时期。杜甫诗中有“暖水濯我足,剪纸招我魂”的句子。 宋代剪纸——宋代造纸业成熟,纸品名目繁多,为剪纸的普及提供了条件。 明清时期剪纸——剪纸手工艺术走向成熟,并达到鼎盛时期。 Paper-cut in Tang Dynasty – In Tang Dynasty, paper-cut was developed dramatically. In Du Fu (a famous poet)’s poem has this sentence: “warm water rinses I feet, paper-cuts attract my soul”, which indicates that paper-cut was popular at that time. Paper-cut in Song Dynasty – In Song Dynasty, papermaking industry was more mature. Various types of paper could be produced. This had provided opportunity for the popularization of paper-cut. Paper-cut in Ming and Qing Dynasties - paper-cut manual art was toward mature, and achieved a prosperous period of time. 溯 源
Brief History of Paper-cut 现在,剪纸更多地是用于装饰(可用于点缀墙壁、门窗等),也可为礼品作点缀之用,甚至剪纸本身也可作为礼物赠送他人。人们以前还常把剪纸作绣花和喷漆艺术的模型。 Nowadays, paper-cut is more used for decoration (it may be used to embellish walls, windows and doors, and so on). It may also be used to embellish presents. Paper-cut itself may also be bestowed as a gift. People also often used paper-cut as an artistic model for embroideries and spray-paintings in the early days. 剪纸 艺 术 溯 源
知 ? 道 你 吗 剪纸 艺 术 剪纸的制作 Making Paper-cut 剪纸都是由手工做成的。常用的方法有两种:剪刀剪和刀剪。两种剪纸是两种不同的风格。 Traditional paper-cut is made manually. There two ways are commonly used: scissor-cutting and knife-cutting. These two different ways of cutting make two different kinds of styles.
知 ? 道 你 吗 剪纸 艺 术 剪纸的制作 Making Paper-cut 剪刀剪是借助于剪刀,剪完后再把几张(一般不超过8张)剪纸粘贴起来,最后再用锋利的剪刀对图案进行加工。 Scissor-cutting is to cut paper by scissors. After cutting, glue several papers (usually less than 8 paper-cuts) together; and then uses a very sharp scissor to do a final cutting again to finish a product.
知 ? 道 你 吗 剪纸 艺 术 剪纸的制作 Making Paper-cut 刀剪则是先把纸张折成数叠,放在由灰和动物脂肪组成的松软的混合体上,然后用小刀慢慢划刻。和剪刀剪相比,刀剪的优势就是一次可以加工成多个剪纸图案。 Knife-cutting is to fold paper to several layers first, then place papers on a soft mixture of surface, and slowly engrave using a knife. Compare with scissor-cutting, knife-cutting is able to achieve several pieces of paper-cut through one process.
剪纸 艺 术 种类
剪纸 艺 术 Varieties
剪纸 艺 术 佳作欣赏 Masterpieces 民 俗 剪 纸 Folk Paper-cut
剪纸 艺 术 佳作欣赏 Masterpieces 生 肖 剪 纸 Zodiac Paper-cut
剪纸 艺 术 佳作欣赏 Masterpieces Flowers & Plants Paper-cut 花 卉 剪 纸 Chrysanthemum Bamboo Orchid Plum Blossom
剪纸 艺 术 佳作欣赏 Masterpieces 人 物 剪 纸 Figures Paper-cut
剪纸 艺 术 佳作欣赏 Masterpieces
剪纸 艺 术 佳作欣赏 Masterpieces
剪纸 艺 术 佳作欣赏 Masterpieces
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