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Mud Slingers

Mud Slingers. Skyler Williams Mitch Nedved Alex Lambert. Background of Mud Slingers.

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Mud Slingers

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  1. Mud Slingers Skyler Williams Mitch Nedved Alex Lambert

  2. Background of Mud Slingers • Once upon a time there was a naughty, outcast boy named Alex. His father disapproved of his every action. Instead of studying French, he experienced Physical Education. By force from his parents, Alex took several business classes in high school. He did average, but only enough to get by to still qualify for sports, MotoCross in particular. He had two best friends, Mitch and Skyler. They did everything together and traveled around the country for MotoCross.

  3. Background Continued • Alex’s father was a very successful businessman who owned his own company. He all but forced Alex to go to the University of Wyoming. Alex longed for his senior year of high school, wanting to be with his friends who were trying to ride professionally. After one year, Alex convinced his buddies to start a dirt bike company with him. He begged on his knees for his dad to help finance the company. Skyler and Mitch said he didn’t have to because they would find another way.

  4. Background Continued • Soon after, the three of them opened up Mud Slingers in a small shop/garage downtown in a small town in California. They had the goal of providing cost effective and sustainable dirt bikes. Alex loved the liberal/hippy atmosphere.

  5. Offices • Alex-CEO, because his daddy bought the company • Skyler-CTO, because he never took accounting • Mitch-CFO, because it was the only one left

  6. Products in Store • Mud Slinger 3000, a bike that “Kicks ass, and chews bubblegum-but is all out of bubblegum.” • Mud Slider, the first “green bike.” Unfortunately, like hybrids, it’s slow. “May the wind ever be in your favor.” • Lessons on our “track out back” (dirt bike track outback to train) • Helmets and other safety equipment

  7. Services - Online • In store pickup • Informational videos • Training sign up • Purchase of Safety Equipment • Custom Bike Builder • Contact information

  8. Customer Demographics/Target Markets Storefront • Males 15-30 • Who Love America • Live within 20 miles of our store • Household income of 60,000+ • Eco friendly

  9. Customer Demographics/Target Markets Online • Males 13-25 • Dirt bike enthusiasts • Household income of 80,000+ • Eco friendly

  10. Marketing Mix • Product- refer to products in store • Place- California shop, models on the floor, in a row by size and color • Price- $3,500 - $6,500 for bikes and $20 - $350 for accessories. FREE LESSONS. • Promotion- See next slide’s Promotional Mix • People- See target market

  11. Promotional Mix- In Store

  12. Online Marketing • Social Networking • Facebook ads to our target demographic • Twitter reminders • Search Engine • Google and Bing sponsored links based on users proximity to our store

  13. CRM System • Microsoft Dynamics CRM • We chose Customer Relationship Management over Enterprise Resource Planning because Mud Slingers values their customer relationships over anything else, and this software allows us to better serve our clients • This system provides excellent knowledge about our customers, including birthdays for special promotions and direct bound marketing, and loyalty tracking • We chose Microsoft because it is a reliable, well-known company • Since Microsoft provide service to so many companies, it proved to us to be the most cost reliable • It is the number one CRM System for marketing solutions

  14. Microsoft Dynamics Details • What it does? • This system reports and gives our employees timely, current, usable data while getting the most out of every sale, tracking new clients, and assisting in our marketing • What are the different features of the system? • Marketing, sales, customer service, cloud development, solution management, workflows, dashboards, tracking, goal management, dialogs, auditing, recent views, lookup views, personal views, charts, filters, email activity ribbon, update support, activity grouping, conditional formatting, data security, visualizations, sample data, and team improvements(500+ features!)

  15. Microsoft Dynamics Continued • Who uses it? • MUD SLINGERS! • National Baseball Leagues, 23 of the 32 NFL teams, Nonprofit Companies, Financial Companies, Franchise Management Companies, Manufacturing Companies, Rental Companies, and Industrial Electronic Companies • Shell, Lotus F1 Team, Poupart, City of London, and Speedy Hire Centers • What other information you would like to share about the system? • Cost effective • Industry leading • Rapidly innovating • Customizable • High user adoption • Very functional • Professional training

  16. How we use Microsoft Dynamics • Mud Slingers is a company based on the customer for the customer. Since we don’t ship our main merchandise (dirt bikes) across the country, we are very focused on our clients who have actively sought us out for our great products and friendly service. We rely greatly on repeat business, based on surveys and experience, the majority of customers who buy another bike on a different occasion choose us. • This system allows our sales people to see products each customer has bought and their demographic information. It also tracks where customers are from, who referred them, who has helped them in the past and customizes marketing tools to target them. • It compiles easily interpreted statements at the end of each day/month/quarter/year. • We use Microsoft Dynamics to analyze our day to day activities, coordinate all data, and integrate company email.

  17. Pro’s of the Microsoft Dynamic System • Microsoft configures and maintains the servers, there is no extended implementation time • There is no software installation required • Purchase of physical hardware is not required • Depending on service plan • Server maintenance is not required • Upgrades/updates are automatically done • There are no limits to the database size • Two years of complementary maintenance and support • Ability to incorporate email

  18. Con’s of Microsoft Dynamic System • Limited to 2000 users (we have fewer employees) • You may be committed to a monthly service contract • You must pay for service and maintenance after two years (if physical server on site)

  19. Cost of Microsoft Dynamics • A ballpark range for the Dynamics ERP’s is around $2000-$6000 per concurrent user and Dynamics CRM is $1000-$2000 for the software (one time fee for each new user, must have physical server on site) • Dynamics CRM Online for $44/user/month • We will use the online cloud system because it is so inexpensive and suits our needs. As the software is upgraded, we do not need to worry about anything but our internet connection (Jen personal communication, October 8, 2012).

  20. E- Commerce Revenue Models Two E-Commerce Sales Revenue Models: • Sales Revenue Model • Online selling of goods/services online. Mud Slingers will use the Sales Revenue Model to sell bike accessoriesto customers in the United States, including but not limited to: helmets, gloves, decals, apparel, parts, and gift cards. This will generate business by allowing us to ship our goods out of our target market, as well as an in store pickup option.

  21. E-Commerce Revenue Models • Transaction Fee Revenue Model • Receive a commission fee for enabling a transaction between two customers We will have a predominant link on our website. This allows customers to view dirt bike specific ads. Only space from our server is used, and we will charge a transaction fee percentage from the total amount of the merchandise sold. We’re not only providing a great service for our customers, but also not taking on any risk.

  22. Web 2.0 Technologies • A division of E-Commerce, Web 2.0 services are private companies that provide services to other companies via the internet. It is fast growing in the online marketplace. Mud Slingers plans on utilizing Web 2.0 technologies to reach a large group of people at once. We will be using Facebook, timeXchange, Atendy, saaspose, and Blogger.

  23. Facebook • Facebook is the largest social media web site in the world. With the typical user surfing the site for about 5 hours a week, it is prime real estate to advertise our company. • We will put in specific criteria that will show our advertisements to our target market near our demographic range. We will also have a page where our customers can keep up to date with promotions and other happenings in the company. Facebook is a cost effective Pay-Per-Click site.

  24. timeXchange.net • This app allows us to manage our time more than a clock in and clock out. It will be used by managers to see peak activity and where we need more employees on staff, appropriate raise evaluation times, and keep track of a daily activity list to be printed each day by the opening employee.

  25. Atendy • The free Web2.0 app Atendy allows us to quickly, and professionally invite individuals to an event through the email platform. • This app will be used with our opt in email list serve for a few events per year including customer appreciation day, our anniversary sale, and holiday events.

  26. saasPose • A free business solution creating a cloud service accessible by employees and other granted individuals for the purpose of file sharing. • Mud Slingers will use this system to store some of our more universal documents, memorandums, policy, and vital information. This allows team members to be up to date in a permanent way, instead of searching through email, they can just go to the necessary document in a quick and organized way.

  27. Blogger • This website is free and would allow us to inform or customers about new products, services, and accessories. • Customers will be able to post comments about our most recent blogs. • Blogs are important because it is a cost effective way to have presence on the web and is a good communicating tool with customers to be able to share our expertise and knowledge.

  28. References Accent Gold Solutions. (2012). Pros and Cons of MS Dynamics CRM. Retrieved from http://www.accentgold.com/blog/pros-and-cons-of-ms-dynamics-crm-2011/ Laudon, K. and Laudon, J. (2012). Management Information Systems: Managing the Digital Firm. New Jersey: Pearson Education Microsoft Corporation. (2012). Microsoft Dynamics CRM. Retrieved from http://crm.dynamics.com/en-us/home Microsoft Corporation. (2012). Microsoft Dynamics CRM. Retrieved from http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/dynamics/crm/bb467596.aspx

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