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THE BATHS AT POMPEII AND HERCULANUEM. JESSICA SHARMA. http://www.hotelsantacaterinapompei.com/imgoffers /pompei2%20ct.jpg. http://imagecache2.allposters.com/images/BRGPOD/216944.jpg. BATHS AT POMPEII. http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2359/2458546684_4bfe9679a6.jpg.
http://www.hotelsantacaterinapompei.com/imgoffers /pompei2%20ct.jpg http://imagecache2.allposters.com/images/BRGPOD/216944.jpg
BATHS AT POMPEII http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2359/2458546684_4bfe9679a6.jpg A visit to the baths was a common event in society where the entry cost was low therefore a wide variety of the population could afford to relax in the luxury of the baths.
SUBURBAN BATH AT HERCULANEUM • Apodyterium- changing room • Frigidarium- cold bath room • Tepidarium- warm bath room • Calidarium- hot bath room http://www.pbase.com/cjw/image/28021112
Strigil- scraped the oil and dirt off the person bodies http://www.pbase.com/cjw/image/28021112 http://www.vroma.org/images/mcmanus_images/strigilflask.gif
http://www.vroma.org/images/mcmanus_ images/hypocaustdrawing.jpg The system of the heating in the baths (hypocaust ) Pipes that ran through the walls and floors held the varying temperatures of the air and water that heated or cooled the room accordingly.
EXERCISING Palaestra http://www.vroma.org/~bmcmanus/baths.html
http://www.roman-empire.net/articles /article-011.html Herculaneum-south view Tiled pool http://www.pbase.com/cjw/image/28021112
http://www.pbase.com/cjw/image/28021112 Floor painting- men’s sector central bath
http://www.cs.iupui.edu/~vkilmer/pompeii/graffiti.gif Graffiti Paintings in the change rooms of Pompeii have suggested a connection between the baths and promiscuity which has been commented on several times in some literary sources. Graffiti in both cities has also indicated that certain groups at the baths had prostitutes and food brought to them for pleasure.
Public latrines- toilets http://www.vroma.org/images/mcmanus_images/paula_ chabot/engineering/pcengin.16.jpg http://mr_sedivy.tripod.com/pompeii_6.html
http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~rauhn/roman_baths.htm How the ‘Stabian baths’ may have looked A computer-generated reconstruction of the baths