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Best and Worst Practices Building R IA from Adobe and Microsoft. Contact. Josh Holmes RIA Evangelist josh.holmes@microsoft.com joshholmes.com. James Ward RIA Evangelist jaward@adobe.com jamesward.com. What is. by Kushal Das.
Contact Josh Holmes RIA Evangelist josh.holmes@microsoft.com joshholmes.com James Ward RIA Evangelist jaward@adobe.com jamesward.com
What is by Kushal Das
RIA for me is all about expanding the experiencefor the user. Those "gray beards" amongst us remember the old days of just being happy seeing plain, static text show up in the browser. We've come a long way since then. While dynamic web siteshave pushed us way beyond the simple pages of the old days, RIA is helping us now provide the same level of dynamic interaction on the client side as well. I think this is wonderful as it improves the entire process (server and client)! While we have a great opportunity here to help users, the challenge is to not actually make things more difficult. Like any new feature, the web is rife with examples of poorly designedand hard to use applications. It is not enough to learn how to make HTTP requests and change content dynamically, but rather how to do it well in ways that help the user and not scare them off. Raymond Camden http://www.insideria.com/2008/01/what-is-ria-1.html
But the term still begs the question: Rich in what sense? Responsiveness, immediacy, convenience? production values, chrome, animation? Christian Crumlish http://www.insideria.com/2008/01/what-is-ria-1.html
Rich Internet applications (RIA) are web applications that have the features and functionality of traditional desktop applications. RIAs typically transfer the processing necessary for the user interface to the web client but keep the bulk of the data (i.e., maintaining the stateof the program, the data, etc.) back on the application server. • RIAs typically: • run in aweb browser, or do not requiresoftware installation • run locally in a secure environment called a sandbox http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rich_Internet_application
What’s different with RIA? new for Desktop Developers new for Web Developer Browser Sandbox Business Logic in UI Hype Back Button and Refresh Non-text based layout Visual Vocabulary State management Service Orientation Animation Limited Runtime Component Level Logic
Where does RIA Fit? Ubiquity Richness Next Generation Web Supplemented Web Platform Optimized
Flex • Tour de Flex • http://www.adobe.com/devnet/flex/tourdeflex/
Silverlight • http://silverlight.net • http://cmafest.com/bethisclose • http://www.iis.net/media/experiencesmoothstreaming1080p • http://mscui.net/patientjourneydemonstrator/ • http://linqtotwitter.codeplex.com/ • http://www.codeplex.com/
Head to head… • MVC Pattern • Controller are based on behaviors and can be shared across views • Can be responsible for determining which view to display (Front Controller Pattern) • MVP Pattern • View is more loosely coupled to the model • Easier to unit test • Usually view to presenter map one to one • Complex views may have multi presenters
Build for ease of use … 70 20 10 ..but don’t forget the power users
Balance security with usability
Understanding Cookies and Cross-Site • Cookies are on a domain level • bar.com cannot access foo.com cookies… • Same domain - http://foo.com is different than http://bar.foo.com or http://www.foo.com • Same protocol - http://foo.com is different than https://foo.com • Same port - http://foo.com is different than http://foo.com:8080 • foo.com should feel securestoring user data in cookies • Prevent cross-site forgery • Exploits a sites trust for a user
Dos and Don'ts • “Private” services (for your own app) • DO use browser-based authentication • Cookies, HTTP Auth, etc. • DO NOT enable public access via cross-domain policy file • “Public” services (for 3rd-party apps) • DO NOT use browser-based authentication • DO publish cross-domain policy files • DO use “cross-domain-safe” authentication • E.g. URL signatures • DO separate public services in their own domain • E.g. api.flickr.com vs. www.flickr.com
by Caution Mike building web 1.0 sites with web 2.0 tech