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Kharkov National Medical University

Delve into microscopic study of the human body's cell structure, functions, and embryonic development at Kharkov National Medical University's Department of Histology, Cytology, and Embryology. Learn about cellular components, biological membranes, organelles, cell cycle, mitosis stages, and human organism formation from fertilization to organogenesis.

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Kharkov National Medical University

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  1. Kharkov National Medical University Department of Histology, cytology and embryology

  2. HISTOLOGY studies microscopic structure and function of the human organism

  3. The Cell

  4. The Cell is the structural and functional unit of the organism

  5. Structure of a typical cell • Cell membrane • Nucleus • Cytoplasm non-membranous organelles cytosol membranous organelles

  6. Biological Membrane is a structural unit of a cell Biological membrane in the cell membrane, nucleus and some organelles

  7. Cell membrane (plasmalemma). Outer is glycocalyx glycocalyx

  8. Non-membranous Organelles • 1. Cytoskeleton is the system of microtubules

  9. 2. Cell center 2 centrioles – consist of 9 triplets of microtubules. Formation of mitotic spindle

  10. 3. Ribosomes two subunits - synthesize proteins; Fixed on RER, or free ribosomes

  11. Membranous Organelles

  12. 1. Mitochondrion (two membranes) - synthesis of energy - ATP

  13. 2. Endoplasmic reticulum(net of membranes)smooth (SER) & rough (RER) RER contains ribosomes SER Function: Synthesis  Storage  Transport SER - of lipids and carbohydrates RER - of proteins

  14. Packaging of proteins, formation of lysosomes, secretion, 3. Golgi Apparatus formation of compound molecules – glycoproteins, lipoproteins

  15. 4. Lysosome is digestive apparatus, contains enzymes(autolysis)

  16. has channel proteins Intercellular Junctions 1) Gap Junction

  17. Interlocking proteins 2) Tight Junctions

  18. STRONG BOND Found in superficial layers of skin 3) Desmosomes

  19. INCLUSIONS are nonliving components of a cell like: secretory granules, pigment, lipid, glycogen

  20. Nucleus – contains genetic information

  21. Cell Cycle The life of a somatic cell is a cyclic process - cell cycle consists of two periods: interphase and mitosis. interphase contains G 1, S, G 2 stages

  22. CELL CYCLE: Stages G1 S G2 M G1 Go Gap 1 growth, function DNA Synthesis (for new cells) stem or for differentiation Gap 2 formation of m.spindle, energy Mitosis Gap 1 for a new cycle

  23. Mitosis Mitosis is the process of somatic cells division. Mitosis consists of : prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase.

  24. Prophase Chromosomes become more coiled and visible the nuclear membrane breaks down Microtubules of centrioles form a spindle of division. Ch

  25. Metaphase - chromosomes move to the center of the celland form the equatorial plate Ch

  26. Anaphase - the chromosomes separate and move to opposite poles of the cell Ch

  27. Telophase - two daughter nuclei are formed. the chromosomes uncoiledand become indistinct.


  29. Week 1 • 1.Fertilization – is the fusion of the sperm and ovum = Zygote formation • 2.Cleavage – is the division of the zygote in the uterine tube = Blastula formation

  30. Week 1 3-5 cells stage Cleavage 2 cells stage Morula Blastula . uterus . uterine tube Implantation Day 6 - 8 zygote Fertilization

  31. Inner Cell Mass (embryoblast) Trophoblast At the end of cleavage outer cells (trophoblast) involve nutritive fluid, which forms cavity, moving inner cells (embryoblast). Blastula is formed.

  32. Week 2. 3.Early Gastrulation (division and movement of cells).At the beginning of gastrulation (6,7 day) germ sinks into the uterine wall – implantation.Gastrulation leads to formation of three germ layers –ectoderm, endoderm andmesodermand extraembryonic organs: amnion, yolk sac chorion

  33. Week 2 chorion Extraembryonic Mesoderm of Amnion and Yolk Sac Ectoderm amnion Endoderm yolk sac

  34. Gastrulation is finished with the formation of axial organs –neural tube, notochord, somites (mesoderm),locating betweenectoderm and endoderm. From them develop tissues and organs! Neural tube Somate amnion ectoderm endoderm yolk sac Notochord

  35. 4. Body flexion (amnion increases and forms body)

  36. Body flexion formation(Gut formation. Gut is the upper part of yolk sac) longitudinally transversely gut head right left

  37. Differentiation of germ layers and axial organs • What develops from them?

  38. Surface Ectodermdifferentiates to skin, oral, rectal epithelium, corneal epithelium, tooth enamel amnionectoderm stomatodeum

  39. Endodermdifferentiates toepithelium of stomach, intestine, liver, pancreas, respiratory, endocrine system -- 3-4 weeks - gut endoderm gut

  40. Extra mesoderm- formation of the first blood vessels in the wall of yolk sac and allantois blood vessels

  41. dermatome - dermis of skin myotome - muscles, sclerotome - skeleton, except skull, Body Mesoderm 1. Somite urogenital system including kedneys, gonads, ducts, and accessory glands 3. Intermediate Mesoderm. Nephrotome 2. Lateral Mesoderm - serous membranes of pleura, pericardium and peritoneum 4. Mesenchyme (loose part) – connective tissue of viscera and limbs, blood and lymph cells, vessels, smooth muscle

  42. Late embryonic stages • Histogenesis • Organogenesis

  43. The End

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