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If you are a woman in Michigan and you happen to have started experiencing symptoms <br><br>of menopause, you do not have to fret because you can use hormone therapy Michigan to <br><br>treat those symptoms. Some women start experience the menopausal symptoms during <br><br>their early thirties while others experience them in their early fifties. <br><br>For more information on hormone replacement therapy Grand Rapids, MI, check out my <br><br>website today.<br>
Understanding The Benefits Of Hormone Therapy In Michigan Brought to you by: http://www.genemedics.com/
Understanding The Benefits Of Hormone Therapy In Michigan If you are a woman in Michigan and you happen to have started experiencing symptoms of menopause, you do not have to fret because you can use hormone therapy Michigan to treat those symptoms. Some women start experience the menopausal symptoms during their early thirties while others experience them in their early fifties. During this period or process, you will cease to menstruate and chances of becoming pregnant will be reduced tremendously. Menopause is also accompanied by other symptoms such as urinary incontinence, hot flashes, mood swings and vaginal dryness. www.genemedics.com
Understanding The Benefits Of Hormone Therapy In Michigan With the help of hormone therapy Michigan, you can be able to treat the Menopausal symptoms. Systemic hormone therapy, which involves the use of systemic estrogen that comes in skin patch, pill, cream, gel or spray foam, is one of the most effective treatments for relieving the troublesome sweat nights and hot flashes that are associated with menopause. It has also proven to be effective when it comes to easing vaginal symptoms of menopause, for instance itching, dryness, discomfort with intercourse and burning. Estrogen is also approved by the Food and Drug Administration for preventing Osteoporosis, which is a bone-thrilling disease. www.genemedics.com
Understanding The Benefits Of Hormone Therapy In Michigan Menopausal symptoms can also be treated using low-dose vaginal products. These products are comprised of low-dose vaginal preparations of estrogen that come in tablet, cream or ring form. Not only can these products be used for treating vaginal symptoms that are associated with menopause, but also for treating some urinary symptoms. They also minimize absorption into the body. www.genemedics.com
Understanding The Benefits Of Hormone Therapy In Michigan However, it is important to know that the low-dose vaginal preparations are not effective for treating night sweats and hot flashes that are also associated with menopause. They also do not prevent osteoporosis. Lots of women in Michigan have been able to find relief from menopause symptoms with hormone therapy Michigan. These women also have also been able to enjoy other benefits from this therapy, including an improved sense of their mood as well as wellbeing. www.genemedics.com
Understanding The Benefits Of Hormone Therapy In Michigan Furthermore, the risk of colon cancer and ability of tooth loss can also be reduced using this therapy. Hormone therapy was also recommended for prevention of heart disease and memory loss some time back. However it is no longer recommended for these two conditions after results from clinical trials found that it was not so effective. The benefits of hormone therapy Michigan outweigh the risks by far. www.genemedics.com
Understanding The Benefits Of Hormone Therapy In Michigan It will be especially important if you experience early menopause, particularly if you have your ovaries removed. If you do not take estrogen until the age of 45, you will be at a higher risk of suffering from coronary heart disease, osteoporosis, Parkinson’s disease, depression or anxiety, and earlier death. If your ovaries are not removed, it is recommended to take estrogen along with progesterone or progestin. This is because when estrogen is taken alone without being balanced by progesterone, it stimulates the growth of the uterus lining, and puts you at the risk of suffering from uterine cancer. You will not need progestin if you have your uterine wall removed. www.genemedics.com
Understanding The Benefits Of Hormone Therapy In Michigan For more information on hormone replacement therapy Michigan, check out http://www.genemedics.com/ today. www.genemedics.com
Understanding The Benefits Of Hormone Therapy In Michigan Brought to you by: http://www.genemedics.com/