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Intro. TASK. PROCESS. EVALUATION. conclusion. Teacher links. Introduction. 2012 is an election year. In order for people to make an educated decision before voting, it is
Intro TASK PROCESS EVALUATION conclusion Teacher links Introduction 2012 is an election year. In order for people to make an educated decision before voting, it is important to compare the presidential candidates and see how they stand on important issues. We won’t agree with every position a candidate has, but can you find some similarities/differences with the candidates? Working in groups of three, you will be working as interns for a presidential candidate of your choice. It will be your job to analyze political advertisements that exist for current candidates. Once you gain understanding of political ads, you will create one for the candidate you have chosen to work for! Objectives on NEXT page Any Questions? Email Mrs. Walker @ mrskimberlywalker@gmail.com
iNTRO TASK PROCESS EVALUATION conclusion Teacher links Task • After researching multiple presidential candidates, you need to choose one to • support. Your goal is to create a digital story that functions like a campaign • advertisement. This video should highlight the candidate: • What does he/she stand for? • What important issues do they address? • Why should others vote for him/her?
iNTRO TASK pROCESS EVALUATION conclusion Teacher links P R O C E S S 1. Take this Survey before you begin. 2. Choose Two of the Presidential Candidates to research. This website has an official list of all the candidates from both parties. You can go on here to get a little background about each candidate. You are then required to visit the official websites of at least 4 of the candidates. (The websites are listed right under each candidate’s name.) Then you need to research all the important issues that determine why people vote for the candidate that they vote for. You will need to pick at least 4 of these issues to read more about. Finally, you will need to pick one candidate to vote for after all their research is complete. 3. GO TO PAGE 2 of PROCESS
iNTRO TASK PROCESS eVALUATION conclusion Teacher links C ONCLUSION Congratulations! You are now an informed voter. Not only that, you have helped your favorite candidate by supporting them with your own political advertisement. Now we will just have to wait to see who actually gets elected. With all the knowledge you have gained about political ads, maybe you can run for office someday!
iNTRO TASK PROCESS eVALUATION Conclusion Teacher LInks Post Politics: Campaigns (Washington Post) http://voices.washingtonpost.com/politics/campaigns.html 2012 Presidential Candidates Website http://2012.presidential-candidates.org/ Election Center (CNN) http://www.cnn.com/ELECTION/2010/the.basics/ Decision 2010 (MSNBC) http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/35188067/ns/politics-decision_2010/ America’s Election HQ (Fox News) http://www.foxnews.com/politics/elections/index.html Campaign 2010 (CBS News) http://oaktree2.cbsnews.com/election2010/ Vote 2010 (ABC News) http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/2010_Elections/page?id=10476449 2010 Mid-term Election Coverage (USA Today) http://www.usatoday.com/news/politics/index Click HERE for Grade Level and College and Career Readiness Addressed Teacher Links/Additional Resources
iNTRO TASK pROCESS EVALUATION conclusion Teacher links P R O C E S S 4. Watch Two Political Ads (Using Popular Links Below or Using YouTube) for Each of Those Two Candidates and Fill Out Two Political Ad Analysis Sheets. Ron Paul Mitt Romney Newt Gingrich Barack Obama Create a 60-120 second digital story supporting the candidate you have chosen to work for. You should introduce the candidate, discuss the issues that the candidate stands for, and why your group believes he should be the future president. Post your digital story on the class WIKI. In the comments, each individual needs to say what they contributed as well as what grade each member deserves. Make a corrective or positive comment on two classmates’ digital stories on the Wiki.
iNTRO TASK PROCESS eVALUATION Conclusion Teacher LInks Grade Level and College and Career Readiness Standards for WebQuest High School English: 9-12th grades • College and Career Readiness Anchor Standards for Reading: • (3) Analyze how and why individuals, events, and ideas develop and interact • over the course of a text. • (6) Assess how point of view or purpose shapes the content and style of a text. • (7) Integrate and evaluate content presented in diverse media and formats, • including visually and quantitatively, as well as in words. • College and Career Readiness Anchor Standards for Writing: • (2) Write informative/explanatory texts to examine and convey complex ideas • and information clearly and accurately through the effective selection, • organization, and analysis of content. • (7) Conduct short as well as more sustained research projects based on focused • questions, demonstrating understanding of the subject matter under • investigation. • (8)Gather relevant information from multiple print and • digital sources, assess the credibility and accuracy • of each source, and integrate the information while • avoiding plagiarism. HOME Click here to see the CORE CONTENT ADDRESSED
Intro TASK PROCESS EVALUATION conclusion Teacher links Introduction Students will be able to evaluate four political ads. Students will be able to create a 60-120 second persuasive political advertisement through digital storytelling. Students will be able to use technology to present research about one presidential candidate. Any Questions? Email Mrs. Walker @ mrskimberlywalker@gmail.com
Kentucy Teacher Standards Addressed: 1.1, 1.2, 2.1, 2.3, 2.5, 3.1, 3.4, 4.1, 4.4, 5.2, 5.6, 6.1, 6.2, 6.4, 8.1, 8.2 Kentucy Core Content Purposes for Creating in the Arts 1.12 Students speak using appropriate forms, conventions, and styles to communicate ideas and information to different audiences for different purposes. 1.13 Students make sense of ideas and communicate ideas with the visual arts. 2.22 Students create works of art and make presentations to convey a point of view. 2.26 Through the arts and humanities, students recognize that although people are different, they share some common experiences and attitudes. AH-HS-2.3.1 Students will analyze or evaluate how factors such as time, place and ideas are reflected in drama. AH-HS-4.3.1 Students will create and perform using elements of drama. (Literary - script writing, Technical - designing and directing, Performance- acting) AH-HS-4.4.2 Students will use media and processes, subject matter, symbols, ideas and themes to communicate cultural and aesthetic values. RETURN TO TEACHER LINKS