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Digital Image Processing NET 404 ) ) Introduction and Overview

This lecture provides an introduction to digital image processing, covering topics such as the definition of a digital image, the history of digital image processing, and state-of-the-art examples. It also explores the key stages and components involved in digital image processing. The lecture includes an overview of image acquisition through various technologies and the different applications of digital image processing.

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Digital Image Processing NET 404 ) ) Introduction and Overview

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  1. Digital Image Processing NET 404) )Introduction and Overview Chapter 1 2012 Teacher: Remah W. AlKhatib

  2. Contents lecture will cover: • What is a digital image? • What is digital image processing? • History of digital image processing • State of the art examples of digital image processing • Key stages or components in digital image processing

  3. What is an image? Image • A 2D function f (x, y) that can be observed by human visual system • x and y are spatial (Plane) coordinates • Amplitude of f at a point is intensity or gray level of image at that point

  4. What is an image? Thebitmap representation • Also called “raster or pixel maps” representation • An image is broken up into a grid

  5. What is a Digital Image? • A digital image is a representation of a two dimensional image as a finite set of digital values, called picture elements or pixels

  6. What is a Digital Image?(cont…) • Pixel values typically represent gray levels, colors, heights, opacities etc • Digitization implies that a digital image is an approximation of a real scene

  7. What is a Digital Image?(cont…) • Common image formats include: • 1sample per point (B&W or Grayscale) • 3 samples per point (Red, Green, and Blue) • 4 samples per point (Red, Green, Blue, and “Alpha”, a.k.a. Opacity) For most of this course we will focus on grey-scale images

  8. Digital Image Color images have 3 values per pixel; monochrome images have1 value per pixel.

  9. What is Digital ImageProcessing? Digital image processing • Refers to processing digital images by means of operations on digital computer. • Digital image processing focuses on two major tasks: • Improvement of pictorial information for human interpretation • Processing of image data for storage, transmission and representation for autonomous machine perception

  10. Several fields deal withimages Computer Graphics • The creation of images. Image Processing and Image Analysis • Mainly concerned with interpreting a given image • The enhancement or other manipulation of the image • The result of which is usually another images.Image Understanding (Computer Vision) • The analysis of image content.

  11. Image processing Disciplines

  12. A Historical Overview of DIP Newspaper industry used Bartlane cable picture transmission system to send pictures by submarine cable between London and New York in 1920s

  13. Early Improvement The number of distinct gray levels coded by Bartlane system was improved from 5 to 15 by the end of 1920s

  14. The Born of Digital Computers The images in previous slides are digital; but they are NOT considered as the results of DIP • What do we mean by Digital Image Processing • Processing digital images by a digital computer

  15. The Boom of Digital Imagesin the Last 20 Years Acquisition • Digital cameras, scanners • MRI and Ultrasound imaging • Infrared and microwave imaging Transmission • Internet, wireless communication Display • Printers, LCD monitor, digital TV

  16. Soar Into Outer Space

  17. A Physical Perspective of ImageAcquisition • Extend the capabilities of human vision systems • From visible spectrum to non-visible electromagnetic power spectrum • From close-distance sensing to remote sensing

  18. Visible (I): Photography

  19. Visible (II): Motion Pictures

  20. Visible (III): Law Enhancementand Biometrics

  21. Visible (IV): Light Microscopy

  22. Visible (V): Remote Sensing

  23. Beyond Visible (I): ThermalImages

  24. Beyond Visible (II): Radar Images

  25. Beyond Visible (III): MRI andAstronomy

  26. Beyond Visible (IV): MedicalDiagnostics

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