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The University of Rome Foro Italico's ESTPORT unit is implementing a project focused on tutoring student-athletes in their dual career. This includes examining literature, exploring methodologies, analyzing data, and disseminating results. Grounded in action learning and grounded theory, the project utilizes web-based tools and critical pedagogical models. The implementation aims to highlight good practices and address ethical and philosophical questions.
Università degli Studi di Roma Foro ItalicoWorkshop 4Implementation of ESTPORT project
Implementation of ESTPORT project 2016 By University of Rome Foro Italico ESTPORT Unit
A project in progress Foro Italico’s ESTPORT unit has - Striclty followed the guideliness sketched from the results activities carried out in 2015 - What we have done and are doing consists of…
1) Examining scholarly literature and reflecting upon experiences and good practices of tutorship in the dual career of S-As from Italy and other countries 2) Focusing on best methodologies to do research and explore issues and topics relating to the tutorship and the dual-career of S-As as a pedagogical issue 3) Understanding and interpreting data and results from the two main workshops carried out in 2016
4) Continuing in analyzing and interpreting data from the questionnaire ESTPORT administered to the sample consisting of all student-athletes of URFI 5) Disseminating results and data through publications, public conferences and by trying to structure tentative models of implementation of effective tutorship in other educational contexts as a future “spin-off” of ESTPORT 6) And last but not least, we have finally structured and put into practice a Foro Italico specific model for tutoring the S-A (DU.C.A.S.T.UN)
OUR EPISTEMOLOGICAL SYSTEMIC APPROACH • The dual-career of the S-A is more (and greater) than the sum of its parts • Tutoring is a part of the system and forms a subsystem in itself • It is always necessary to couple theory and practice, research and evaluation
We have focused our research and implementation on New e-tools based on Web 2.0 seen as a means capable of better tutoring S-As An interpretation of the issues concerning the dual-career of S-As in light of critical pedagogical models (Donald Schön model of Reflective practitioner and the Community of Learning)
Points 1 and 2(Good practices and research methodologies) There are lots of interesting and effective cases of good practices relating to the implementation of the tutorship and the dual career of university student-athletes both in Italy and Europe which deserves to be better examined and contrasted (University of Trento, University of Foggia, TF - Sports University of Budapest, LASE – Latvian Academy of Sports Education, etc.) There is a growing interest towards the DC of S-As in all European university (the case of UNIMED is exemplary) All universities are gradually emphasizing not only the fact how many victories of their students are won in sport, but also how many of the athletes with the help of sport have learned to become winners in their further life.
It is important to couple quantitative and qualitative research methods if we want to deeply grasp the issues concerning the DC of S-As Also qualitative methodology can be effective Life stories and narratives–first-person accounts of experiences must be the first source of data
Example of steps to follow in narrative methodologies significant events in personal education/professional career; significant moments in personal sport career; personal professional growth; future intentions in personal professional career, or life after personal professional career
Point 3(Workshops) Workshop 1, April 2016 (main topics: the tutor I would want and theEthical issues in tutoring the student-athlete) Objectives: to answer the ethical and phisosophical question wether student-athletes deserve to be tutored, supported and assisted during and after their professional career or not to identify the carachteristics of the best tutor as a person in light of student-athletes needs and expectations
Workshop 2, October 2016 (An e-tutor for the lifelong learning and the career of the student-athlete ) Objectives: to identify effective tools and reflect on how to transform Web 2.0-based tools (mainly social networks) into safe and effective lifelong tutoring environments for student-athletes to compare advantages and disadvantages of utilizing e-tutorship when we assist dual-career and post-career student-athletes
Point 4(ESTPORT Survey/the questionnaire) we have completed the administration of ESTPORT questionnaire to all S-As of our universities we have identified a general sample of 139 S-As (who have competed in the Olympic Games, and have participated and taken part in regional, national, European and World competitions and contests From the general sample, we have extracted a subsample of 26 S-As only composed of S-As who have competed in the Olympics and taken part in international Competitions. We did it in order to have a sample whose main characteristics can be compared to those of the UCAM’s one* *the results from the survey will be presented and discussed, as you know, in our next specific whorkshop)
Point 5(dissemination of results) We have started to disseminate the results from ESTPORT Italian research and implementation unit in national and local conferences, in publications, and through the implementation of pedagogical tutoring model for high-school S-As (it could be a possible “spin-off” of ESTPORT)
Some conferences the coordinator of the ESTPORT Italian Unit has been invited to take part in as a speaker to promote the Erasmus+ project…
Sport and citizenship- Dreaming for Rio 2016 Comenius Project supported by the EU, Reggio Calabria, Italy, april 14th-15th The conference was organized by the Network of Italian Sports High Schools (the coordinator spoke in front of representatives of this kind of schools from all Italy)
UNIMED round table on sport, woman and citizenship in the Mediterranean Region, Rome, October 18th-19th
Main publications of 2015 -2016 • Isidori E. (2016). The Dual Career of Student Athletes and the Quest for a Personalized Tutorship Model. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NOVEL RESEARCH IN EDUCATION AND LEARNING, vol. 3, p. 9-15, ISSN: 2394-9686 • ISIDORI E. (2016). Pedagogia, sport e relazioni internazionali. Dall'analisi del contesto allo sviluppo della metodologia. Roma: QUAPEG, ISBN 9788822826459, DOI 10.5281/zenodo.59154 • Migliorati M., Maulini C., Isidori E (2016). La dual-career degli studenti-atleti nella scuola secondaria: fra teoresi pedagogica e progettualità . FORMAZIONE & INSEGNAMENTO, vol. 14 - Supplemento, p. 157-167, ISSN: 2279-7505 • Isidori E (2016). L'etica nello sport. In: (a cura di): Mantovani C., Insegnare per allenare. Metodologia dell'insegnamento. p. 305-333, Roma: Edizioni Scuola dello Sport-CONI, ISBN: 9788897337157 • Isidori E (2016). I valori dello sport. In: (a cura di): Morandi M., Corpo, educazione fisica, sport. Questioni pedagogiche. p. 164-181, Milano: FrancoAngeli, ISBN: 9788891743572 • Isidori E. (2015). Pedagogia dello sport, In Cunti A. (a cura di): Corpi in formazionie. Voci pedagogiche. Milano: Franco Angeli, ISBN 9788891728739 • Isidori E. (2015). Orientamento e sport. In Cunti A. (a cura di): Corpi in Formazione. Voci pedagogiche. Milano: Franco Angeli, ISBN 9788891728739 • Isidori E (2015). La pedagogia dell’orientamento sportivo: una prospettiva teorica. CQIA RIVISTA, FORMAZIONE, LAVORO, PERSONA, vol. 13, p. 1-16, ISSN: 2039-4039. • Other publications are in press…
Other projects linked to ESTPORT • Starting from the results achieved by the Italian ESTPORT unit, we have developed a tutorship project Model and protocol for Italian high school Italian students. • The model has been accepted by the Italian Ministry of Education • The educational model is based and focused on the use of new e-tutoring tools based on Web 2.0 technologies and on the application of critical thinking and of the pedagogical model of the Learning Community • The school which has invited us to develop the project is trying to apply it and is looking for possible funding from governamental bodies
The project has been registered https://zenodo.org/record/154881
Point 6(implementation of the tutoring system at URFI) • we have finally defined, structured, and fully implemented the Foro Italico University specific model for tutoring S-As (we have called the model DU.C.A.S.T.UN) • We have fully applied and experimented the model on a group of 27 student-athletes attending an intensive and special bachelor’s degree course on sport sciences (laurea di I livello) offered by URFI in cooperation with the Italian Olympic Committee • the group has been used as a feed-back and evaluation group for the implementation of the tutorship model and as a research environment ans scenario
Du.C.A.S.T.Un: what is it? • It is an acronym and means Dual Career Academic Support and Tutoring Unit
Du.C.A.S.T.Un is a • Flexible • Systemic • Dynamic • Smart Model which acts as a development and implementation environment both for the tutorship and the dual-career of student-athletes
Main characteristics of the Du.C.A.S.T.Un model • The components of the model act as interactive parts of the same system • The effectiveness of the system is guaranteed by continuos feedbacks and communication among the parts • The model is based on the utilization of Web 2.0-based communication tools, the critical thinking and the mutual helping through learning and tutoring active communities • The model aims to highly motivate the S-A and to involve her/him in the learning process through tasks based on emotional involvement
Components/actors of Du.C.A.S.T.Un • Instructors: • 3 teachers selected on a voluntary base from the faculty of the course • the 3 instructors have: • teachers 1, background in Psychopedagogy • teacher 2, background in Sports Sciences • teacher 3, background in foreign languages and e-learning - The 3 instructors act as mentors and learning facilitators for the S-A
Tutor(s): • they was selected on a voluntary basis from the administration staff/PhD students of the university • They have a background in sport sciences (one of them is a sports managers and was a high-level athlete)
Main function ot the tutor in the Du.C.A.S.T.Un • he acts as a facilitator for the symmetric interactions between instructors and S-As • he assists the S-As for what it refers to examination dates, legal issues and regulations concerning the attendance of the course • he supports the didactic manager in her functions • he maintains communication with URFI’s tutoring and job placement office and keeps the S-As constantly informed about any changes that can occur in the course
Didactic Manager • she has a background in sport and management sciences • her function is to guarantee the quality of the course in front of the Italian Olympic Committee and the URFI through a continuous based-on-feedbacks from S-As monitoring action of the tutoring process
In conclusion • Feedbacks from S-As collected from surveys, interviews and questionnaires have shown that the model is effective and highly motivating for our S-As at Foro Italico • the model is feasible and its application can be extended to all of the URFI student-athlets • URFI has become aware that it had a tutoring model for its S-As that needs to be improved, enhanced, developed and implemented
it is necessary to form new tutors for putting the DUCASTUN model into practice and transforming it into an effective and permanent tutoring environment • it is crucial to make all URFI instructors aware of the importance of tutoring their S-As in the best possible way, to teach them to utilize new e-communication and teaching tools and select those who have or are interesed in developing specific competencies to tutor S-As
The goal of DUCASTUN is to create an effective and confortable tutoring and learning environment for the S-A which can link academic life and professional development. That is to say, an environment based on distributed and lifelong learning models in which knowledge is never just a mere theoretical acquiring but it comes as a result from practical experiences critically understood and interpreted