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Role of EOP/SAMG accident analysis. Define and justify Diagnosis criteriaOperating thresholdsVerify and/or evaluateRisk to be coveredVerify the capability of systems to perform their function. Role of EOP/SAMG accident analysis. Different types of studies:Thermal hydraulic (codes, simulators,
1. Plant Specific Accident Sequences for Development of EOP and SAMG George Vayssier
NSC Netherlands
IAEA Workshop on Safety Analysis Report, Safety Analysis for Licensing and EOP/SAMG Development & Review
23 26 February 2004, Islamabad, Pakistan
2. Role of EOP/SAMG accident analysis Define and justify
Diagnosis criteria
Operating thresholds
Verify and/or evaluate
Risk to be covered
Verify the capability of systems to perform their function
3. Role of EOP/SAMG accident analysis Different types of studies:
Thermal hydraulic (codes, simulators, test loops, test on site)
Mechanical studies
System studies
No need to do everything again: use also existing studies, e.g. for Safety Analysis Report
4. Accident sequences EOP/SAMG Differences in EOP and SAMG domain:
EOPs should cover relevant accident sequences (remember: event-based EOPs); they are designed to do so; scenarios follow the event, e.g. SB LOCA, followed by HPSI and cooldown secondary, LPSI and recirc via the sump
FRGs control basic (critical) safety functions, independent of the event; search for scenarios that challenge those functions, e.g. cool down and boration in parallel during ATWS
SAMG has primarily a mitigative function, is directed to the protection of fission product boundaries, not event-based; focus on scenarios that challenge or have failed the integrity of FP boundaries, e.g. effect of hydrogen deflagration
5. EOP accident sequences Two prevailing approaches:
Develop EOPs for all events inside the design basis, including the single failure; note: w/o scram, event lands in the AOPs (example: Siemens/FANP, Germany; EdF, France); in French: I- and A-procedures.
Then: add more failures: beyond DBA (in Germany: Emergence Manual, in France: H-procedures, covered by U-procedures)
Follow probabilistic selection of events, use evt. scenarios from the PSA level 1 (example: Westinghouse, newer French state-oriented approach)
6. EOP accident sequences Highly important difference:
Do you start from scratch, or
Do you use a reference plant?
Volume of work is totally different!
Example: Borssele (Netherlands, Siemens 2 loop PWR, West. EOPs/SAMG), Beznau (Switzerland, West. 2-loop PWR, West.-EOPs/SAMG):
NO new analysis done for introduction W-EOPs
Total amount of time: 2 years with dedicated team and support by the vendor
7. Accident sequences W-EOP Westinghouse methodology:
Use reference plant
Develop EOPs for DBA
Use plant PSA to decide which beyond DBA would be necessary; provide probabilistic evaluation of all accident initiators and functional system failures, use functional cut-off of 10-8 per reactor-year;
hence EOPs cover all sequences with probability > 10-8 per reactor-year, which covers 99.95 % of risk of sequences leading to core melt
8. Accident sequences W-EOP Benefit of using PSA / probabilistic cut-off
a procedure is provided for an accident with extremely low probability, and
no procedure is provided for an accident with higher probability
Plus and Minus:
plus: unnecessary procedures are an unnecessary burden, as they otherwise take place in documents and training
minus: one could also provide procedures for all events that are mechanistically (physically) possible (note: this is done in SAMG domain)
9. Accident sequences W-EOP Example of add-on / delete (Beznau):
Add: SGTR plus loss of feedwater (non-negligible probability for 2-loop plant)
Delete: SGTR without pressure control (ECA 3.3), as Beznau had more means to control pressure than the reference plant
10. EOP accident sequences Westinghouse methodology:
Familiarization session:
To identify the main differences in design compared to the reference plant; if any, perform plant specific analyses (e.g. for VVER, not for Borssele, Beznau)
Strategy session:
To identify the major strategies in comparison with the reference plant, making use of plant specific capabilities
11. Grouping of events Grouping of events by principal effects (SAR):
Increase in heat removal by the secondary side,
Decrease in heat removal by the secondary side,
Decrease in flow rate in the reactor coolant system,
Increase in flow rate in the reactor coolant system,
Anomalies in distributions of reactivity and power,
Increase in reactor coolant inventory,
Decrease in reactor coolant inventory,
Radioactive release from a subsystem or component.
Note that not all land in EOPs, some are in AOPs (no scram, no safety system actuation), others in SAMG
12. Grouping of events (contd) Grouping of events by initiator:
Reactivity anomalies due to control rod malfunctions
Reactivity anomalies due to boron dilution or cold water injection
Coast-down of the main circulation pumps
Loss of primary system integrity (LOCAs)
Interfacing systems LOCA
Loss of integrity of secondary system
13. Grouping of events (contd) Grouping of events by initiator (contd):
Loss of power supply
Malfunctions in the primary systems
Malfunctions in the secondary systems
ATWS events
Accidents in fuel handling
Accidents in auxiliary systems
Accidents due to external event
Note: these events have large differences in probability
14. Selection of accident sequences Make selection of initiating events plus failures of mitigating systems (ECCS, heat removal), e.g. according to the probability threshold (10-8 / ry)
Use categorization system, to group events into representative events re the core damage contributor
Design EOPs for the selected events
15. Selection of accident sequences, example
16. Analysis for SAMG (contd)
17. Selection of accident sequences, example (contd) Note: not all combinations are needed, e.g. status of heat sink is not relevant for LB LOCA, neither is HPSI for LB LOCA.
From this scheme, about 30 meaningful core damage contributors (states) are found
Result is what equipment is needed and what operator actions are required
18. Analysis for FRG-part of EOPs FRGs restore critical safety functions, and do that will all available means
Could be called support analysis
Not typical dependent on scenarios
Examples: next slides
19. Examples of support studies related to functional objectives Subcriticality control
Thresholds calculation on nuclear power
Feasability of cooldown with boration in parallel
Compatibility of available means of boration and cooldown rate
ATWS analysis
Response of nuclear power to intentional heat-up of core (i.e. limit feedwater flow)
Response to MCP shutdown (main coolant pump)
Risk of long term boron concentration/dilution
Safety injection management in case of primary break
20. Examples of support studies related to functional objectives (contd) Core cooling
RCS depressurisation strategies based on heat removal into the secondary side (i.e. dumping of steam from steam generators)
effectiveness of the reactor coolant pumps (RCPs) restart for delay of core degradation;
FRGs entry conditions/set-points (e.g. 650°C).
21. Examples of support studies related to functional objectives (contd) Heat removal control
Maximum cooldown rate value for design and beyond design
mechanical constraint, design report
Pressure thermal shocks limits on reactor vessel
Natural circulation operations
maximum cooldown rate compatible with reactor vessel head cooldown to avoid steam bubble
Loss of main heat sink
Feed & bleed scenarios, time window for successful start
22. Examples of support studies related to functional objectives (contd) RCS inventory control
Criteria for safety injection termination
LOCA without high head safety injection
Strategy in case of SGTR associated with a steam line break outside containment
23. Analysis for SAMG Recall major steps for development of SAMG:
Find plant vulnerabilities
Find plant capabilities
Define candidate high level action (CHLAs)
Develop strategies and guidelines, computational aids
Verification and validation of guidelines
NUMARC 92.01 - A process for Evaluating AM capabilities,
NEI 91.04, rev. 1- Severe Accident Issue Closure Guidelines
24. Analysis for SAMG (contd) Plant vulnerabilities: select number of unmitigated events to find type and timing of challenges to FP barriers
e.g. find risk for SG tube creep rupture and its timing,
obtain hydrogen release and its timing, and the consequential deflagration (if any)
find time to overpressure of the containment, etc.
Group events with respect to the challenge of the FP barriers and select dominant ones for further consideration
Note: some challenges are influenced by the AM action that is considered, e.g. flooding an overheated core will result in much hydrogen, thereby making the hydrogen challenge more severe. Some regulators (notably France, Netherlands) hence require that such flooding is done at the most unfavourable moment, resulting in 100% Zr clad reacted with steam
25. Analysis for SAMG (contd) All important phenomena should be addressed:
Core degradation
SG tube creep rupture / surge line creep rupture
Steam explosion (often ruled out)
RPV melt-through (high or low pressure)
Steam spike from wet cavity, evt. steam explosion
Basemat attack
Hydrogen generation (in- and ex-vessel)
Containment overpressure, sub-atmospheric pressure
26. Analysis for SAMG (contd) Relevant plant damage states are: degraded core, core ex-vessel, containment challenged, failed, bypassed.
Define AM for each of those damage states.
Example from NUMARC (loss of all off-site AC, failure of all on-site AC, depletion of batteries, loss of turbine-driven aux feed)
27. Analysis for SAMG (contd) Only a limited number of scenarios is required, because once the core is damaged, the rest of the process is fairly straightforward
Select accidents that maximize the challenge to certain FP boundaries (e.g. station blackout to investigate high pressure scenarios, such as SG tube creep rupture, HPME; small LOCA for hydrogen production)
Monitor whether key phenomena will be observed (e.g. onset of core damage (=no), vessel failure (=maybe))
Investigate the effect of countermeasures (e.g. flooding the cavity will cool the debris inside the vessel or not), in principle for all the CHLAs that are defined useful for the plant
Example of severe accident insights in next page
28. Analysis for SAMG (contd)
29. Analysis for SAMG (contd) Once the strategies are defined, both positive and negative consequences must be analysed:
e.g. cavity flooding may provoke large steam spikes upon vessel failure or even ex-vessel steam explosion, so do we flood or not?
if we have only one charging pump available, do we inject or not? (risk: H2 generation in stead of cooling; Borssele: decided then not to inject; Beznau decided to inject)
30. Analysis for SAMG (contd) Also the set points must be obtained
e.g. to what RCS pressure must we depressurize to avoid HPME?
And the Computational Aids
e.g. at what pressure and hydrogen concentration is the containment atmosphere flammable?
Extensive reports are made for set point analysis and computational aids.
31. Analysis for SAMG (contd) Some strategies may require advanced analysis, e.g. CFD-codes for H2-distribution/combustion
Validation and drills/exercises need templates; these must be developed by analysis
Criteria: design a template that will lead the control room/ TSC through many severe accident guidelines
Include a variety of possible operator actions, to anticipate real operator behaviour
Make sure results are not defeated by uncertainties
32. Conclusions Adequate accident analysis is needed for all phases of accident management; analyses are very different for the various tasks; EOP: more scenario oriented, SAMG more phenomena oriented
Include all types of analyses (T/H, mechanical, systems behaviour)
To relief tasks, make use of reference plant analysis where possible
Work on EOP/SAMG development can start from generic (reference) data, which later will be refined