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Kennedy Went to New York and Maine Lives in Sarasota Not a sports fan….

Miss V & Miss Quinn. Shopping Coffee haters Shopping Makeup Shopping Lifetime Shopping. Kennedy Went to New York and Maine Lives in Sarasota Not a sports fan…. Penny Staycation Lives in Punta Gorda HUGE sports fan. Our Beliefs. Hard Work  - Everyone has talents!

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Kennedy Went to New York and Maine Lives in Sarasota Not a sports fan….

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Miss V & Miss Quinn • Shopping • Coffee haters • Shopping • Makeup • Shopping • Lifetime • Shopping • Kennedy • Went to New York and Maine • Lives in Sarasota • Not a sports fan…. • Penny • Staycation • Lives in Punta Gorda • HUGE sports fan

  2. Our Beliefs • Hard Work  - Everyone has talents! • Perseverance  - With hard work comes perseverance.  Life is all about learning and growing.  How do you know something is alive?  It grows.  We are all going to have areas and times of failures. • Collaboration With Others - We're all in this thing called life together.  No one is an island and we all need help and support from others.The goal is that our classroom  is one where every student feels comfortable, valued, and free to take risks because we are all playing on the same team.

  3. 4th Grade is a BIG transition year Study Skills – often this is the first year students have had to study (Science and S.S.) Self-Advocacy – students are expected to speak up when they have questions or concerns Responsibility – students are held accountable for Work Habits and held more accountable at home for working on projects/homework independently Organization – Link to Learning is key! Pace – increases more than when in a self-contained classroom Details - elaborating answers, complete sentences, neatness, heading on papers, notebooks set up the correct way, etc.

  4. How can I help my child? Check the Agenda nightly Check website for test dates Sign and return Friday Folder each week Sign calendar weekly Check student’s backpacks occasionally, there should be no loose papers Allow for an adjustment period – (first couple of weeks were trial for work habits)

  5. Work Habits / Organization Skills • Homework • Preparation • Organization • Behavior • Work habits calendar is used to communicate problems in these areas • Work Habits Calendar • Marked when a BE RULE is broken • 1, 3, or 5 = behavior issue • 2 and 4 = student forgot something • Signed weekly by parent (along with FF) • Less than 10 tallies = SUCCESS! YAY! • We don’t expect perfection. 

  6. Work Coming Home Most student work will be coming home in the Friday Folders Some places you may want to occasionally check for grades/content: All Subject Notebooks Sign and return the Friday Folders

  7. Communication to Teacher First, check Pine Cone Welcome Packet on website – many questions answered there Email teacher (best way) Write notes to teacher in Agenda – remind your child to tell the teacher Call school and leave message To sign up for access to CrossPointe (grading program) go to PV’s website and click “Parent Access”

  8. Credits & Debits We will be implementing a “Credits and Debits” system in both classrooms. CREDITS reward positive behavior. DEBITS redirected off task behavior. At the end of each pay period, students add up their credits and subtract their debits to calculate their total. Used before tallies. Student driven

  9. Studies show… • Responsibility (checking agenda book) • Math homework…for sure! • Keeping up with projects • Authentic reading every day • Studying! Studying! Studying!

  10. Common Core • Emphasis on Place Value for all grades • Fewer Standards • In-depth thinking • Seeing math in every day life • Textbook…yes there is some alignment…Topics 1-9

  11. Timed Tests • Need to know addition/subtraction facts through 18, multiplication/division facts through 9s • 100 problems in 3 minutes • Tests per quarter: 2 addition/subtraction, 2 multiplication, 2 division • 15% of math grade • Check out website for practice sheets and schedule of tests for Quarter 1

  12. Typical Day During Math • Mini Lesson (15-20 minutes) - notes are taken in notebook. Manipulatives are used. • Math Workshop (8-9 minutes each rotation): • 1. Hands-On (games, manipulatives, computers, task cards) • 2. Teacher Time (work with teacher) • 3. Spiral Review (activities on skills we have covered earlier) • 4. At Your Seat (work that will be turned in)

  13. “Reading has become schoolwork, not an activity in which students willingly engage outside of school. Teachers tie so many strings to reading that students never develop a pleasurable relationship to reading inside or, regrettably, beyond the classroom.” -–Donalyn Miller The Book Whisperer

  14. My goals for reading & writing… * Students see themselves as readers and writers * Students see the connection between reading and writing * Students enjoy reading and writing! * Students spend most time reading books they choose, and read simply for enjoyment * Students become active readers * Students set their own goals, and reflect on their progress * Meet with students in small groups and independently

  15. Personal reading preferences/assessments • Reading Workshop/Notebook * -Direct teaching of active reading strategies through mini-lessons and guided reading groups • Trade Books, Read Alouds, Wonders Assessments (only), The Comprehension Toolkit, Comprehension Connections, Fiction/Non-Fiction reading, StoryWorks

  16. 40 Book Challenge *Reading List *Genre Characteristics *40 Book Challenge Tally Sheet

  17. Strategies -Metacognition -Schema/Making Connections -Asking Questions -Making Inferences -Synthesizing -Determining Importance -Visualizing

  18. Skills -Cause and Effect -Drawing Conclusions -Summarizing -Author’s Point of View -Main Idea & Details -Compare & Contrast -Theme

  19. Reader’s Response -Read Aloud Text -Independent Reading Responses -Essay Questions from Weekly Readings R Restate the question A Answer the question C Cite text E Evidence

  20. Accelerated Reader • *15 points 1st quarter, 16 2nd quarter, 17 3rd quarter, 18 4th quarter- 4.0 or higher • “Extra” points do not carry over to the next quarter • *Comprehension percentage affects grade • * Students are responsible for • taking tests & checking points

  21. Language -Grammar weekly -Writing- Reader’s Response through narrative & expository text questions -Spelling and Vocabulary

  22. Handwriting • All students are expected to be able to write neatly and legibly in cursive. • *Cursive is required for spelling, • vocabulary, and FIP (Social Studies)

  23. Scientific Method, Matter, Earth Structures – rocks, weathering, Earth in Space and Time, Energy - sound, Heat, Forces and Motion, Life Cycles and Growth, and Organisms and the Environment • Science Textbooks– interactive, active reading strategies incorporated • Enrichment and discussion will occur in the classroom. • Experiments

  24. Assessments • Quizzes – 5 questions each. Sometimes I put two lessons together. At least 3-4 days notice will be given • Tests- given after a unit is complete; One week’s noticed will be provided. • Study guides are glued in science notebooks • IMPORTANT – Students will be asked to APPLY their knowledge on tests (higher level). They will be given situations/scenarios and have to choose the most logical answer.

  25. Florida History • Notes • Discussions • Projects • Re-reading text • It will get EASIER 

  26. Latest News… • Please complete the All In One Form (found on Miss V’s website under Important Documents) • Volunteers for fair booth • Headphones

  27. Questions?

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