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HISTOLOGY PRACTICAL CARDIOPULMONARY SLIDES. Mediam size artery(or muscular Artery) Whats the lining epi . ? Main line component SM fibers. Mediam size VEIN 1.T.media thiner than advetitia 2.Absences of external…. ثالثا : الاورده الحجم المتوسط فقط. MEDIUM-SIZED VEIN.
Mediam size artery(or muscular Artery) Whats the lining epi. ? Main line component SM fibers Mediam size VEIN 1.T.media thiner than advetitia 2.Absences of external….
ثالثا : الاورده الحجم المتوسط فقط MEDIUM-SIZED VEIN • Thickness of the wall: thinner انحف than the accompanying الملازم - المصاحب artery. • T. Intima: no internal elastic lamina • T. Media: • Thinner than T. Adventitia عكس ما سبق • Consists of: • Fewer SMCs. • Collagen fibers and fibroblasts • T. Adventitia: thicker than T. Media
MUSCULAR ARTERIES(Medium-sized a, Distributing a) • Examples: brachial الذراعي, ulnarالزندي, renal. • Microscopic structure: • T. Intima.: • Endothelium. • Subendothelial C.T. layer. • Internal elastic lamina: • Is prominent واضح. • Displays an undulating متموج surface. انظر الصوره • Occasionally it is duplicated (bifid مقسوم لفلقتين internal elastic lamina).
MUSCUALR ARTERIES (Cont.) • T. Media.: • Smooth muscle cells: are the predominant واضح component. • In between there are: • Elastic fibers. • Type III collagen fibers. • Type I collagen fibers. • External elastic lamina: may be identifiable • T. Adventitia.: loose fibroelastic C.T تحتوي : vasa vasorum.
Vein Valve Artery T.Media is thicker
VALVES OF VEINS • Valve of a vein is composed of 2 leaflets بوابتين • Each leaflet has a thin fold of the T. Intima. • Components: • Endothelium • Core of C.T.
Elastic artery (aorta) Fenestrated lamenae (elastic membrane ) in T.midia T.M > T.A
Elastic artery (aorta) Fenestrated lamenae (elastic membrane ) in T.midia T.M > T.A
اولا الشرايين ELASTIC ARTERIES • Examples: aorta, common carotid a., subclavian a., common iliac aa, pulmonary Trunk. • Microscopic structure: • T. Intima.: *Endothelium. *Subendothelial C.T. *Internal elastic lamina: (not prominent ليس واضح) مهمه
ELASTIC ARTERIES (Cont.) • T. Media.: it consists of: • Fenestrated ذو نوافذ elastic membranes (sheets) (lamellaeعده طبقات): • The main component of T.M. • In between, there are: • Smooth muscle cells: are less abundant & secrete all other components in T.M. • Collagen fibers (type I collagen). • Reticular fibers (type III collagen). • Elastic fibers. • External elastic lamina
ELASTIC ARTERIES (Cont.) • T. Adventitia.: • Much thinner انحفthan T.M. • It is composed of loose fibroblastic C.T. • Contains vasa vasorum → send branches to the outer part of T.M.
Heart الطبقه الاولىENDOCARDIUM 1- Endothelium: simple squamous epith. 2- Subendothelial C.T. layer 3- Dense C.T. layer 4- Subendocardial layer: Loose C.T. layer that contains Purkinje fibers الياف صغيره الحجم تستخدم لتوصيل الاشارات الانقباضيه للبطيناتsmall blood vessels & nerves. It attaches to the endomysium of the cardiac muscle.
الطبقة الثانيةMYOCARDIUM • It is the middle layer • It is the most thick layer • It contains cardiac muscle cells with endomysium (loose C.T.)
الطبقة الخارجيهEPICARDIUM(Visceral layer of pericardium تعتبر جزء من الـ)مهمه • من الخارجMesothelium: simple squamous epith. • Subepicardial C.T. layer: Loose C.T. contains the coronary vessels التي تغذي القلب, nerves, ganglia & fat cells تخزن الدهون في هذه الطبقه.
Heart Valve Endothelium (simple squmesepi.)+C.T = Endocardium Myocardium
Endothelium Myocardium
HEART VALVES(CARDIAC VALVES) • Each leaflet جزء قسم (cusp) of heart valve is formed of: (1) A core of Dense irregular C.T.: extends from the fibrous skeleton of the heart. (2) This core is covered by: Endocardiumمهمه جدا • The leaflets of the heart valves are normally AVASCULAR لا تحتوي اوعيه دمويه. • Blood capillaries and smooth muscle cells can be found only in the base (the root) of the leaflet.
Respiratory epi. يجب كتابة التفاصيل ما تكفي هذي الكلمتين لازم الثمان كللمات Pseudo-stratified طبقي كاذب ciliated columnar epithelium with goblet cells Lamena proper (whats it’s content)
: RESPIRATORY REGION (AREA) OF NASAL CAVITYنفس nasal septum MUCOSA (MUCOUS MEMBRANE): (A) Epithelium: Pseudo-stratified طبقي كاذب ciliated columnar epithelium with goblet cells (Respiratory epithelium) (B) Lamina propria ( Subepithelial C.T.): contains: 1- Large arterial plexuses شبكه & venous sinuses (Highly vascularized C.T.) 3- Many seromucous سائل شبيه بالماءتنتجglands (acini). 4- Abundant lymphoid elements: Including occasional lymphoid nodules, plasma cells & mast cells.
Epiglottus Reparatory epi(أكتب الاسم بـ 8 كلمات كامله ) Elastic cartilage Non-keretinizedstretifiedsqumous
LARYNX • Mucosa: 1- Epithelium: (2 types) a- Respiratory epithelium: Pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium with goblet cells. b- Non keratinized stratified squamous epithelium: In: يوجد فقط في -Vocal folds. - Superior surface of epiglottuis 2- Lamina propria.
LARYNX • Mucosa (cont.): There are 2 pairs of shelf-like mucosal folds: 1- Vestibular folds: Are immovable غير متحرك. L/M: a- Respiratory epithelium. b- Lamina propria: Loose C.T. with seromucous glands lymphoid elements & adipose cells. 2- VOCAL FOLDS (CORDS): have: a- Epithelium: non keratinized stratified squamous. b- Lamina propria. c- Vocal ligament: bundles of parallel elastic fibers (dense regular elastic C.T.). b- Vocal muscle: Skeletal muscle. N.B. No lymphoid nodules, No seromucous glands.
(B)Cartilages: 1- Hyaline cartilages: Thyroid, تفاحه ادم Cricoid, Body of arytenoids. 2- Elastic cartilages: Epiglottis, لسان المزمار Corniculate, Cuneiform, Tips of arytenoids. (C) Extrinsic and intrinsic muscles:all are skeletal . (D) Ligaments.
Respiratory epi Lamina proper submucosa Hyaline cartilage T.Adventisia = cartilage + SM fibers
MUCOSA OF TRACHEA • Epithelium: Respiratory epithelium: Pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium with goblet cells. (2) Lamina propria: Loose, fibroelastic C.T. containing: a- Lymphoid elements (e.g. lymphoid nodules & lymphocytes). b- Mucous & seromucous glands. (3) Elastic lamina: Dense layer (thick bundle) of elastic fibers. It separates lamina propria from submucosa. N.B. Mucosa is non-folded except posteriorly.
SUBMUCOSA OF TRACHEA Contents: 1- Dense irregular fibroelastic C.T. 2- Numerous mucous & seromucous glands. 3- Lymphoid elements. 4- Rich blood & lymph supply. N.B. Other textbooks reported that submucosa of trachea is loose C.T.
ADVENTITIA OF TRACHEA Contents: 1- Fibroelastic C.T. 2- C-shaped rings (10-12) of hyaline cartilage. Trachealis muscle (bundle of SMF) connects the open ends of each C-shaped ring of cartilage. Perichondrium of C-shaped rings of hyaline cartilage are connected together by dense fibroelastic C.T.
اذا طلب اسم العضو فهو رئه ولكن اذا حدد فالتفاصيل مكتوبه Bronchiol (has 4 Nos) Intrapulmonary Bronchus Has the 4 NOs Respiratory epi.
Cartilage Lamena proper Sub Mucosa SM fibers
INTRAPULMONARY BRONCHUS • Mucosa: It has longitudinal طولي mucosal folds. القصبه الهوائيه لا يوجد بها فولد a- Epithelium: Respiratory epith. b- L.P.: (Lamina propria) يتكون من Fibroelastic C.T. (loose C.T. rich in elastic fibers). It contains seromucous glands. “ “ lymphoid elements. N.B. No elastic lamina الدكتور يقول كلمه ( نو ) معناها سؤال يعني ركز عليها – عكس التراكيا التي يوجد بها هذا التركيب .
INTRAPULMONARY BRONCHUS (2) Muscle coat (complete): Two distinct مختلفتين layers of SMF ( smooth muscle fibers ) spirally حلزوني arranged in opposite direction (crisscrossing متقاطعه bundles of spirally arranged smooth muscle fibers “SMF”). (3) Submucosa: C.T. contains: a- Seromucous glands. b- Lymphoid elements.
INTRAPULMONARY BRONCHUS (4) Adventitia: Contents: a- Loose C.T.: Contains radially arranged elastic fibers to connect with counterparts of neighboring bronchial tree. b- Irregular plates of hyaline cartilage (complete layer). c- Solitary حزمه مفرده lymphoid nodules.
Preterminal Bronchioles (1) Mucosa: has longitudinal folds: A- Epithelium: 1- Simple ciliated columnar epith مهمه جدا معرفه نوع الابيثيلويم لانه محل مقارنه لانه سوف يتغير في التراكيب القادمه. with occasional goblet cells (in larger preter. br.). 2- مهمه: تركيب الجزء الاخير منها Simple cuboidal mostly ciliated with occasional Clara cells BUT NO goblet cells(in smaller preter. bronchioles). B- Lamina propria: FibroelasticC.T. (rich in elastic Fs.) (2) Smooth muscle: 2 helically arranged SM layers. (3) Adventitia: loose fibroelastic C.T. N.B مهمه جدا جدا. No cartilage, No seromucous glands, No lymphnoduLes.
Terminal Bronchioles Similar structure to preterminal. bronchioles, but: Epithelium: Simple cuboidal partially ciliated epithelium With Clara cells. مثل تركيب الجزء الاخير من السابقه N.B. Are less than 0.5mm in diameter. N.B. Each supplies lung acinus كييس.
Respiratory Bronchioles Are similar in structure to terminal bronchiolesBut: their walls are interrupted by the presence of few pulmonary alveoli.