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Psalm 10:1-11 (Tune: Abide With Me). 1. Why do you stand so far aw - ay, Oh Lord? Why do you. Text: The Book of Psalms for Singing , 10A Music: Abide With Me , William H. Monk. Psalm 10:1-11 (Tune: Abide With Me).
Psalm 10:1-11(Tune: Abide With Me) 1. Why do you stand so far aw - ay, Oh Lord? Why do you Text: The Book of Psalms for Singing, 10A Music: Abide With Me, William H. Monk
Psalm 10:1-11(Tune: Abide With Me) hide your - self in trou-blous times? In ar-ro-gance the wick-ed
Psalm 10:1-11(Tune: Abide With Me) trap the poor; Let them be caught in schemes they have devised.
Psalm 10:1-11(Tune: Abide With Me) 2. The wick - ed boasts ab - out his heart’s desires; The cov - et Text: The Book of Psalms for Singing, 10A Music: Abide With Me, William H. Monk
Psalm 10:1-11(Tune: Abide With Me) -ous re - nounc - es , spurns the Lord. In pride the wick-ed sees no
Psalm 10:1-11(Tune: Abide With Me) need to seek; In all his thoughts he says, “There is no God.”
Psalm 10:1-11(Tune: Abide With Me) 3. He’s self-as-sured, Your judg-ments far from him. At all his Text: The Book of Psalms for Singing, 10A Music: Abide With Me, William H. Monk
Psalm 10:1-11(Tune: Abide With Me) foes he on - ly puffs in scorn. In heart he thinks, “I ne-ver
Psalm 10:1-11(Tune: Abide With Me) shall be moved; Through ag - es all no e – vil shall I meet.”
Psalm 10:1-11(Tune: Abide With Me) 4. His mouth is filled with oaths and lies and threats: Be-neath his Text: The Book of Psalms for Singing, 10A Music: Abide With Me, William H. Monk
Psalm 10:1-11(Tune: Abide With Me) tongue are e - vil thoughts and deeds. He sits in am-bush mid the
Psalm 10:1-11(Tune: Abide With Me) vil - lage homes; The in - no - cent he mur-ders se - cret - ly.
Psalm 10:1-11(Tune: Abide With Me) 5. In stealth he wa-tches for some hap-less one. He like a Text: The Book of Psalms for Singing, 10A Music: Abide With Me, William H. Monk
Psalm 10:1-11(Tune: Abide With Me) li - on crou-ches in his den. He hides him-self that he may
Psalm 10:1-11(Tune: Abide With Me) seize the poor; To seize the poor he traps him in his net.
Psalm 10:1-11(Tune: Abide With Me) 6. The hap-less one he cru-shes, tram-ples down, When he has Text: The Book of Psalms for Singing, 10A Music: Abide With Me, William H. Monk
Psalm 10:1-11(Tune: Abide With Me) made him fall be-neath his might. In heart he thinks, “God has for-
Psalm 10:1-11(Tune: Abide With Me) got-ten this; He hid His face, so He will ne-ver see.