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Word Wall 3. Circum = around. Latin. circumference – the distance around a circle. circumnavigate to travel around the world. Dis, dif , di = apart, not Latin. Disdain – to regard a thing or person as unworthy. Dismal – gloomy, cheerless or particularly bad. Greek.
Circum = around Latin
circumference– the distance around a circle circumnavigateto travel around the world
Disdain – to regard a thing or person as unworthy Dismal – gloomy, cheerless or particularly bad
Greek ex, e = out, from, forth
exoskeleton – external covering (such as a seashell) emerge – to come out into view exodus - a large group of people leaving an area
bas = low Latin
basement- a storage area beneath a house or other building Basin = valley or hollow place in the ground
-fy = to make Old French
acidify- to make acid liquefy- to make liquid dignify-to give distinction to
ten = hold Latin
attentive- giving care or attention persistent-refusing to let go hasten-to move or act quickly
Word Window You will need a ½-sheet of paper. Fold it in half, then in half again to make a “window.” 1st box: Write one of the word stems we learned today. Example: Ten = Hold 2nd box: Write a word that uses that word stem. Potential = capable of being or becoming 3rd box: Write a synonym of the word OR draw a picture. Example: Synonym = Possible 4th box: Write a personal connection to the new word. My students have the potential to reach any goal!