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九年级期末复习课:名词. ---实验中学 陈楚南. 名词的数. 名词的所有格. 可数 名词的变化. 可数名词 (countable nouns ). 不可数名词 ( un countable nouns ). ( changes of countable n ouns ). ( nouns of the possessive case ). 可数名词Rugular. flower s. flower. factory-factori es. Watch-- watch es. Box--box es. leaf -- lea ves.

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  1. 九年级期末复习课:名词 ---实验中学 陈楚南

  2. 名词的数 名词的所有格 可数名词的变化 可数名词(countable nouns) 不可数名词(uncountable nouns) (changes of countable nouns) ( nounsof the possessive case)

  3. 可数名词Rugular flowers flower factory-factories Watch-- watches Box--boxes leaf -- leaves

  4. potatoes heroes tomatoes

  5. photos radios zoos pianos

  6. 可数名词Irrugular child--children man--men woman--women Deer--deer Sheep--sheep goose--geese

  7. Some plural nouns chopsticks shoes trousers scissors glasses yuan dollars

  8. 写出下列单词的复数形式 • season church factory • thief piano tomato • tooth banana tree • Man driver people • Child knife seasons churches factories pianos tomatoes thieves teeth banana trees men drivers peope knives children

  9. 总结规律 • 1. 一般的名词词尾直接加-s 。 • 2. 以s,ss, ch,sh, x 结尾的名词,在词尾加-es 。 • 3. 以"辅音字母+y"结尾的名词,要先将y改为i再加-es。 • 4. 以f 或fe 结尾的名词,要将f或fe改为v再加-es。 • 5. 特例 ① child → children •   ② man → men woman → women • policeman → policemen German → Germans • (规律:man → men) •   ③ tomato → tomatoes potato → potatoes • zoo → zoos •   ④ foot → feet tooth → teeth •   ⑤ sheep, Chinese, Japanese单、复数同形    • ⑥ people单数形式表示复数意义,要求谓语动词用复数; people的复数形式peoples通常指“多个民族”。 • 另外,由man和woman构成的合成名词,变复数时将名词及man或woman都变成复数。而其他合成名词,只需要把合成名词中的中心词变为复数形式。

  10. 不可数名词 a glass oforange some orange a bottle ofjuice some juice two boxes ofmilk a kilo of milk Half a kilo of milk

  11. 看例题识所有格 (nouns of the possessive case) ……的 1. Beijing is the capital of China. Beijing is China’s capital. 2. This is Mary and her sister’s bedroom. Bob and Lucy’s sister is a nurse. 3. These are Tom’s and Lily’s bags.

  12. 4. She is the two boys’ mother. 5. the door of the room the leaves of the tree 6. the girl’s name=the name of the girl 7. He is a friend of my brother’s.

  13. 名词所有格的形式 • 有生命的名词单数+’s;复数+s’再+所有物;特殊情况的复数名词看成单数 • 名词+of+名词无生命的或有生命的名词 • 所有格+of +’s结构或所有物+of+名词性物主代词=双重所有格

  14. 注意:由数词+名词+形容词构成的复合形容词,中间的名词须用单数形式。注意:由数词+名词+形容词构成的复合形容词,中间的名词须用单数形式。 • An eight-year-old boy一个八岁的男孩 • A 70-metre–high building一幢70米高的建筑

  15. 将下列词组译成英语 1.三双鞋 __________________ 2.Tom和Kate的房间__________________ 3.两瓶橘汁________________________ 4.Tom父亲的一个朋友 _______________________ 5.少年宫 ____________________ 6.Jim的和Tony的妈妈们____________________ 7.一个二十岁的女孩____________________ three pairs of shoes Tom and Kate'sroom two bottles of orange juice a friend ofTom'sfather's the Children's Palace Jim's and Tony's mums A twenty-year-old girl

  16. 物质名词的同形异义现象

  17. 典型例题解析 1.Several ____ are talking  under the tree.And they are_____. A. woman;children B. woman;child C. women;children 2.—How far is your school from here? —Not very far.It's about twenty ____ walk.(2000杭州) A. minute's  B. minutes  C. minutes' C C

  18. 3. There are three ___ in my family. (2004长春) A.people B. person C. child 4. Most students can go to college for further _____ in our city. A. education B. information C.science A A

  19. 根据所给单词的正确形式填空: 1. Different people may have different _____. (idea) 2. I often go to work on ____. (foot) 3. I know one of the____. (boy) 4. Mr. Brown is wearing a pair of______. (glass) 5. Please give them their ______. (photo) ideas foot boys glasses photos

  20. 5. This is ____ bedroom. The twin sister like it very much. A. Ann and Jane B. Ann and Jane’s C. Ann’s and Jane’s B

  21. 6. Are there any _______ in the box? (watch) 7. There are twelve ______ in a year. (month) 8. Would you like some ________? (tomato) 9. Look at those _____ in the boats! (people) 10. Look! The ______are singing. (woman) watches months tomatoes people women

  22. 11. September 10th is ________Day. (teacher) 12. Jim has some ______ . (knife) 13. How much are these ________ ? (vegetable) 14. My school is twenty________ walk from here. (minute) 15. The girl under the tree is a friend of_______. (Lucy) Teachers’ knives vegetables minutes’ Lucy’s

  23. 选择填空: ( ) 1. Please give me ______ paper.  A. one B. a piece C. a D. a piece of ( ) 2. This table is made of_______. A. many glass B. some glasses C. glasses D. glass D D

  24. ( ) 3.Bill runs fast. He won the ___ 800 metre race yesterday. A.boys B.boys’ C.boy D.boy‘s . ( ) 4. Some _____ came to our school for a visit that day. A. Germans B. Germen C. Germany D. Germanies B A

  25. ( ) 5. In the picture there are many______ and two_______. A. sheeps; foxes B. sheeps; foxes C. sheep; foxes D. sheep;foxs ( ) 6. This is not my cap, but my ____. A. brothers B. brother’s C. brothers’ D. brother C B

  26. ( )7. They write most of their____ in English. A. business letter B. business letters C. businesses D. businesses letters ( ) 8. _____are____for cutting things. A. Knife, used B. Knives, using C. Knife, using D. Knives, used B D

  27. () 9. John bought_____for himself yesterday. A. two pairs of shoes B. two pair of shoe C. two pair of shoes D. two pairs shoes ( ) 10.Excuse me, where is the____? A. men's room B. mens' room C. men's rooms D. men rooms  A A

  28. 典型例题解析 The Browns is going to visit China. ( ) The Browns are going to visit China. () The young is dancing there. ( ) The young are dancing there. ( ) Physics are very difficult to learn. ( ) Physics is very difficult to learn. ( ) Ⅹ √ Ⅹ √ Ⅹ √

  29. We have five Germen in this meeting. ( ) We have five Germans in this meeting. ( ) This is one of the English-Chinese dictionary. ( ) This is one of the English-Chinese dictionaries. ( ) Ⅹ √ Ⅹ √

  30. 指点迷津 • Ten years __ (is ,are) short time for me. • A pair of shoes __ (is, are) under the bed. • The number of the students in our school __ (is ,are) 2,000. • The woman with two children __ ( is, are) coming here. • Neither he nor I ___ (are, am ) an American. is is is is am

  31. 6. Maths __ (are, is ) hard to learn for the boy. • 7. They are all ______________ ( woman teachers; women teachers). • The population of China __ (are, is ) over 1,300,000,000. is women teachers is

  32. 9. There are many ______ (peoples, people )in the street in summer. 10. One of the students ____ (have, has) gone to Shanghai. people has

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