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Cultural Diversity Awareness in Kansas Universities

Cultural Diversity Awareness in Kansas Universities. Do you ever wonder, "Does it matter where I live?".

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Cultural Diversity Awareness in Kansas Universities

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  1. Cultural Diversity Awareness in Kansas Universities Do you ever wonder, "Does it matter where I live?" This cultural diversity awareness study observes and compares the cultural diversity awareness in relation to the number of minority, cultural, and ethnic groups in the major universities in the state of Kansas.

  2. Abstract • This issue is important because it gives reference to which Kansas college campuses are in need of an educational implication of cultural diversity awareness and acceptance. • Systematic survey among four Kansas college campuses • The findings of this survey reveal that there is no correlation between the percentage of minorities on campus and cultural diversity awareness.

  3. Introduction • The research topic of this study is focused around the awareness and attitudes toward cultural diversity on college campuses across the state of Kansas. • Questionnaire distributed to Pittsburg State University, Kansas State University, Kansas University, and Fort Hays State University. • Simple Random Sampling selection method was used. • Systematic Method was used to select every seventh student. • No correlation between the perceived number of minority groups on campus and the university’s cultural diversity awareness.

  4. Literature Review Articles Related to CDA • "Multicultural Awareness in College Freshman", Clarissa Utley. • "The Impact of Diversity on College Students", Debra Humphreys. • "Student Multicultural Awareness in Online Community College Classes", Warren J. Brown • "Broadening Our Definition of Diversity", Tori Haring-Smith. • "Diversity and the Influence of Friendship Groups in College", Anthony Antonio. • "Diversity Policy in Higher Education: The Impact of College Students' Exposure to Diversity on Cultural Awareness and Political Participation”, Susan Johnson

  5. H's and RQ's • Hypothesis:Higher percentage of minorities on campus will increase positive attitudes toward diversity on that particular campus. • Research Question: Does the percentage of minorities on campus affect the overall views toward diversity on that particular campus?

  6. Methods • Students selected both randomly and systematically. • Likert Scale (1) Strongly Disagree (2) Disagree (3) Disagree a little bit (4) Agree a little bit (5) Agree (6) Strongly Agree

  7. 15 Statements for CDA 1.I would like to join an organization that emphasizes getting to know people from different countries. 2. Persons with disabilities can teach me things I could not learn elsewhere. 3. Getting to know someone of another race is generally an uncomfortable experience for me. 4. I would like to go to dances that feature music from other countries. 5. I can best understand someone after I get to know how he/she is both similar to and different from me. 6. I am only at ease with people of my own race. 7. I often listen to music of other cultures. 8. Knowing how a person differs from me greatly enhances our friendship. 9. It’s really hard for me to feel close to a person of another race. 10. I am interested in learning about the many cultures that have existed in this world. 11. In getting to know someone, I like knowing both how he/she differs from me and is similar to me. 12. It is very important that a friend agrees with me on most issues. 13. I attend events where I might get to know people from different racial backgrounds. 14. Knowing about the different experiences of other people helps me understand my own problems better. 15. I often feel irritated by people of a different race.

  8. CDA (Cultural Diversity Awareness) • Cronbach’s Alpha of CDA was .851 • Number of items tested was 15 (levels 1-6). • Mean = 67.94 • Standard Deviation = 10.17

  9. CDI Statements 1. My campus has a lot of people from ethnic backgrounds different than mine 2. My campus has a lot people from racial backgrounds different than mine 3. My campus has a lot people from cultural backgrounds different than mine 5. People on my campus are from many different ethnical backgrounds 7. People on my campus are from many different cultural backgrounds 6. People on my campus are from many different racial backgrounds • Cronbach’s Alpha .964 • Number of items tested was 6 • Mean = 54.12 • Standard Deviation= 7.709.

  10. Results • Independent variable was the Cultural Diversity Awareness (CDA) • Dependant variable was the Cultural Diversity Index (CDI). • These two variables were then compared with each other in a simple linear regression to find their level of correlation.

  11. Results Continued... • The dependant (CDA) and independant (CDI) variables had a significance level of .077 • The significance level was higher than .05, making the originally proposed hypothesis insignificant. • There was no solid correlation between the Cultural Diversity Awareness and the Cultural Diversity Index. Table 1.0: Simple Linear Regression of CDA and CDI

  12. Scatter Plot of Corresponding CDA & CDI Table 1.1: Scatter Plot of CDA and CDI Data Points

  13. Discussion • The hypothesis presented was not supported by the data. • The Cultural Diversity Awareness showed no dependence or correlation with the Cultural Diversity Index. • Certain survey participants dislike or feel uncomfortable around people of different ethnic, cultural, and racial backgrounds, they may have a heightened awareness of their presence on their college campus, giving the CDI a false high result. • Derive the CDI from a series of demographic questions to find the percentage of minority groups on campus. A census, or broad research of each university as a whole to find the ethnic, racial, and cultural makeup of each organization would be the most accurate approach.

  14. Question 1 • What is Cronbach's Alpha used to test for?

  15. Answer In research, Cronbach's Alpha is used for a test of reliability.

  16. Question 2 What was the independent variable for this study?

  17. Answer The Independent variable was the Cultural Diversity Index: The percentage of minorities on campus.

  18. Question 3 What is the lowest value for Cronbach's alpha in order for it to be a reliable study?

  19. Answer In order for the study to be reliable, the lowest Cronbach's Alpha score is .7

  20. Question 4 What is the course number for this class?

  21. Answer COMM 350

  22. Question 5 What does the acronym ANOVA stand for?

  23. Answer Analysis of Variance

  24. Question 6 What is the name of the actress who played the role of Phoebe off of the hit television series "Friends"?

  25. Answer Lisa Kudrow

  26. Question 7 How many previous cultural diversity awareness studies did we include in the literary review?

  27. Answer The answer is 6

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