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I. Early India II. Dramatic Developments in Religion and Culture, 600–320 B.C.E.

I. Early India II. Dramatic Developments in Religion and Culture, 600–320 B.C.E. III. The Mauryan Empire and Other Kingdoms, 320 B.C.E.–300 C.E. IV. Emergent Hinduism and Buddhism, 200 B.C.E.–300 C.E. V. The Meeting of East and West: Networks of Exchange. I. Early India

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I. Early India II. Dramatic Developments in Religion and Culture, 600–320 B.C.E.

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  1. I. Early India II. Dramatic Developments in Religion and Culture, 600–320 B.C.E. III. The Mauryan Empire and Other Kingdoms, 320 B.C.E.–300 C.E. IV. Emergent Hinduism and Buddhism, 200 B.C.E.–300 C.E. V. The Meeting of East and West: Networks of Exchange

  2. I. Early India • A. The Indus Civilization • c. 2500–1500 B.C.E. • Neolithic • chickens • cotton • copper, bronze • Mohenjo-Daro • Harappa • brahmans • Indus valley script

  3. I. Early India • B. The Introduction of Aryan Ways in the Early Vedic Age, 1900–1000 B.C.E. • Aryans • Sanskrit • Indo-European • v. Dasas • Rig-Veda • Religion • Indra • Agni • Varuna • Mitra • rita

  4. Early India • C. The Later Vedic Ages, c. 1000–600 B.C.E. • Hinduism • Aryan Expansion • Kurukshetra • Bharata • Brahmans • Sama-Veda • Yajur-Veda • Atharva-Veda • Brahmanas • Political Developments • rajas • maharajas • samrajas

  5. Early India • (C. The Later Vedic Ages) • Villages, Caste, and Family • villagesvarnas • castes • four categories • jatis • > occupation = jati • Untouchables, outside • Laws of Manu

  6. II. Dramatic Developments in Religion and Culture, 600–320 B.C.E. • A. Upanishads • yoga • Brahman • transmigration of souls • karman = action, deed • dharma = law of the Vedas • samsara • moksha • B. The Jains, Defenders of All Beings • Mahavira (c. 559–c. 468 B.C.E.) • the Jina (conqueror) • tirthamkara • ahimsa • C. The Middle Way of Gautama Buddha • Siddhartha Gautama • The Buddha (awakened) • Four Noble Truths Sutras—sermons Dharma • Stupas—shrines • King Ashoka • Developments • monasteries

  7. III. The Mauryan Empire and Other Kingdoms, 320 B.C.E.–300 C.E. • Magadha • Alexander the Great, 326 B.C.E. • A. Founding of the Mauryan Empire (326–184 B.C.E.) • Chandragupta Maurya • Patliputra (Patna) • founds dynasty • treaty with Seleucus • B. Life in the Mauryan Empire • Megasthenes • army • secret police • courts • Arthashastra (Treatise on Material Gain) • by Kautilya • early “mirror for princes”

  8. The Mauryan Empire and Other Kingdoms • C. Ashoka (269–232 B.C.E.) • grandson of Chandragupta • adopts nonviolence • D. Fall of the Mauryan Empire 233 B.C.E. death of Ashoka • E. Bactrian Greeks and Kushanas • Gupta Dynasty (c. 320–550 C.E.) • Seleucid Empire • Demetrius • c. 245 B.C.E., founds kingdom • Taxila Nomads from Central Asia • Scythians • Yuezhi • > four tribes • Kushanas • Kanishka (fl. 120 C.E.) • Mahayana Buddhism

  9. III. The Mauryan Empire and Other Kingdoms F. South India Dravidian language • Tamil kingdoms • Chera • Pandya • Chola • Pallava dynasty • Literature • Sangam tradition • Madurai

  10. C. Counting Time • mahayugas • Golden Age • Age of Trey • Age of Deuce • Age of Dissolution • D. Buddhism after the Buddha • Mahayana, from c. 100 B.C.E. • bodhisattvas • Theravada—“doctrine of the elders” • Spread • Sri Lanka—c. 250 B.C.E. • China—after 100 B.C.E. • IV. Emergent Hinduism and Buddhism, • 200 B.C.E.–300 C.E. A. The Hindu Synthesis • diversity • Vishnu • appears in history in incarnations • wife, Lakshmi • Shiva • wife, Parvati • Devi (Kali) = “the goddess” • later, Gupta period • B. The Epics • Mahabharata • Pandavas • Kauravas • Yudhisthira • Bhagavad-Gita Arjuna and Krishna • Ramayana • Rama, Sita

  11. V. The Meeting of East and West: Networks of Exchange • A. Buddhist Sculpture and Architecture • influence of Hellenism • B. Beyond the Indian Frontiers • trade with Han, Roman Empire • Parthians, Arabs—middlemen • Augustus • C. The Balance of Trade

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