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Privacy and confidentiality Understanding confidentiality, privacy, duty of care, conflict of interest and code of conduct Presented by: <INSERT NAME>. Funded by the Australia Government Department of FaHCSIA for the Financial Management Resource Unit Project, produced by Matrix on Board.
Privacy and confidentiality Understanding confidentiality, privacy, duty of care, conflict of interest and code of conduct Presented by: <INSERT NAME> Funded by the Australia Government Department of FaHCSIA for the Financial Management Resource Unit Project, produced by Matrix on Board
Ethics, Confidentiality and Privacy • What does confidentiality mean to you as a Money Management Worker? • Activity: Think about one thing that is private to you. You share this information with someone you trust... • Write down how this makes you feel
Ethics, Confidentiality and Privacy What is ethics? Standards set by your profession, your organisation or yourself that help you decide what is right, wrong and fair to others What is confidentiality? Ensuring information is kept safely and ethically and not shared without consent. Maintaining confidentiality is an important part of a Money Management Worker’s role
Privacy What is privacy? The laws around privacy ensure that information is gathered, used, stored and accessed in a safe, secure and sensitive way Privacy is part of the security that the service offers to clients. The service provider’s guarantee of privacy of client information indicate the high regards the service has for its clients. The collection of information is carried out with full and proper respect for the privacy of clients Activity: Chinese Whispers
Principles of record keeping • It is good practice to keep up to date case notes when meeting with clients and holding workshops • These should be stored securely and not shared without the clients permission. • Clients may have access to your files under the Freedom of Information Act (1982) Cthso ensure your case notes: • are written clearly • are brief, accurate and complete • avoid value judgments and conclusions • do not contain abbreviations • alterations should be made neatly
Duty of Care • MMWs must exercise proper professional care in the way they carry out their duties or responsibilities • Professional care = ethical and legal issues • MMWs should be aware that undertaking activities that are not within the scope of practice may compromise client safety resulting in an injury which may be liable
Conflicts of interest • Conflict of interest is when someone is in a position to exploit a situation for their personal or corporate benefit. • It can be difficult to avoid having conflicts of interest from time to time. • Can you provide an example of a conflict of interest?
Direct & Indirect Conflict of Interest A conflict of interest may arise when a person who is part of the decision-making process: • Is directly involved as an individual rather than solely through their position (direct conflict of interest) • Could benefit in some way personally (direct conflict of interest) • Has a relative involved , or who stands to benefit in some way (indirect conflict of interest). • How can conflicts of interest be resolved?
Codes of Conduct • A code of conduct is a formal statement of an organisation’s primary values and rules of behaviour that it expects its workers (and even clients) to follow. • Do you have a code of conduct? • What kinds of things are in it? • Example: Use of a company vehicle – what are some rules that may apply?