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Smarter Balanced: Test Specifications, Performance Tasks, Rubrics, oh My!

Smarter Balanced: Test Specifications, Performance Tasks, Rubrics, oh My!. October 15, 2012 Portland, OR. Rachel A. Aazzerah Science and Social Sciences Assessment Specialist Oregon Department of Education Email: rachel.aazzerah@state.or.us. Audience Survey. Raise your hand if:

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Smarter Balanced: Test Specifications, Performance Tasks, Rubrics, oh My!

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  1. Smarter Balanced: Test Specifications, Performance Tasks, Rubrics, oh My! October 15, 2012 Portland, OR Rachel A. Aazzerah Science and Social Sciences Assessment Specialist Oregon Department of Education Email: rachel.aazzerah@state.or.us

  2. Audience Survey • Raise your hand if: • You work in elementary grades K-5 • You work in middle school 6-8 • You work in high school • You are a TOSA • You work in the district office • You are a curriculum specialist • You are just interested • Using one hand (0-5), show your knowledge of: • Common Core Standards • Smarter Balanced Assessment in General • Smarter Balanced Assessment Performance Tasks

  3. Overview • Introduction to Smarter Balanced • Claims • Targets • Test Specifications • Summative Assessment Item Types • Performance Tasks • Rubrics • Public Release of Sample Smarter Balanced Items • Resources • Questions

  4. Introduction to Smarter Balanced

  5. OAKS-Smarter Balanced Assessment Transition Timeline • OAKS • Reading based on 2002 ELA Content Standards • Writing based on current scoring guide • Mathematics based on 2007/2009 Math Content Standards • Smarter Balanced Assessment • Based on Common Core State Standards adopted by Oregon in 2010 • OAKS • Reading based on 2002 ELA Content Standards • Writing based on current scoring guide • Mathematics based on 2007/2009 Math Content Standards • Smarter Balanced Assessment • Based on Common Core State Standards adopted by Oregon in 2010 • OAKS • Reading based on 2002 ELA Content Standards • Writing based on current scoring guide • Mathematics based on 2007/2009 Math Content Standards • Smarter Balanced Assessment • Based on Common Core State Standards adopted by Oregon in 2010

  6. Smarter Item Development

  7. Smarter Item Types Overview TEXT TEXT TEXT EXT TXT

  8. Claims for Mathematics Summative Assessment

  9. Smarter ELA Claims Place text here

  10. Smarter Balanced Assessment Targets • For each of the different claims, Smarter Balanced has developed assessment targets (i.e. assessable content that will be on the summative assessments). • Math: Claim 1- By Grade Level (In Packet)* • Claim 2, 3, 4- Mathematical Practices • (Same for all grade levels) • ELA: Targets by Grade Level for each Claim

  11. SummAtive Assessment Test Specifications Math ELA *Computer Adaptive Test (CAT) with SR, CR, TE items *Performance Task(s) Given last 12-15 weeks of school year • *Computer Adaptive Test (CAT) with SR, CR, TE items • *Performance Task(s) • Given last 12-15 weeks of school year

  12. Sample Math Items • *Number Line • *Painting a Barn • *Soybean Field • *Julie’s Jackets • *Frogs and Flies • *All sample items are found in the presentation packet. • Additional Sample Items can be found on the Smarter Balanced website: www.smarterbalanced.org (Assessments).

  13. Sample ELA Items • *Excerpt from Summer on Wheels (ELA Selective Response Item) • *Sojourner Truth (ELA Technology Enabled Item) • *Annie John (ELA Constructed Response Item) • *All sample items are found in the presentation packet • Additional Sample Items can be found on the Smarter Balanced website: www.smarterbalanced.org(Assessments).

  14. Guidelines for Development of Smarter Balanced Performance Tasks • Represent content that is relevant and meaningful to students • Allow for demonstration of important knowledge and skills, including such 21st century skills as critically analyzing and synthesizing information presented in a variety of formats, media, etc. • Incorporate knowledge and skills of prior grades, even though the major focus is on the standards for the current grade level. • Allow for multiple points of view and interpretations. • Are scored using multiple rubrics uniquely matched to the primary content claims and targets identified by the task developer in the task forms. • Be feasible for the school/classroom environment. • (From: Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium: Performance Task Specifications, April 16, 2012)

  15. Performance Tasks Performance Tasks • Extended projects demonstrate real-world writing and analytical skills • May include online research, group projects, presentations • Require 1-2 class periods to complete • Included in both interim and summative assessments • Applicable in all grades being assessed • Evaluated by teachers using consistent scoring rubrics The use of performance measures has been found to increase the intellectual challenge in classrooms and to support higher-quality teaching. - Linda Darling-Hammond and Frank Adamson, Stanford University

  16. Performance tasks: should incorporate real-world, college- and career-related skills that require students to accomplish complex goals during multiple testing sessions. involve a significant interaction of students with stimulus materials leading to an exhibition of the students’ application of knowledge and skills, often in writing or spoken language. should be multi-stepped and allow for reflection and revision. are used because the ability to integrate knowledge and skills across multiple content standards is a critical skill that cannot be assessed with selected response or constructed response items. Performance Tasks Summary

  17. Math Performance Task Preview Sample Smarter Math Performance Task Grade 5: School Festival You serve on a committee that is in charge of planning a school festival. The following tasks need to be completed by committee members as part of the planning for the school festival. • Determine the budget for the festival. • Choose the food and drinks for the festival. • Determine amounts of supplies for making a dessert. • Make a schedule of the different activities. • Make some decisions on the games and prizes used during the festival. * Details and rubrics are in the session packet. Up to two class sessions (90 minutes) are suggested for this task, with no pre-teaching necessary.

  18. ELA Performance Task Preview Sample Smarter English Language Arts Performance Task • Robot Pets • Session 1 (60 minutes) • Read 1 article and watch 2 brief videos on robots as pets, taking notes • Respond to 3 constructed-response questions: 1 addressing reading comprehension, 2 addressing research skills • Session 2 (45 minutes) • Read 1 article and watch 1 short video, taking notes • Small discussion group work • Session 3 (90 minutes) • Compose full-length argumentative essay on robots as pets • May use notes and refer back to articles • Pre-writing, drafting, and revising will be involved

  19. ELA Performance Task Preview Sample Smarter English Language Arts Performance Task • Robot Pets • Video 1: Fujitsu’s cute teddy-bear robot shows what it can do, May 2010. • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AwWeN1ARy74 • Video 2: Pleo: Robot, pet or both? December 2007 • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F6LCEFr8SxQ • Video 3: Maya’s Human Interaction • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9b4jx5RzqAk

  20. Smarter Generic Writing Rubric Five Attributes (4-point scale) Statement of Purpose/Focus Organization Elaboration of Evidence Language and Vocabulary Conventions Individual scores contribute to the overall score on the summative assessment

  21. Resources • Smarter Balanced Website • http://www.smarterbalanced.org/ • Smarter Sample Items and Performance Tasks • http://www.smarterbalanced.org/smarterbalanced-assessments/#item • Smarter Item Writing and Review Materials • http://www.smarterbalanced.org/smarter-balanced-assessments/item-writing-and-review/ • Common Core State Standards Toolkit • http://www.ode.state.or.us/search/page/?id=3430 • Common Core State Standards Assessment Resources • http://www.ode.state.or.us/search/page/?id=3298

  22. PUBLIC RELEASE OF SAMPLE SMARTER BALANCED MATH AND ELA ITEMS • *Smarter Balanced will release 60 Math and 60 ELA Sample items (both Computer Adaptive Test items and Performance Tasks) for all grade levels (3-8 and High School (11) on October 9, 2012 • http://www.smarterbalanced.org/sample-items-and-performance-tasks/. • *The public will be able to take a sample test, in which they can score some of the questions to see if they answered it correctly or not (rubrics included). http://www.smarterbalanced.org/sample-items-and-performance-tasks-questions-and-feedback/.

  23. Questions • Thank you for attending this presentation! • Rachel Aazzerah: rachel.aazzerah@state.or.us • Additional ODE Contacts- • Mark Freed (Math): mark.freed@state.or.us • Ken Hermens (English): ken.hermens@state.or.us • Derek Brown (Essential Skills): derek.brown@state.or.us • ODE Webpage: www.ode.state.or.us

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