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Sex addiction treatment program options are possible, but it's necessary to understand what’s included in this addiction and how it occurs. Other methods can also be used in the treatment of sexual addiction, including counseling.The sex addiction therapist directory is a research tool that allows unlimited access to practitioners and patients an easy way to find sex therapists.
METRO PHOENIX HEALTHCARE PROFILES Set Yourself Free Addiction and psychological trauma go hand in hand. It’s hard to break their hold, but lasting freedom is possible with help from this world-renowned program. HELP FOR FAMILIES Because addiction and trauma af ect not only the individual, but also his or her family, The Meadows Model invites family members into the treatment process, of ering insights into how addiction develops, how it af ects family dynamics, and how to support their loved one without enabling the behavior. “It isn’t enough to simply break an addiction. Finding and dealing with the underlying cause is what will help prevent a relapse and fi nally free someone from addiction’s grip,” says Sean Walsh, CEO of The Meadows. “Discovering the core of the addiction is what we have been doing for forty years. We developed The Meadows Model to treat the whole person, not just the addiction.” With its 14-acre campus in the Sonoran Desert, The Meadows of ers a serene location for healing from a wide range of addictions and disorders. All programs are carefully designed by world-renowned, industry-leading professionals who often set the standards for the latest and most evidence-based practices in trauma and addiction treatment. we embarked on a study to identify patient populations that require unique interventions and programming. We developed several comprehensive programs to meet those requirements.” A 20-year-old with addictions and trauma requires a dif erent approach than a 50-year-old with a spouse and children who is suf ering from those same issues. The Claudia Black Young Adult Center treats young adults 18 to 26 years old with their particular needs and interests in mind. Men with sex addictions benefi t from Gentle Path at The Meadows guided by Dr. Patrick Carnes, who is globally recognized for his research, books, and treatments surrounding this addiction. For women, teens, and adolescents struggling with eating disorders, Remuda Ranch at The Meadows of ers a safe and calming refuge for exploring the root of these disorders and restoring normal food relationships. NEW FOR PTSD Research suggests that those who develop post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) have suf ered an interruption of their normal brain chemistry at the most primal levels. The Meadows recently opened The Brain Center, where patients use some of the latest neuroscience techniques to help better regulate their neurological systems and restore a sense of balance and peace. SPECIALIZED CARE “We don’t rest on our traditions,” says Walsh. “About three years ago, EMOTIONAL/PSYCHOLOGICAL TRAUMA PTSD CODEPENDENCY DEPRESSION SEX ADDICTION ALCOHOL ADDICTION DRUG ADDICTION LOVE ADDICTION LOVE AVOIDANCE EATING DISORDERS WORK ADDICTION GAMBLING ADDICTION BIPOLAR DISORDER PANIC/ANXIETY DISORDERS CONDITIONS TREATED Help is available. To learn more about The Meadows programs, call 800-MEADOWS or visit themeadows.com. 1655 N. Tegner St. • Wickenburg, AZ 85390 remudaranch.com gentlepathmeadows.com claudiablackcenter.com