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Oix Zuqc Nyei Eix-Leiz M’daaih Oix Zuqc (Must Means Must)

Oix Zuqc Nyei Eix-Leiz M’daaih Oix Zuqc (Must Means Must) Ging-Sou Scripture: L uke 9:22 ,  Acts 4:12 ,  John 4:24 Sunday/October 16, 2011.

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Oix Zuqc Nyei Eix-Leiz M’daaih Oix Zuqc (Must Means Must)

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  1. Oix Zuqc Nyei Eix-Leiz M’daaih Oix Zuqc (Must Means Must) Ging-Sou Scripture: Luke 9:22, Acts 4:12, John 4:24 Sunday/October 16, 2011

  2. Lugaa 9:22: Ninh yaac gorngv, "Yie, Baamh Mienh nyei Dorn, oix zuqc siouc camv-nyungc kouv. Mienh gox caux sai mienh bieiv caux njaaux leiz nyei fin-saeng oix nqemh yie, dorh yie mingh daix guangc, mv baac nqa'haav buo hnoi yie aengx nangh daaih." Luke 9:22: And he said, "The Son of Man must suffer many things and be rejected by the elders, chief priests and teachers of the law, and he must be killed and on the third day be raised to life."

  3. Gong-Zoh 4:12: "Cuotv liuz Yesu, maiv maaih haaix dauh haih bun mienh duqv njoux, weic zuqc yiem lungh ndiev maanc mienh mbu'ndongx, Tin-Hungh maiv ceix ganh norm mbuox, bun mbuo oix zuqc kaux duqv njoux." Act 4:12 Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved."

  4. Yo^han 4:24: Tin-Hungh se Singx Lingh. Zaangc Tin-Hungh nyei mienh oix zuqc longc Singx Lingh caux zien leiz zaangc.“ John 4:24 God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in spirit and in truth."

  5. Biux Mengh Waac Introduction 1. Ih hnoi naaiv hoc dauh gorngv buo nyungc jauv. Oix zuqc naaiv joux waac haih porv mengh gorngv: oix zuqc zoux – naaiv se benx longc jienv nyei jauv dongh mbuo horpc zuqc zoux nyei jauv. Today’s title speak of three things. The word "must" is thus defined: "To be compelled - essential, requisite." 2. Naaiv se benx norm jangx-hoc yiem nyungc-nyungc jauv se hnangv oix zuqc zoux caux jiepv-sih zoux nyei jauv nor. It can signify both necessity and urgency.

  6. 3. Naaiv deix waac se ih jaax hnoi nyei mienh maiv oix muangx nyei waac. This is a word that our generation does not like to hear. 4. Hnangv haaix yaac baac, naaiv se longc yiem Ging-Sou biux mengh taux ziex nyungc zien nyei jauv. Nevertheless, it is used in the Bible to emphasize many truths. 5. Bun mbuo mangc gaax naaiv deix waac. Let's look at some of them.

  7. I. Giduc Oix Zuqc Siouc Kouv. The "MUST" of Christ's suffering (Luke 9:22). A. Giduc siouc kouv nyei jauv se benx Tin-Hungh nyei njoux en jauv (E^fe^so 3:11). Christ's suffering was part of God's eternal plan (Ephesians 3:11). 1. Yiem Loz-Ngaengc Waac maaih ziex norm dorngx gorngv taux Giduc siouc kouv nyei jauv. The Old Testament spoke of Christ's suffering in many places.

  8. 2. Ninh ganh yaac nuqv bun mangc yiem –Lugaa 24:44-46. He pointed this out in Luke 24:44-46. 3. Giduc siou kouv weic mbuo – I^saa^yaa 53:1-12. Christ suffering for us – Isaiah 53:1-12. 4. Naaiv se ciev ziec weic mbuo nyei njoux en jauv (This sacrifice is necessary for our salvation).

  9. B. Yietc zungv maaih zuiz (1 Yo^han 1:8; Lomaa 3:23). All have sinned (1 John 1:8; Romans 3:23). 1. Oix zuqc longc nziaamv fiqv zuiz (Hipv^lu 9:22). It takes a blood sacrifice to purge sins (Hebrews 9:22). 2. Maiv gunv hnangv haaix nor , ngongh gouv nziaamv caux yungh nyei nziaamv maiv gaux fiqv mbuo nyei zuiz (Hipv^lu 10:1-4). However, the blood of bulls and goats was not sufficient to purge our sins (Hebrews 10:1-4). 3. Oix zuqc longc Tin-Hungh nyei Dorn ziec (Hipv^lu 9:23-28). It took the sacrifice of the Son of God (Hebrews 9:23-28).

  10. II. Njoux En Se Oix Zuqc -The "MUST" of salvation. A. Zien sic se Giduc daaih naaiv norm baamh gen daic weic mbuo nyei zuiz, naaiv se bun Ninh maaih leiz heuc mbuo muangx Ninh nyei waac (Gong-Zoh 4:12; Fi^lipv^poi 2:9-11). The fact that Christ came to this earth and died for our sins gives Him the right to demand our obedience to Him (Acts 4:12; Philippians 2:9-11).

  11. 1. Domh gorx aac “yie oix zuqc hnangv haaix nor zoux cingx duqv njoux?” (Gong-Zoh 16:30). "Sirs, what must I do to be saved?"  (Acts 16:30). 2. Naaiv se benx yietc nyungc gauh longc jienv jiex nyei jauv dongh ninh oix naaic nyei waac. This is the most important question he ever asked. 3. Baulo mbuo mbuox ninh oix zuqc sienx kaux Ziouv Yesu Giduc. He was told to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ.

  12. B. Fiev Hipv^lu sou nyei mienh mbuox mbuo oix zuqc maaih sienx fim (Hipv^lu 11:6). The Hebrews writer tells us that we MUST have faith (Hebrews 11:6). 1. Sienx kaux Yesu Giduc se maaih haaix nyungc eix-leiz? Eix-leiz se, se gorngv yietc dauh mienh ninh za’gengh sienx Yesu zoux Tin-Hungh nyei Dorn nor, ninh gengh oix muangx Yesu nyei lingc taux hnangv maiv nziang nor (Yo^han 14:15). What does it mean to "believe" on Jesus Christ? It means, If one truly believes that Jesus is truly the Son of God, He would be crazy to obey Jesus commands (John 14:15).

  13. 2. Yaagorpc gorngv mbuox mbuo sienx fim nyei jauv mv maaih gong se benx daic nyei sienx fim (Yaagorpc 2:14-26). James tells us that a faith without works is dead (James 2:14-26). 3. Sienx fim nyei jauv yaac fih hnangv nyei, oix zuqc maaih goiv hnyouv yienc eix nyei jauv, nyiemc zuiz nyei jauv, zoux kuv sic nyei jauv hinc cuotv cingx funx gorngv zien-zien nyei sienx. Likewise, the truth faith comes by repentance, confession, and good deeds.

  14. III. Oix Zuqc Mbuoqc Zangc (Yo^han 4:24). The "MUST" of worship (John 4:24). A. Mbuo oix zuqc longc lingh wuonh mbuoqc zangc. We must worship in spirit. 1. Longc horpc nyei fiem-fingx. With the correct attitude. 2. Tongx nimc taaih Tin-Hungh. Reverence God. 3. Gamh nziex Tin-Hungh.Fear God. 4. Nyiemc ganh zoux faix.Humility.

  15. B. Mbuo oix zuqc longc zien-leiz mbuoqc zangc. We must worship in truth (Colossians 3:17). 1. Baaux nzung ceng Tin-Hungh. Sing to the Lord (Colossians 3:16; Ephesians 5:19). 2. Daux gaux. Pray (1 Thessalonians 5:16). 3. Cuotv fim fongc horc. Giving (1 Corinthians 16:1-2). 4. Hoqc Ging-Sou. Study God's Word (Acts 20:7). 5. Nyanc Singx Hnaangx. Take the Lord's supper (Acts 20:7).

  16. C. Mbuo oix zuqc faix fim. We must be aware. 1. Longc lingh wuonh buoqc zangc, mv baac corc haih ndortv njoux en duqv nyei. It is possible to worship with Spirit and still be lost (Matthew 15:9; Matthew 7:21-24). 2. Longc zien leiz mbuoqc zangc, mv baac corc haih ndortv njoux en duqv nyei. It is possible to worship in truth and still be lost (Matthew 15:8; Hebrews 10:25-27).

  17. IV. Oix Zuqc Siemv Zuiz. The "MUST" of the Judgment (2 Corinthians 5:10). 1. Mv maaih haaix dauh haih biaux duqv ndortv siemv zuiz nyei jauv. No one will escape this judgment. 2. Yietc zungv baengh fim nyei zuqc siemv. All will be judged righteously (Psalms 9:7-8).

  18. 3. Orqv mienh oix duqv zipv ninh mbuo zoux nyei orqv sic. The wicked will get what they deserve (Ye^le^mi 9:9; 2 Corinthians 5:10; 2 Thessalonians 1:6). 4. Zoux horpc nyei mienh oix duqv zipv njoux en nyei jauv weic ninh mbuo nyei muangx waac jauv. The righteous will receive the gift of salvation through their obedience (Ephesians 2:8-9).

  19. Setv Mueiz Waac Conclusion: Ih hnoi nyei Ging-Sou njaaux taux mbuo i nyungc dongh mbuo oix zuqc zoux nyei jauv. Today’s scripture taught us two things we must do. 1. Mbuo oix zuqc goiv hnyouv caux guangc nqoi mbuo zoux nyei yietc zungv waaic sic. We must repent and get rid of all bad things. 2. Mbuo oix zuqc longc nzengc hnyouv muangx Tin-Hungh nyei waac. We must obey God with whole heart.

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